Monday, June 12, 2006



FPF - 12 June 2006 - According to the US propaganda paper Washington Post, American 'specialists' have performed an autopsy on what is said to be the slain al-Qaida bogeyman al-Zarqawi.* The report will be made public later, it was said. - What surprises in this fairy tale from the Lie Factory* is that: "U.S. commanders initially said al-Zarqawi, leader of al-Qaida in Iraq, died in the air strike but later said he survived and died soon after." - []

I've seen it in Vietnam too, and know for a fact that if two five hundred pound bombs are dropped on an in that area 'normal house' with human beings in it, that those who were alive before within a couple of hundred meters radius will look like goulash. Like if they've gone through an oven plus a meat and concrete grinder.* But here the story is that brave US soldiers immediately were there, and even tried to revive somebody lying on a stretcher who - when seeing them - tried to crawl away? Whom they claim is al-Zarqawi? - The lies just go on. - HR


by Kurt Nimmo

Saturday June 10th 2006 - It is sincerely a corporate media circus, a multi-dimensional propaganda effort designed to convince the public al-Zarqawi was indeed alive and then killed by our fearless soldiers in Iraq. As we know, al-Zarqawi was killed some time ago, prior to the neocon invasion of Iraq, and his image was subsequently adopted by the Pentagon, refashioned, and trotted out by Colin Powell at the United Nations. All manner of super-human nastiness was attributed to the ghost of al-Zarqawi, from ricin attacks to a spate of gruesome beheadings. Somewhere along the line, the propagandists in the Pentagon decided to kill al-Zarqawi, and thus chalk up a victory against those who hate our way of life and our freedom to stand in line to use Diebold voting machines.

Now we are told an “autopsy on al-Zarqawi, the leader of the terrorist group al Qaeda in Iraq,” will be performed by “personnel … familiar with background and cultural concerns,” presumably of Muslims and Arabs, never mind the two 500lb bombs dropped on the “al-Qaeda” safe house, reduced to scattered rubble, would have rendered al-Zarqawi to little more than strewn hamburger meat. But then, of course, we are talking about Bushzarro world here, where corporate journalists, basically Pentagon stenographers, never question the absurdity of neocon lies and fantastic fabrications (recall Saddam’s model airplanes, colorfully named “drones of death,” claimed to be “robot aircraft designed to spray poisonous toxins over civilian areas,” and the corporate media sucking it up like a slurpie through a straw, and then asking for more).

As the Bush Ministry of Propaganda, CNN division, would have it, the al-Zarqawi patsy “survived the attack Wednesday in which an Air Force F-16 dropped two 500-pound bombs on a safehouse near Baquba where he was holding a meeting with associates…. Al-Zarqawi was placed on a stretcher by arriving Iraqi police and was still alive when coalition forces arrived, some by helicopter…. Two coalition troops interacted with al-Zarqawi; one began administering first aid, while the second attempted to talk to him.”

However, this is at odds with accounts provided by other witnesses. “An Iraqi man who was one of the first people on the scene of the U.S. airstrike targeting Abu Musab al-Zarqawi said he saw American troops beating a man who had a beard like the al Qaeda leader,” reports CBS News. “The witness, who lives near the house where al-Zarqawi spent his last days, said he saw the man lying on the ground near an irrigation canal. He was badly wounded but still alive, the man told Associated Press Television News…. U.S. troops arriving on the scene wrapped the man’s head in an Arab robe and began beating him, said the local man, who refused to give his name or show his face to the camera. His account could not be independently verified.”

Of course, the CNN version cannot be “independently verified” either, but then it came out of the Pentagon where stories are never questioned, or if they are the journalists doing the questioning are not allowed near the press room again, or are reassigned to research stations at the North Pole.

Al-Zarqawi “obviously had some kind of visual recognition of who they were because he attempted to roll off the stretcher, as I am told, and get away, realizing it was the U.S. military,” Maj. Gen. William Caldwell told Pentagon stenographers via videoconference from Baghdad.

Nice touch, an appropriately climatic end for the al-Zarqawi fairy tale, a manufactured PSYOP program, as reported by the Sydney Morning Herald. Naturally, in the rubberneck frenzy to report the demise of the leader of Iraq’s “insurgency,” the corporate media does not bother to reference this story, reported in April.

Reading the details of the al-Zarqawi fiction, we are expected to suspend all doubt, for instance the stupidity of terrorists and the inability of the Pentagon to catch or kill the stupid terrorists. “In an exclusive interview, an Iraqi army colonel told CNN Friday that intelligence from cell phone technology helped U.S. forces find and kill al-Zarqawi…. Col. Dhiya Tamimi said he worked with U.S. forces to monitor al-Zarqawi and his associates’ cell phones, helping to lead to Wednesday night’s airstrike.”

Now, if you were a hunted terrorist with a $25 million bounty on your head, would you be casually using a cell phone?

[FPF: Pinpoint bombs & killing via cell phones - Url.:]

Obviously, this al-Zarqawi guy wasn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer. If al-Zarqawi and his associates were such blithering idiots, why didn’t the Pentagon catch them long ago? Not even Osama used his satellite phone after he caught wind of the United States snooping on him, or so we are told.

But never mind. All of this is like watching Independence Day and believing aliens might actually invade.*

Anyway, the al-Zarqawi story has all but wiped the Haditha massacre off the front pages, so for our leader and the neocons it is a blessing, albeit it a manufactured blessing.


[andend] - Story Url.:

RELATED - FPF: Who created the story of al Zarqawi? And who is the by the US named successor? - Url.:

FIREPOWER DEMONSTRATION - Warplanes show the effect of 500 pound bombs in Nevada - Url.:


''INDEPENDENCE DAY'' - 1996 film - Plot Outline: The aliens are coming and their goal is to invade and destroy. Fighting superior technology, Man's best weapon is the will to survive.'' - Url.:

Presented to you by NBC Universal - one of the absolute worst spreaders of propaganda and wholly owned by the 'Lie Factory' managers of the 'Project for a New American Century' (PNAC*) - Url.:

What story has the Ministry of Truth constructed concerning what they say is Abu Musab al-Zarqawi?

Example: More side- and slide show from one of the propaganda channels, NBC's 'Turn to 10.' - The items mentioned below are some of what can be found of the 'smoke and mirrors' at Url.:

* Video: Watch Cockpit Video Of Al-Zarqawi Airstrike

* More Images: Al-Zarqawi Bombing Scene

* Slideshow: Military Kills Al-Zarqawi In House Outside Baghdad

* Video: Military: Strike Kills Al-Zarqawi

* More Video: Bush On Al-Zarqawi's Death

* Images Of Dead Al-Zarqawi: (Note: Graphic Photos) Photo A | Photo B

* Images: Abu Musab al-Zarqawi

* Survey: Impact On Public Opinion

* Timeline: Major Attacks Claimed By al-Zarqawi

* Obit: Abu Musab al-Zarqawi

* Full Text: Bush's Statement On Al-Zarqawi's Death


* THE US PNAC WARS & NATO’S SECRET ARMIES LINKED TO TERRORISM? - (NATO, the Pentagon, NSA, MI6, the CIA, Mossad, BND, and all other European and global 'intelligence services' are linked to inhuman terror, coups d’état, 'rendition', the PNAC Gulags and torture - HR) - by Daniele Ganser - Url.:


* FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.:

Editor: Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands



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