Friday, May 05, 2006

Nolan K. Anderson - And We Think We Are Free - Part 2
Nolan K. Anderson - And We Think We Are Free - Part 2
"A government able to give you all you want, is powerful enough
to take all you have". - Author Unknown.

This very valid observation remains completely hidden by the counter-reality
presumption: "This is America and IT cannot happen here". Not only could it
happen; IT has already happened in the United States. What is IT you say?
IT is an alarmingly large portion of our freedoms having been taken and
replaced with the arrogance of a self-made fool who believes that arrogance,
stubbornness and the advice of equally corrupt cronies represents stoic

FREEDOM is all we Americans or the citizens of any other country have.

It is the precious commodity that gives us the ability to make our own choices.
It is also the precious commodity that our politicians have used to bargain
away our freedoms for years - using welfare and social engineering of all
types as the medium of exchange. Today there is no bargaining with our
runty megalomaniac-in-chief.

Today he feels, "I have taken your freedoms and your laws and
discarded them because "I" have the power to do so and "I"
know what is best for you and your country.

Why are we Americans not afraid as we watch our freedoms evaporate - not
concerned - not interested in stopping the erosion of the rights that our
forefathers fought and died to achieve? Why is it so hard to understand
that the way we deal with enemy prisoners today will be the way our
government will deal with Americans when the time comes to "re-define" the
"enemy. Why indeed did the average German not object to the gradual loss of
his freedoms during Hitler's rise to power? How did we not object to Ruby
Ridge or Waco?

There are many answers none of which is absolute, but each is contributory.

Some believe that our "stupor" is not a stupor at all, but rather a backlash
to having been given so many freedoms that we thought we could abuse and
"give up a few of them temporarily" while our politicians fought the wars
(using our children) they had started against enemies they had manufactured.
We used the freedoms given us by our Constitution to promote pornography as
a "freedom of expression". We used our religious freedom to turn from
"unhandy" Christian ethics to the much more unshackling, "feel-good"
teachings of hedonism. We used everyone's freedom of speech to enhance the
balance sheets of such intellectual luminaries as Rush Limbaugh, Ann
Coulter, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly and Neal Boortz as he or she spread the
propaganda of "Karl Rove Goebbels".

We branded everyone who used even one brain cell to think for himself as
a "liberal"," leftist", "Communist", terrorist sympathizer - or anti-Semite.

"Worst President of the Great American Experiment"

Our president started a war which he hopes to make unending. He hopes to
slither into the sunset with a "brush axe" in one hand, a presidential
library hammer in the other and the title of "Worst President of the Great
American Experiment" clenched firmly between his teeth while someone
(hopefully as corrupt as he) is left to deal with the legacy of an
unprovoked war of aggression which has not only alienated 1.3 BILLION
Muslims and Arabs to murderous, revengeful outrage, but has repaid his
largest campaign contributors in full. And slither he will because there is
no outcry or outrage to his lies, out-of-sight Executive Orders or secret
deals even when they are exposed.

What size outrage would it take for the Democratic Party to make even a
token contribution toward his impeachment? Where is the grassroots
groundswell that no politician can ignore? Does every politician in the
Republican Party believe he can contribute to the present outrage toward
America by doing nothing to stop our out of control lunatic-in-chief and not
be judged a co-conspirator at the next November Day of Reckoning? Is the
loss of the majority in either the Congress or the Senate to the Democrats
only a loss of power for Republicans, or does it also signal the launching
of Democratic Party investigations into congressional and White House
corruption as the Democrats take leadership roles in committees that would
like nothing better than to spend two years searching out Republican
corruption in the run up to the 2008 national election?

"Salvadorian type death squads"

Today we Americans are given a rare opportunity to glimpse our American
future if we can tear ourselves away from the current episode of "American
Idol" long enough to focus on events "not reported on Faux News or CNN".
Today even though Sean Hannity doesn't tells us, the "Salvadorian type death
squads" making life such a living hell for the average Iraqi are, as
previously in El Salvador, being run by "our" CIA. "Our" CIA controls
today's Iraqi Ministry of the Interior with its assignations, private
torture prisons, car bombers and private militias all used with the intent
of fomenting a sectarian civil war that will ultimately lead to a breakup of
Iraq into smaller, weaker entities whose resources can be more easily
stolen. This same approach lies in wait for the control of America's future
enemies (today's average American) who insist on clinging to "that goddamn
piece of paper" called our Constitution.

Today's war in Iraq needs further historic background to more fully explain
its dismal failure (as if listening to George explain his reasons for going
to war does not fully explain the war's present condition and its probable
outcome). It is not the "war" which needs further examination; it is the
role of Americans as "liberators" in modern history that needs further

To explore the "liberator's" role in our present condition,
some assumptions will have to be made.

1. Our decision to invade Iraq was not made in the best interests of
the United States, but was influenced in no small degree by the "best
interests" of Israel and presented falsely to the American people and the
American Congress as a retaliatory move against a country that had launched
an invasion against our country.

2. The decision for the pretext to be used for the invasion of Iraq
was one that American policy makers agreed could be most easily "sold" to
the American people. "They plotted to sell them a war". [1] As the White
House unfolded pretext after pretext, "liberating" the Iraqi population from
the evil Sadaam Hussein became a very popular rallying cause.

3. Israel has no interest in living in "peace" with the Palestinians
no matter what roadmaps, concessions or peace plans are brought to any
table. "We shall start another war" . . . [2]

4. American foreign policy and foreign aid policies of the United
States are influenced to such a degree that America is becoming known as The
United States of Israel. [3]

History is not kind to America's role as the "liberator" of the German
population from Prussian totalitarianism in general and Hitler's Nazism in
particular after World War II. Allied liberation failed in Germany because
"liberation" was equated to "occupation", and no occupation has ever
succeeded. [4]" . . . the American Military Occupation was Draconian; men
cannot be taught to hate and kill on Wednesday and to love and cherish on
Thursday". [5]

Perhaps this explains our surprise in finding that our troops were not met
with flowers, waving flags and candy as we "liberated" Iraqi town after
town. Surprisingly enough our troops were not greeted with kisses at three
o'clock in the morning as our troops kicked down the doors of homes, looted
the households, handcuffed the male adults over and under the age of 15 and
sent them to Abu Ghraib. Oh yes, you say, "There was information that led
our troops to particular homes to search for "insurgents". Yes, information
in many cases obtained by torture no less draconian than that used by Sadaam
Hussein - or the Israelis. . . . the interrogators at Abu Ghraib included a
number of Arabic-speaking Israelis who also helped U.S. interrogators
develop the "R2I" (Resistance to Interrogation) techniques.

Many of the torture methods were developed by the Israelis over
many years of interrogating Arab prisoners on the occupied West
Bank and in Israel itself.

As a further comparison, war against Germany and war against Iraq
have been fought by Americans as "wars against houses".
The meaning of the comparison?

"Americans, . . . how could they understand the world of broken stones that
once were houses"? Houses mean people. The war against houses was a war
against people. "Strategic bombing" was one of war's little jokes; the
strategy was to hit railroads and power plants and factories - and houses.
Right up until the total collapse of steel fabrication at the end of 1944,
the Germans had four rails for every rail in use; within two to six hours
after a yard was hit, it was moving again. But sleepless workers weren't
moving so fast, and terrified workers were moving still slower, and workers
whose homes were gone (and maybe a wife or a child) weren't moving fast at
all." [6]

"The way to win wars is to hit the pictures on the worker's,
the miner's, the soldier's parlor wall". [7]

"Words are worthless, and pictures, each of them worth a thousand words, are
worthless. Seeing is not believing. Only having been there, having been
hit or not hit running to from it, and being bedeviled forever by what might
have been done a half-hour before or a half-minute after is worth anything.
A book might have been saved, or a pair of shoes, or a mother or a child.
Or a passport. Or a child might been saved if a pair of shoes had been let
go, or a mother if a child had been let go".

"And words and phrases like, 'hit. . . talk about prize fights. . . All that
words can say is that Stuttgart was 'hit' or Bremen 'hit hard' or (Baghdad
was "shocked and awed") . It's like saying that Christ, in the course of
his carpentering, got a nail through his hand". [8]


We are about to make war against their houses. The difference between our
"liberation" of Iraq/Iran and our "liberation" of Germany lies in the vast
difference between the types of people involved. The meaning of "collateral
damage" has far different connotations then and now. Our hypocrisy in
dealing with "collateral damage" is monumental. "Collateral damage" was one
of the OBJECTIVES in the war against Germany in order to cause the German
worker to slow his efforts towards the defense of the Fatherland as a result
of losing his home and his family.

But the objectives of our wars have changed. "Collateral damage" against
the Iraqi/Iranian drives him immediately to thoughts and actions of revenge
on the perpetrators. While the German was no less devoted to his home and
family, his motivating reaction was not revenge. The Muslim (fanatic or
not) has been reared in an atmosphere of tribal retribution for real or
imagined harm. His religion is his comforter in a normally harsh life and
he is more than willing to sacrifice his life for his religion's guarantee
of eternal bliss. Regret for "collateral damage" is all right for
newspaper PR, but as a weapon of the war being waged by our neo-cons,
collateral damage creates a truly dedicated enemy. But of course, that is
the "plan".

While our leaders (sic) delude themselves into thinking that we Americans
are willing to again fall for a bogus national crisis - this time to save Israel
from destruction - the task of getting even marginal support from the world
community is going to be extremely difficult.

It shouldn't be hard, however, to get our Israeli funded Congress
to give our president anything and everything he wants.

The task of getting ourselves into the Gulf of Hormuz should be
easy enough; getting ourselves out is going to be the trick.





[4] They Thought They Were Free, page 299, [5] page 301, [6] page
296, [7] page 297, [8] page 297.

Nolan K. Anderson is a retired engineer and a veteran of Korea who was once
a "conservative" until he found there was nothing left to conserve and as a
veteran hates to see a tour in Korea go to waste. (He may be reached at

Copyright Nolan K. Anderson

Fwd. by the FPF.

* THE ONLY SOLUTION? - Help all the troops, including the revolting generals
and other officers - of whatever nationality - to come back from abroad! -
[] - We need them badly at home in many
countries to fight with us against our so called 'governments' and their
malignant managers - Url.:

* FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 -
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press
Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have
expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.:

Editor: Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands



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