Sunday, April 16, 2006


FPF-fwd.: Franklin's Focus:

If you accept it as being for real, it comes close to being a latter day 'Pentagon Papers'.

Saddam's Trap

The locution 'Saddam's Trap' is one I used well before the invasion of
Iraq. As the term suggests, at that time I believed Saddam had been
busily preparing a huge trap, and probably had been doing so ever since
Gulf War I. I based my thesis on small scraps of information I had found
buried at a variety of sites on the Net and info coming from a few
reliable contacts.

I remember coming across a brief mention of Iraqi military personnel
being sent to Vietnam to confer with Vietnamese military officials. I
assumed they were gathering plans, blueprints, documents, and so forth,
containing detailed information on how the Viet Cong had defeated the
mightiest army in the world.

You may remember that this underground army had literally gone
underground. South Vietnam had a vast labyrinth of underground living
and storage accommodations - kitchens, dining areas, hospitals,
munitions depots, and so on. These systems were vast in scope. Never
had the term 'underground' resistance been more appropriate.

I automatically assumed Saddam was interested in the whole Viet Cong
system. If I was right, he must have been thinking about a long term
resistance dependent on a vast underground system of tunnels and
underground bunkers where munitions, arms, hospitals, pantries, and so
forth could be both hidden and efficiently operational.

At that time, I also was coming across occasional mentions of Saddam's
Fedayeen, a small army of at least 10,000 fiercely loyal, carefully
selected and trained men. The occasional media references to this group
described this small army as a group of personal bodyguards. As time
went on, and I picked up more bits of information, I concluded this
group was more than a mere group of bodyguards.

That information and the fact military teams were visiting Vietnam
suggested to me Saddam expected the US would one day launch a second
invasion of Iraq, and he was not going to make the same mistake he did
during Gulf War I. He would emulate the Viet Cong and subject the US
occupation troops to an unending guerrilla resistance that would
eventually drive them out, just as the Viet Cong had done to the
American military in Vietnam.

Accordingly, I wrote two or three short articles entitled 'Saddam's
Trap'. I suggested Bush's planned invasion would be met with only a
token resistance that would quickly fade away and go underground. The
arrogant American cabal would stupidly believe the great might of the
American military had simply rolled over and totally crushed the armies
of Saddam. Reports from UK journalists such as Robert Fisk, however,
were painting a different picture. Something peculiar was going on, but
America's embedded journalists were totally missing it. The smell,
however, was bad from day one.

As for the Fedayeen, who were nowhere to be found, the Pentagon decided
not to worry about them. In fact, the Pentagon issued an order banning
the use of the term 'Fedayeen'. Talk about using word magic. Ban the
word and its referent will go poof. In some ways, we must have the
stupidest military and executive in the world. Ban the word 'Fedayeen'
and tell America we are engaged in battle against 'evil'. Make
realities vanish with word magic and conjure up an illusive,
phantasmal foe called 'evil'.

By that time, I was absolutely convinced the US had marched straight
into a huge trap, an underground army that would slowly but surely
begin functioning the same way as the Viet Cong had done and ultimately
with the same degree of efficacy over a period of six or seven years.

To my knowledge, I was the only Net writer who had suggested Saddam was
preparing a trap and that the Bush cabal was stupidly, ignorantly, and
blindly walking right into that snare. Back when I first became
suspicious over the visits to Vietnam by Iraqi military and
intelligence figures, I wrote a couple of pieces entitled 'Saddam's
Trap' and tried to get them published on several websites. Website
owners universally rejected my speculations, and there was no way in
hell I'd ever get them published in any mainstream media. I simply
sighed and gave up any hopes of ever disseminating my thesis.

To me it was obvious Saddam might well be planning a vast underground
trap. I correctly figured his Fedayeen would disappear into the civilian
population, that there were vast hidden depots of munitions and arms
supplies, that a guerrilla cell system would be used so that captured
and tortured guerrillas could not provide any significant information,
and so forth. The basic realities were simple: Saddam was smart.
The neocon cabal was stupid.

Late last night, my best roaming Net reporter, Phoebe, sent me a
stunning report on Iraq. It arguably is one of the most important items
I've ever forwarded. Not only is it hugely important, its nature is
such that you can send it to anybody. Political persuasion does not
matter. This report is above politics.

If you accept it as being for real, it comes close
to being a latter day 'Pentagon Papers'.

As is often the case, I can't give you any assurance this is an absolutely
accurate report, but it fits in so neatly with what I've believed would
happen in Iraq, I have great confidence it's for real. Everything in it
rings true, at least to my ear. It fits in with a whole web of facts and
reasonable suppositions.

Do not skip this item. It's dynamite. If you share my belief that this
has a high probability of being accurate, you will surely want to pass
it along to everybody you know, regardless of political affiliations.
This report rises above political partisanship. It is neither red nor
blue, nor left nor right.

And it just might shake you up more than anything I've ever sent you.

Warmest regards,



Long Url.:


For readers which like me don't have English as mothertongue: A scuttlebut originally was a cask of fresh water for drinking aboard a ship, and now, any water fountain. As it was the habit of the crew to gather around the scuttlebutt and swap stories, the term grew to mean any gossip, true or untrue. - Url.:

HR: Making Dead Friends? - Url.:

Editor: Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands



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