Friday, June 17, 2005

Don't Tread on Our Sons and Daughters!

Here's one of those hopeful stories that warms the heart...

Franklin’s Digest

One of the most formidable forces in almost any society is that of grief stricken mothers when they band together to fight against destructive forces in society. When the number of children killed by drunk drivers reached a certain point in America, Mothers Against Drunk Drivers was born.

It became the first and only dynamic force pushing for the passing of much stronger laws against drunk driving. They became a force to contend with, and pols all over America got the message. Nobody, but nobody, was going to stand in the way of these mothers as they pressed for new legislation and stricter law enforcement.

In Argentina, when enough sons and daughters disappeared, hundreds of grieving mothers banded together in banned public demonstrations. The normally brutal and lethal riot troops of Argentina's fascist government were suddenly rendered impotent. They could do nothing to disband an aggressive mass of bereaved mothers when they filled the streets.

Mothers command enormous, almost religious, respect in Hispanic culture. The troops and politicos were stunned by what they were facing. There was nothing in their experience to guide them. These women became a beacon of courage for others. Men also began to pour into the streets, inspired by the mothers and ready to place their lives in harm's way. The nation's brutal riot troops and amoral politicians were intimidated for the first time as massive demonstrations led by singing, chanting women marched through the plazas and streets. It was the beginning of the end of one of the world’s most brutal and repressive regimes.

As more and more American mothers have realized they've lost their sons in Iraq in a war built on lies and deceptions, they've banded together under the banner 'Gold Star Families for Peace', guided by the determined leadership of one Cindy Sheehan.


When Ralph Nader launched his lonely drive to impeach Bush, he was an isolated figure, condemned by both liberals and conservatives, remarkably vilified most strongly by his fellow liberals (e.g. Progressive Magazine). Well, he now has one hell of an ally in this group of determined mothers. Like the American mothers who went after drunk drivers and the Argentine mothers who targeted those who had ‘disappeared’ their sons, these mothers of sacrificed sons have the potential to grow into a potent force. Consider that the numbers can only increase as the war creates new grieving mothers each day and more evidence of Bush's duplicity steadily trickles out. The cabal is incapable of admitting the war has been a huge mistake, so it will go on and on creating new Gold Star mothers.

A mother's pain over a lost son never ends. As you know, I believe this is one of the strongest reasons for ending capital punishment. The cruelty inflicted on the mothers of those sons the state has chosen to kill is unimaginable and never ending. The mothers of those men and women who have been needlessly killed in a fraudulent war will also mourn their dead sons until only their own deaths end the pain. Now that these grieving mothers are getting organized, you can be sure they'll never stop pursuing George Bush. My heart is with them in their mission.


Today's selection consists of plain but lucid words by the bereaved mother who has founded Gold Star Families for Peace. I suspect the dictator occupying the Oval Office may have triggered the birth of a hornet's nest when he provoked the unrelenting anger of Cindy Sheehan, an anger that will not be quieted until George Bush is punished for what he has done. She has said her goal in life is to 'drive a stake through the heart of George Bush', and those words are only barely figurative.

Just how do you suppose Bush and Karl Rove will go about dealing with these enraged mothers? Will the Secret Service arrest them when they appear at Bush rallies? Will the FBI use the Patriot Act to harass them? I tend to doubt it. These women are a different sort of problem for the usually heavy handed Rove et al.

As you read Cindy Sheehan's words, you'll see that she's articulate, concise, and clear. She and her newly formed activist group just might turn out to be the most effective enemy Bush has thus far created with his psychotic wars. While Kerry and his ilk hide out in their offices on the Hill, these women will be out in the streets pursuing Bush, being interviewed, writing letters to the editor, and so on.

CNN and other media will find it hard to ignore them. They'll make for appealing guests, and we'll likely see their faces on prime time television. What will Bill O'Reilly have to say about these women? Will he curse them? Call them unpatriotic? Scream that they're disloyal to our noble president? Will he go so far as to call these women traitors? He just might. He always has the potential to become a runaway cannon.

This could get interesting.

I say three cheers for Cindy Sheehan and Gold Star Families for Peace. If a group of them ever plans a demonstration in your city, bug hell out of your local media to cover the gathering.

Warmest regards,





Iraq has been the tragic Lie of Historic Proportions of Washington, DC since before the first gulf war. For years, Saddam was one of our government’s propped up and militarily supported puppets. Many people have seen the famous footage of Donald Rumsfeld shaking hands with Saddam. I suppose the two are smiling so big for the cameras because they are kindred spirits. After all of the hand-shaking and weapon brokering, when did Saddam become such a bad guy to Bush, Cheney, Halliburton and Co.? (Insert your favorite reason here).

During the Clinton regime the US-UN led sanctions against Iraq and the weekly bombing raids killed tens of thousands of innocent people in Iraq. Many of them were children, but since one of her children didn’t have to be sacrificed to the homicidal war machine, Madeline Albright, thinks the slaughter during the “halcyon” Clinton years was “worth it.” More lies.

Anyone with even a rudimentary understanding of current events understands that this invasion/occupation of Iraq was not about Saddam being a “bad guy.” If that logic is used, then how many innocent Iraqi people have to die before the citizens of America wake up and know that our government is a “bad guy?” We also know that Iraq was not about WMD’s. They weren’t there and they weren’t going to be there for at least a decade, by all reports. Another reason, so wispy and more difficult to disprove, is that America invaded Iraq to bring freedom and democracy to the Iraqi people. When one tries to dispute this particular deception, one is accused of being unpatriotic or hating freedom.

Even though correct, the statement “Freedom isn’t Free” is very insulting to me. False freedom is very expensive. Fake freedom costs over one billion of our tax dollars a week; phony freedom has cost the Iraqi people tens of thousands of innocent lives; fanciful freedom has meant the destruction of a country and its infrastructure. Tragically, this fabricated notion of freedom and democracy cost me far more than I was willing to pay: the life of my son, Casey. The Lie of Historic Proportions also cost me my peace of mind, I do not feel free and I do not feel like I live in a democracy.

One of the other great deceits that is being perpetuated on the American public and the world is that this occupation is to fight terrorism: If we don’t fight terrorism in Iraq then we will have to fight it “on our streets.” In fact, terrorist attacks have skyrocketed in Iraq and all over the world. So much so, that the State Department has stopped compiling the statistics and quit issuing the yearly terrorism report. I guess if one doesn’t write a report, then terrorism doesn’t exist? All of Casey’s commendations say that he was killed in the “GWOT” the Global War on Terrorism. I agree with most of GWOT, except that Casey was killed in the Global War Of Terrorism waged on the world and its own citizens by the biggest terrorist outfit in the world: George and his destructive Neo-con cabal.

The evidence is overwhelming, compelling, and alarming that George and his indecent bandits traitorously had intelligence fabricated to fit their goal of invading Iraq. The criminals foisted a Lie of Historic Proportions on the world. It was clear to many of us more aware people that George, Condi, Rummy, the two Dicks: Cheney and Perle, Wolfie, and most effectively and treacherously, Colin Powell, lied their brains out before the invasion. The world was even shown where the WMD’S were on the map. We were told that the “smoking gun” could come at any time in the form of a “mushroom cloud” or a cloud of toxic biological or chemical weapons. Does anyone remember duct tape and plastic sheeting?

Finally, the side of peace, truth and justice has our own smoking gun and it is burning our hands. It is the so-called Downing Street Memo dated 23, July 2002, (almost 8 months before the invasion) that states that military action (against Iraq) is now seen as “inevitable.” The memo further states that: “Bush wanted to remove Saddam through military action”, justified by the conjunction of “terrorism and WMD’s.” The most damning thing to George in the memo is where the British intelligence officer who wrote the memo claims that the intelligence to base Great Britain and the US staging a devastating invasion on Iraq was being “fixed around the policy.” Now, after over three years of relentless propaganda, it is difficult to distinguish the proven lies from the new “truth:” that this occupation is bringing freedom and democracy to the people of Iraq.

Casey took an oath to protect the US from all enemies “foreign and domestic.” He was sent to occupy and die in a foreign country that was no threat to the USA. However, the biggest threat to our safety, humanity, and our way of life in America are George and his cronies. Congress made a Mistake of Historic Proportions and waived its Constitutional responsibility to declare war. It is time for the House to make up for that mistake and introduce Articles of Impeachment against the murderous thugs who have caused so much mindless mayhem. It is time for Congress to re-validate itself by holding a hearing about the Downing Street Memo. The reader can help by going onto and signing a petition to Rep. John Conyers so he will know that the American people are behind him to convene an investigation in the House Judiciary Committee. You can also write your Congressional Representative to help push the inquiry.

It is time to put partisan politics behind us to do what is correct for once and reclaim America’s humanity. It is time for Congress and the American people to work together in peace and justice to rid our country of the stench of greed, hypocrisy, and unnecessary suffering that permeates our White House and our halls of Congress. It is time to hold someone accountable for the carnage and devastation that has been caused. As a matter of fact, it is past time, but it is not too late.

Cindy Sheehan

Mother of needlessly slain soldier, Casey Sheehan. Cofounder of Gold Star Families for Peace (Organizational Supporters of">) 707-365-7750

Fwd. in agreement by:

Editor : Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands



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