'Baby 81' story is another New York Times fake
"If there is a Pulitzer award for embellishing, exaggerating, and outright lying and misleading in print," he wrote, "the coverage of 'Baby 81' would merit top billing."
''Never check a story: you might loose it'' ?
'Baby 81' story a media beat up
"Invented almost completely by a New York Times reporter and a host of other ill-informed journalists following her lead."
Francis Till - National Bussiness Review - New Zealand
FPF-fwd. - Feb. 21 - 2005 - According to 'Lanka Business Online', one of the most publicised stories of the Boxing Day (Christmas) tsunami 'Baby 81' was invented almost completely by a New York Times reporter and a host of other ill-informed journalists following her lead.
Google "Baby 81" and the news search engine returns over 2600 stories filed in the last month, making it one of the most covered stories in the post-tsunami period.
[HR/Google: 803.000 x 'Baby 81' today - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/6edcm ]
The basics of the story are known to almost everyone: A miraculous survivor, an infant boy tagged 'baby 81' by the hospital that received him, was pursued by nine sets of parents. The dispute was resolved only last week when a court ordered DNA test established a young Sri Lankan couple as the infant's parents.
None of it, beyond the fact that the infant survived and has, at last, been reunited with his parents, is true, according to the LBO, which calls the New York Times journalist, Somini Sengupta -- and others who followed her intitial story - "journalists of the type of Jason Blair, the New York Times reporter who made up sensational stories and eventually was forced out of his job in 2003."
On 26 January, the NYT ran a story under Ms Sengupta's byline --For Tsunami Orphan, No Name but Many Parents -- that set of a coverage frenzy. In it, Ms. Sengupta made several claims that the LBO's Amal Jayasinghe refutes.
One thing appears clear: the media attention activated the social welfare and court bureaucracy, delaying the return of the infant to his parents and causing much unnecessary grief through uncertainty.
And, like with the reasons to go to an illegal war in Iraq - [BBC/UN-http://tinyurl.com/5pl2v] - all of us, readers, listeners and viewers have been lied to, and taken for a ride again.
Why not boycot their 'Master's Voices' with all their deceptive mainstream media lies? To make up your own mind it's much better to use Internet or read Blogs!
The Media fake: 'Baby 81' - full story (and more) at - Url.:
[end item]
Alternet - 'When the Media Fake It' - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/64mob
Editor : Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands
The Dutch author this far has worked abroad 4 decades for international media as a foreign correspondent, of which 10 years - also during Gulf War I - in the Arab World and the Middle East. (At present 'Persona non Grata' in Holland :-) + Seeing worldwide that every bullet and every bomb breeds more terrorism! - US Senator Hollings agrees: 'We have caused more terrorism than we have gotten rid of' - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/2bqza
''Never check a story: you might loose it'' ?
'Baby 81' story a media beat up
"Invented almost completely by a New York Times reporter and a host of other ill-informed journalists following her lead."
Francis Till - National Bussiness Review - New Zealand
FPF-fwd. - Feb. 21 - 2005 - According to 'Lanka Business Online', one of the most publicised stories of the Boxing Day (Christmas) tsunami 'Baby 81' was invented almost completely by a New York Times reporter and a host of other ill-informed journalists following her lead.
Google "Baby 81" and the news search engine returns over 2600 stories filed in the last month, making it one of the most covered stories in the post-tsunami period.
[HR/Google: 803.000 x 'Baby 81' today - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/6edcm ]
The basics of the story are known to almost everyone: A miraculous survivor, an infant boy tagged 'baby 81' by the hospital that received him, was pursued by nine sets of parents. The dispute was resolved only last week when a court ordered DNA test established a young Sri Lankan couple as the infant's parents.
None of it, beyond the fact that the infant survived and has, at last, been reunited with his parents, is true, according to the LBO, which calls the New York Times journalist, Somini Sengupta -- and others who followed her intitial story - "journalists of the type of Jason Blair, the New York Times reporter who made up sensational stories and eventually was forced out of his job in 2003."
On 26 January, the NYT ran a story under Ms Sengupta's byline --For Tsunami Orphan, No Name but Many Parents -- that set of a coverage frenzy. In it, Ms. Sengupta made several claims that the LBO's Amal Jayasinghe refutes.
One thing appears clear: the media attention activated the social welfare and court bureaucracy, delaying the return of the infant to his parents and causing much unnecessary grief through uncertainty.
And, like with the reasons to go to an illegal war in Iraq - [BBC/UN-http://tinyurl.com/5pl2v] - all of us, readers, listeners and viewers have been lied to, and taken for a ride again.
Why not boycot their 'Master's Voices' with all their deceptive mainstream media lies? To make up your own mind it's much better to use Internet or read Blogs!
The Media fake: 'Baby 81' - full story (and more) at - Url.:
[end item]
Alternet - 'When the Media Fake It' - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/64mob
Editor : Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands
The Dutch author this far has worked abroad 4 decades for international media as a foreign correspondent, of which 10 years - also during Gulf War I - in the Arab World and the Middle East. (At present 'Persona non Grata' in Holland :-) + Seeing worldwide that every bullet and every bomb breeds more terrorism! - US Senator Hollings agrees: 'We have caused more terrorism than we have gotten rid of' - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/2bqza