Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Viva Venezuela ... without US intervention!

The FPF forwards this, fully agreeing with
the writer, the eminent Mr. Oscar Heck:* commentarist Oscar Heck writes: I just read the letter, So Mr. Tellis, take your lies back to Hell where they came from ... and I was wondering why so many USA people might appear to relate to some of the statements made in this letter:

"... So USA is not perfect ... but who does everyone look to when in trouble?"

"We do not hate anyone ... We are the most generous people on the face of the Earth ... there are poor here who suffer BECAUSE we are so busy helping the rest of the World."

I have heard such comments many times ... but have yet to see any verifiable proof.  Most of the time, people who make such statements say them without knowing the truth about what the US government is really doing out there in this volatile world.

Then I saw another headline: Venezuela's Leader Takes Tough Stance Toward US.  Funny enough, I read it as "Venezuela's leader takes a tough stance toward us."  Is it possible that the over-use of the combination of letters "us" is enough to affect people in the manner that they will eventually become more and more egocentric?   

Us, us, us ... we are the best ... us, us, us.

Rah Rah Rah!

Anyway, I wanted to comment on the fact that Chavez has cut off Venezuela's 35-year-old collaboration with the US military.


* It's about time! 

Venezuela has no reason to collaborate with the US military ... much less, have anything to learn from them (especially about how to murder innocent women and children).

The US military is not "the best in the world"...

 When I was in the Gulf War in Kuwait in 1991 ... most US soldiers were 18-19-20 years old ... and many were scared and uncomfortable and sick ... and most of them certainly didn't feel they were the best.  It ain't like what they show in the movies.  I suppose it is easy for people to say "we are the best" when they have no idea of reality.

Being the "best" appears to be like a disease in the USA. 

* "We are the best" yet we have perhaps the highest per capita consumption of drugs in the world.
* "We are the best" yet we have perhaps the highest per capita number of cases of obesity
and diabetes in the world.
* "We are the best" yet we have perhaps the highest number of per capita violent crimes in the world.
* "We are the best" yet we have perhaps the highest per capita number of our own citizens in jail.

(And this is only a short list...)

Additionally ... one thing that many people do not know is that some of the inventions deposited at intellectual property offices in the "western world" are in fact inventions invented by people in different parts of the world where most people either have no access to the intellectual property process or have no idea that such a system exists. 

* For example, some of the pharmaceutical patents "owned" by "western" people or companies are based on traditional medicines used by tribes in different parts of the world. (There is plenty of information on this issue on the web.)

In other words ... some of the "the best" patents are held at the USA intellectual property office (USPTO) .... but many of these "best" patents are based on the creative works of non-USA people. 

So ... is the USA the "best" in the world ... or is it because they are the "best" at "borrowing" ideas from others?

For example, coca and opium are traditional medicines which have been used for millennia by tribes in the Andes and in the Himalayas. Who holds/held the patents for morphine (a derivative of opium)?  Who holds/held the patent for Novocain (a derivative of coca)?

And ... have you ever wondered where pharmaceuticals get their supplies of coca and opium to make their medicines?

Hmm ... how about Colombia and Afghanistan (?).

To come back to military collaboration, another interesting point about the USA's traditional "military collaboration with other countries" is that such military collaboration is probably the way by which the US "borrows" creative military ideas from other countries (and takes credit for them?). 

It is probably also the way by which the US government keeps up-to-date with the military secrets of other countries ... in other words ... spying. 

* I wonder how many creative Venezuelan military ideas have been "borrowed" by the US military in the last 35 years?

* I wonder how many Venezuelan government and military secrets have been "borrowed" by the US military over the last 35 years?

No wonder the US government thinks that it is so superior!  Supposing that the US government has military collaboration agreements with 150 countries ... then the US government also holds many of the secrets (military and otherwise) of the 150 co-collaborating countries involved.

Hmm ...

Thank the heavens that Chavez has finally taken action against US/Venezuela military collaboration ... and thank heavens that he has had the courage to kick out the US military from Venezuela.

Now ... there is a bit more work to do.  As far as I can see, the following organizations are fronts for the CIA:

* American Center for International Labor Solidarity
* Center for International Private Enterprise
* International Republican Institute
* National Democratic Institute for International Affairs

I have no "proof" of my claims but information at the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) website clearly states that these organizations received money from the US government to use in Venezuela (to support and promote anti-Chavez movements) and that these organizations are directly and/or indirectly linked to the two main anti-Chavez groups in Venezuela which headed the April 2002 coup and the sabotage of Venezuela in 2002 and 2003, Fedecamaras and the CTV.

(Fedecamaras is the traditional Venezuela Chamber of Commerce, whose then-president, Pedro Carmona Estanga, took over as president of Venezuela during the April 2002 coup against Chavez). 

The CTV is the traditional Confederation of Trade Unions, which led, along with Fedecamaras, the April 2002 coup against Chavez and the subsequent sabotage of the Venezuelan economy.  Carlos Ortega, then president of the CTV also publicly called for the death of Chavez. Nice guys, huh?

The CIA has many ways of operating ... and I believe that the four organizations named above are in some way involved with siphoning off information to the US government ... why else would they be financed by the US government (by USA taxpayers)? According to what I can see, they are also involved in assisting anti-Chavez Venezuelans to get organized in finding ways to oust democratically-elected Chavez "by whatever means necessary."

Coincidentally ....

... as I write this, I take a few minutes to check's latest ... and I find the following: " White House weighing harder line against Venezuela as Rice flies to Brazil."  Part of the report says it clearly, partially confirming my thoughts:

"Measures under consideration include increasing US support to anti-Chavez groups in Venezuela and to urge Venezuela's neighbors to distance themselves from Chavez, who next year could be reelected to another six-year term in office ... US officials have admitted that Venezuela's oil reserves and economic surge has eliminated the need for US loans and other aid Washington could use as leverage to influence or exert pressure on Chavez' government, thus Caracas is pursuing a more independent policy, domestically and internationally."

(Note the statement: " ... increasing US support to anti-Chavez groups ...")

The above clearly gives yet another example of how the USA can be "so great" ... by bullying others.

* Force them, beat them and coerce them into submission ... and that "will ensure our greatness."

It must really aggravate the US government and its greedy followers that Venezuela will no longer bend to US pressure ... that the Venezuelan elite will no longer so easily lick the boots of the "grand" USA and then sell-off Venezuela piece by piece for payment against US-based loan-sharking.

Viva Venezuela ... without US intervention!

Oscar Heck -


Venezuela: - Url.:

If the by the people paid 'government' in Brazil does not charge the ousted 'president' of Ecuador, the world knows the present 'power on the surface' in Brazil accepts Gutierrez' crimes, his despicable pro-american behavior, and we all should be warned!

Gutierrez fled Quito for asylum in Brazil:

Europeans may not support unnecessary USA confrontation with Venezuela: Url.:

Editor : Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands

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