Thursday, July 07, 2005

Redford on Bush: Where is the press?

FPF-fwd: this article is from The Sunday Times / South Africa.*

Where is the press? Redford on Bush.

Monday July 04, 2005 08:34 - (SA)

KARLOVY VARY - American movie star Robert Redford, who played reporter Bob Woodward in a film about the Watergate scandal, says he regrets that US journalists are not investigating the administration of US President George W. Bush.

"There are deep similarities going on but where is the press? where is the press?" Redford pointedly asked at the sidelines of a film festival in the Czech spa town of Karlovy Vary.

The actor played Woodward, who along with fellow Washington Post reporter Carl Bernstein, investigated the Watergate affair that ultimately led to the resignation of Republican President Richard Nixon in 1974.

"There are strong similarities to what is going on, stone-walling, not telling the truth, getting people under wiretaps," Redford told reporters.

With reference to the Iraq war, he added that the US public continues "to be told things that are not true and what worries me is that we have these brave young American guys risking their lives everyday."

The Watergate investigation made headlines again recently when the reporters' source of key information, dubbed "Deep Throat," revealed himself to be Mark Felt, a former No. 2 at the FBI.

He helped the reporters expose the Nixon White House cover-up of the break-in at the rival Democratic Party headquaters in the Watergate building in Washingon.

Redford starred with Dustin Hoffman in a film version of the reporters' book about their investigative work, called "All the President's Men."

"When Deep Throat was revealed, the press came to me and wanted to know what I thought. I said, 'Well, it's interesting that his name came out but is that the point?'", Redford asked.

The point of the film he said was not Nixon but investigative journalism.

"My contribution was to come at a time when journalism was at its high point and the role I played was to save a testimony to the freedom of speech," Redford who was arguably at the height of his acting popularity when he made the Watergate film.

Redford said he does not see that kind of investigative work in the media nowadays - while journalism finds itself criticised more and more by the public.

"The media have changed, we see the ethics have changed," he said.

"The press is more, I am sorry to say, celebrity oriented," added one of Hollywood's biggest celebrities.

Redford, who founded the Sundance Film Festival in Utah, was given a lifetime achievement award on Friday at the Czech film festival, which runs until July 9.


State News Agency - 'Agence France Presse' - AFP

* Redford on Bush: Where is the press? Url.:

Editor : Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands

*'The war in Iraq is illegal' says United Nation's Secretary General Kofi Annan - Url.:

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