Tuesday, June 07, 2005


FPF-fwd. Original Message from: "Melanie" concerning the US 'law' and it's growing inhumanity: "This takes away EVERY RIGHT of parents to deal with their children regarding drug abuse! Parents are NOT ALLOWED to deal with their own children's drug abuse but must report it to the police! If the parent fails to report it to the police, the parent can be put in prison for a MINIMUM of THREE years!

Report illegal drug use or go to jail. No Kidding.

This bill, creepily named Safe Access to Drug Treatment and Child Protection Act of 2005, requires reporting drug activity or face a mandatory minimum sentence. For example, if parents find drugs in their child's room, they MUST report it to the police. If the authorities ever find out that the parents knew about the drugs but tried to handle it themselves, the parents could face a minimum of three years in prison.

It took me a while to believe this was genuine, and I still can't believe it is. Really, I can't. It seems tailored for the prison industry, so darn blatantly too! 2.1 million people aren't enough for them, huh?

Nevertheless, our actions will tell our leaders that we will not tolerate this! Yeah, WE RULE!!! :) But wow, they're really trying to take over the people, aren't they? They're actually trying, right before our eyes! Well, it's perfectly natural and it won't get far as long as we stay alert! Hey, after you check out this bill, check out this web site: Url.: http://www.centerforsmallgovernment.com

They have the bonsai tree as their logo because it's the perfect way to represent what small government management is like: Always inspecting and clipping here and there, keeping it small and NEAT! And we got to be the ones to keep inspecting. Don't let legislation like this sneak by, it will affect us all.

Love, Melanie



Congressman Sensenbrenner figures if you don't tell on your kin or your neighbor then you are part of the conspiracy!

Mike Smithson speakers bureau coordinator LEAP: Law Enforcement Against Prohibition -
speakers@leap.cc - Url.: http://www.leap.cc

No comment could describe my feelings on this, it is too hideous to be American. - Frank S.

Recently, there have been a deluge of bills being reviewed by the US Congress that sound more like Stalinist Russia than something true Americans would propose. One of these is a bill being pushed by Congressman Sensenbrenner, who (I have confirmed) is fervently anti-Constitutional Law.

Sensenbrenner's bill is H.R. 1528; this bill uses the false "war on drugs" to threaten Americans with being put in prison if they "don't" report on others.

This terrible threat is exactly what Stalin imposed on citizens of the former USSR when the USSR government demanded that citizens must "spy on their friends, family, co-workers, and acquaintances and report all kinds of things to the government. Think of how horrible this way of living must be. Imagine that you can never trust anyone in your life because they might "report" you to the government.

It is a FACT that millions of innocent people were reported to the USSR government for false misdeeds and were sent to USSR concentration camps because of these false reports. Why did people make false reports? Sometimes it was to gain favor or a promotion for themselves.

Sometimes it was to make a deal with the authorities so the person giving the false report could extricate themselves from their own troubles. Sometimes it was to help the government remove innocent people being targeted by the government.

There are MANY problems with H.R. 1528. First, there are better ways to deal with "protecting children" from drugs than reporting every single thing to the police. PARENTS are the NUMBER ONE best resource to handle issues of children and drugs.

Sensenbrenner is among those whose hidden agenda involves trying to give the government more control over children and set family members against each other. I remind you that a key element of the long-term plan formulated by the enemies of freedom is to give government ultimate authority over children.

Here's what the proposed H.R. 1528 says: http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/F?c109:1:./temp/~c109Ls51wN:e1002:"`SEC. 425. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person who witnesses or learns of a violation of sections 416(b)(2), 417, 418, 419, 420, 424, or 426 to fail to report the offense to law enforcement officials within 24 hours of witnessing or learning of the violation and thereafter provide full assistance in the investigation, apprehension, and prosecution of the person violating paragraph (a).

(b) Any person who violates subsection (a) of this section shall be sentenced to not less than two years or more than 10 years. If the person who witnesses or learns of the violation is the parent or guardian, or otherwise responsible for the care or supervision of the person under the age of 18 or the incompetent person, such person shall be sentenced to not less than three years or more than 20 years.'."

This takes away EVERY RIGHT of parents to deal with their children regarding drug abuse! Parents are NOT ALLOWED to deal with their own children's drug abuse but must report it to the police! If the parent fails to report it to the police, the parent can be put in prison for a MINIMUM of THREE years!

Stalinist Russia is being imported to America in greater and greater amounts every day by the enemies of freedom in our US Congress and in the federal government. You can help defeat this horrible, anti-Constitutional law and anti-parent bill by calling your US Congressperson and demanding they VOTE 'NO' on this shockingly un-American bill.

If you know the name of your US Congressperson, the Congressional switchboard number is: (202) 224-3121 ; call and tell them to vote NO on HR 1528. [end item] - Url.: Url.: - http://www.stanley2002.org

Rick Stanley - Constitutional Activist - Phone: 303-329-0481 - E-mail: rick@stanley2002.org

** Visit the web site: http://www.stanley2002.org **
** Like the Scoop? Forward it to everyone you know! **

Fwd. by: Foreign Press Foundation - HR
Url.: http://tinyurl.com/3tro9



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2:03 AM  
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10:08 PM  
Blogger Dale's Gmail said...

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7:37 PM  
Blogger Dale's Gmail said...

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11:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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7:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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10:53 PM  

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