Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Harvard University starts 'Storming the Bushtille' ?

Dismayed, alienated and demoralized by an autocratic management style that has stifled the open debate.

by Henk Ruyssenaars

FPF- Feb. 16th - 2005 - The focus of the present attack on Harvard University president Lawrence Summers, is not what the New York Times* writes: "Dr. Summers's recent comments suggesting that innate sex differences could account for the lack of women in science and math careers." in an article today.*

It looks like however that the criticism - not only academic flak - is primarily aimed at Summers' neocon views, and the autocratic management style that has stifled the open debate

People start reacting against this overt and strong support of Bush c.s. 'New World Order' - defending ad nauseam the destructive globalization policy and offensive US geopolitics in general in the fake so called "War on Terrorism", which is clearly about substantially reconfiguring 'the energy scenario' for the faltering US Superpower. At any or anybody's cost to others.

When last december Dr. Summers, who has worked for the ill famous World Bank and also is a former U.S. Secretary of the Treasury, (Part of Greenspan's green ink and paper Fed. dep't) - was presented with an honorary doctor degree of philosophy at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, he gave a typical example of his way of thinking, which makes revolting against his style understandable.

In his speech* he stated that: "Some perspectives are right, and are supported by evidence and data, but some are not, and when that happens people should change their minds.* It's taken as a version of: "You are either for us, or you better change your mind."

In today's edition of 'The Harvard Crimson'*, staff writer Zacharya M. Seward in his news analysis points out that the 'focus widens in the attack on the president". Concerning 'the swelling torrent of criticism facing Summers', Seward writes, it "quickly broadened yesterday into a full-blown assault on his entire tenure in a shift which could ultimately prove far more damaging for Harvard's embattled leader*."

By many hopefull others, the attack on Summers is also seen as an attack on president Bush's 'cabal'; their gun-ship-diplomacy, Sharon's 'Holocaust of the Palestinians' - with US help and $billions financing - and a possible step in the revolt against the fraudulent building and already costly faltering of the 'Neocon Empire'.

And, well, one's got to start somewhere, and Harvard with it's strong Israel ties is as good as any place. It's not as yet as 'critical' as Berkeley University was in the good years* - when the Patriot Act didn't exist yet - but shouldn't become a 'mini Iraq' like Kent State either - Url.:

In the NYT, Dr. Arthur Kleinman, chairman of anthropology in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences is quoted* about Dr. Summers: "Many of your faculty are dismayed and alienated and demoralized," referring to a "crisis concerning your style of leadership and governance." Most speakers took aim at Dr. Summers for what they described as an autocratic management style that has stifled the open debate that is at the core of the university's values. While their comments were respectful, they were forceful and were greeted
by strong applause."

The core of Summers academic position was shown again in what 'The Harvard Crimson' called: "an ideological wrestling ring [ ] as University President Lawrence H. Summers, Bass Professor of Government Michael J. Sandel, and New York Times columnist Thomas L. Friedman sparred in round one of their much anticipated core class on globalization.

Though the new course is officially titled “Social Analysis 78: Globalization and Its Critics,” onlookers could have been forgiven if they thought that they were watching the latest installment of CNN’s “Crossfire,” Crimson staff writer Daniel Hemel wrote in his article "Academic Stars Clash in Course". Dr. Summers apparently belongs to what South African former President and Nobel Peace Prize winner Nelson Mandela called: ''The 'US dinosaurs', which are a threat to world peace."*

In Jerusalem last December, Dr. Summers was citing the outstanding reputations that both Harvard University and the Hebrew University have enjoyed over the years" and said ''that both institutions will yet have the opportunity to make enormous contributions to this world." Which is exactly what many in the world are very much afraid of too: to be 'liberated' by US-zionist university neocons, now seen as ''the undertakers.''

"September 2002, Summers made headlines around the US for taking on the issue of anti-Semitism* on college campuses. In a speech, he called boycotts of Israeli academics, fundraising by student organizations for groups that support terrorism, and the Harvard divest-from-Israel drive - (away from Sharon's genocidal acts - HR): "anti-Semitic* in their effect if not their intent."

Summers should have understood by now, that the wave of criticism also is about his despicable, and blacklisting 'New World Order' at US universities too.

It's the Weimar Republic and Germany in the '30's all over again, but now with ''the other side'' flying US made F-16s, and holding the gun: Uzi's.

But, the 'Storming of the Bastille' succeeded...

So ?

Henk Ruyssenaars


Anti-Semitism: Colin Powell: 'It is not anti-Semitic to criticize the policies of the state of Israel' - as 'US Secretary of State' in a speech at the 'Conference on Anti-Semitism of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe' - German Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Berlin - April 28th - 2004 - Url.:

Harvard President Summers Receives an Honorary Ph.D. at Hebrew University / Israel - Url.:

Kent State, May 4, 1970 - America Kills Its Children - Url.:

Berkeley University in the good years - Url.:

Harvard president - Big man on campus - Jerusalem Post Jan. 5th - 2005 - Url.:

Nelson Mandela and the US dinosaurs as a threat to world peace - Url.:

"The Harvard Crimson" - Url.: Url.:

The Storming of the Bastille - 1789 - Paris - Url.:



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