Israeli 'Rabbits' and their Dutch colony
Colin Powell: 'It is not anti-Semitic to criticize the policies of the state of Israel'
by Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands, March 14, 2005 - 'Shafan' is the Hebrew word for rabbit. And when in the Netherlands - after many years of working and living in North Africa with the Middle-East 'peace', the Palestinian exiled government under Arafat in Tunis, the US/Israeli influence etc. - one gets the impression that most of the Dutch people through their mainstream media have turned into 'shafans'.
They're like rabbits in their holes in this 'Israeli colony', and get via TV a portion 'Shoa' at least three times a day to keep their indoctrinated consciences bad and numbed. And anybody who dares to say anything critical of the US/Israeli neocons or the ongoing Shoas/genocides in Iraq and in Palestine is frozen out, socially and journalistically made 'dead'.
To take just one example: when the 'shafans' buy food in their supermarkets, most of them never see the very small and very fine print on many vegetables, juices and other food products. Saying on the label (and very much smaller than this): 'Repackaged in the Netherlands - Product of Israel. Israeli and dutch firms run a full scale repackaging industry in Holland to export and sell their own products under false labels. As many - including Gretha Duisenberg, the wife of the former Head of the European Union Bank confirmed too. Because even Tel Aviv and Washington know that there globally are still enough rabbits which understand what's going on, and who certainly do not want to buy from warmongering fundamentalists.
Gladly there still are quite some - by the mainstream media mostly boycotted - exceptions however. In a blistering attack against the Israeli Holocaust of the Palestinians, last Saturday night on prime time in the dutch 'christian' fundamentalist EO TV* - former Prime Minister of the Netherlands Dries van Agt - on location in Gaza and Israel - again explained his disgust and the inhumanity of the Israeli extermination through decades of the Palestinian people.
Treacherous jewish/american 'negotiators for peace'...
Based on his personal experiences as Prime Minister and top level information from negotiations with the US zionists; the always jewish/american 'negotiators for peace in the Middle East'; and seeing Israel never complying with any United Nations resolutions (72) concerning the Middle East ever, mr. van Agt has understood the zionist lies, the stalling and carnage going on. He has openly called the United States and israel for 'lawless rogue states'.
Van Agt apparently has seen and understood - outside of the shafan colony - the dubious role of christian and zionist fundamentalists in the US and the European Union, which lie words of comfort to the Palestinians but always support - and now again - the murderous Sharon and earlier israeli governments.
But with ex-PM van Agt, the 'fundamentalist nr 1' in the Netherlands, the despicable propagandist for Israel and EO's TV - 'anchorhypocrite' Andries Knevel clearly overplayed his hand. His history falsifying comments are well known among normal people. But even if he and his crew did the cutting and finishing of the program, van Agt with arguments convinced thinking people that the policy of 'Ausrottung', the killing by the Israeli governments, was criminal and never acceptable.
'Hitler music'
Treacherous christian fundamentalist Knevel - like the present dutch prime minister Balkenende having only false belief and no good arguments - tried to undermine the arguments of mr. van Agt by putting some Wagner music under the critical texts, indicating a taste for 'Hitler music' by his adversary. Low level journalism as usual by by this christian populist and false prophet Andries Knevel and his EO TV.
This very rare broadcast - being critical of Israel's genocide - was shown on the evening of the visit of the present christian fundamentalist prime minister Jan Peter Balkenende. This immensely impopular white plastered grave, advertising himself and his neocon gang as 'christians', has held pro forma (hypocritical) talks with the palestinian 'leader' Abbas of which nothing whatsoever is to be expected.
Apart from a bunch of hypocritical lies in a 'Press Release' which will be reprinted and used by all the jewish/dutch media correspondents who for the past 5 decades have misinformed the Dutch people. Implying that they - according to the Nuremberg principles - all are guilty of crimes against humanity. Without them 'selling' the propaganda and other lies, those crimes would not have taken place.
Thus the news in the Netherlands concerning Israel and it's enormous misdeeds is boycotted in every way. The speaker of the parliament Weisglas runs the israeli show there: the so called Union of Journalists has always been in israeli hands (Abrahams) and the jewish lobby in Holland is overwhelming since decades.
And it's getting worse: like in the former Soviet Union and the present day United States; ALL information for the country in the main ''state radio and TV information channels'' will be in the servile hands of media bureaucrat Hans Laroes. As the head of the main government information channel NOS TV (Netherlands Broadcasting Corp.) he has been a shame for journalism ever since his Labour party - (PvdA) which strongly supports the US and Israel - put him on the deception job. The NOS evening 'Journaal' broadcast is dominating, but has spread more disinformation in the country than the heavy land- and air traffic does.
The so called dutch National News Agency ANP already was in the hands of multinational 'Fentener van Vlissingen', a fact which speaks for itself but is never spoken about. ANP delivers it's industry information - called 'news' - to most of the dutch media, including Laroes and his state information service. The result is of course disastrous and dishonest. Nearly all so called 'big journalists' in the Netherlands are corrupt as hell, having sold their cowardly souls long ago to the gangsters running the country. And in some form of 'journalism euthanasia' now 'Politruk' Laroes will be the new director of the biggest 'multimedia manure factory' in Holland.
'America half asleep'
By international observers who still try to be honest, Holland can and should be described as something in between a bad kind of 'America half asleep' and a zionist colony. And both regimes have been very bad and very costly to the inhabitants of the Netherlands, who never even were informed what they are paying for. And if anybody speaks up - especially journalists etc. - they're silenced if one is not not strong and independent enough.
PM Balkenende and his collaborators - who only pay lip service but never really protest the slaughter in Palestine or Iraq - will afterwards as usual land in Sharon's lap where they mentally belong. And discuss the fact that both Sharon and Abbas are gearing up for meetings with President George W. Bush at the White House between late March and mid April. Balkenende got his US marching orders last month since apparently the zionists in the White House and Pentagon which are at present really wrecking the world, need help again in attacking Syria and Iran. Using Holland as always as a military base, contrary to the dutch constitution.
Holland's main airport Schiphol will as usual also be used for this and has for 40 years been ''an Israeli State within a State'': the Mossad runs the place* - and there is absolutely NO control ever by the Dutch whatsoever.*
All forms of contraband and weapons - including nuclear and biological and/or chemical weapons fly over the heads of the paying dutch 'shafans' and the taxpayers are not even allowed to know how many billions are - and have been - siphoned of for the US/Israeli war machine and other dirty deals. It's all top secret or ''War on Terrorism': 'just pay and shut up' is the slogan of the 'managers of Holland.' But PM van Agt became very critical of Israel during his time in government while having access to much more information than the usual.
Jerusalem Posts...
Since the end of the second World War the people in the Netherlands have been dominated and totally indoctrinated by the "Jerusalem Post" of the Netherlands, called the NRC. Generations of the so called 'intelligentsia'; people which supposed they later might run the Netherlands, have been brought up and schooled with the zionist lies of the NRC and many other jewish correspondents; mentally remaining rabbits in their holes behind the dikes. And even when an enormous El Al airplane falls on their holes in Amsterdam and many die; when they get sick and lied to: they just eat their imported and repackaged sallad, and vegetate.
Numbed and dumbed down by the media which betrayed them. Serving Sharon, Bush, Blair, Berlusconi or Balkenende. They are all guilty of war crimes, made possible and sold through their collaborators in the media, of which some still dare to call themselves 'journalist'. Maybe one should be glad not to be a 'christian' so one doesn't have to kill people...But the world will not be glad again before all those war criminals are taken to court: they must be punished for their misdeeds against their fellow human beings.
The double-Dutch 'christian' government is a
criminal shame for the country and humanity.
Henk Ruyssenaars
* Jetliner Crash on Amsterdam Reveals Israel’s Weapons Plan - Url.:
* 'Israel/Mossad run Schiphol airport', and other NL/Israel articles which are never published in the Netherlands mainstream media - Url.:
* PM van Agt on video (in Dutch) - Url.:
A perfect article by Arjan el Fassed concerning the European Union and Israel's deception:
The future does not look bright. The EU officially has become part of the problem and formally endorsed Israel's state practices vis-a-vis an oppressed population. The EU-Israel Action Plan formalized the facilitation of Israel's violations of human rights and international humanitarian law by shielding Israel from legal and political accountability, and by helping it escape the normal penalties or costs that would result ordinarily from the violations. - Full and very informative article - Url.: -
Editor : Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands
The Dutch author this far has worked abroad 4 decades for international media as a foreign correspondent, of which 10 years - also during Gulf War I - in the Arab World and the Middle East. Seeing worldwide that every bullet and every bomb breeds more terrorism ! - At present 'Persona non Grata' in Holland :-)
He who travels far will often see things
Far removed from what he believed was the Truth.
When he talks about it in the fields at home,
He is often accused of lying,
For the obdurate people will not believe
Inexperience, I believe,
Will give little credence to my song.
'Journey to the East' - Hermann Hesse
'The war in Iraq is illegal' says United Nation's Secretary General Kofi Annan - Url.:
A 55' seconds 'sound bite' concerning the US-Israeli 'Dogs of War' - 'bringing democracy' everywhere. Url.:
*Colin Powell: 'It is not anti-Semitic to criticize the policies of the state of Israel' Said as 'US Secretary of State' in a speech at the 'Conference on Anti-Semitism of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe' German Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Berlin - April 28th - 2004 - Url.:
Former PM 'Wim Kok' and other Dutch Govt's Warcriminals in Court - Url.: -
Sued: Defense Secretary Rumsfeld Over U.S. Torture Policies - Url.:
It can and must be done!
Help the troops come home! Url.: - We need them badly to fight our so called 'governments': Url.:
FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.:
by Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands, March 14, 2005 - 'Shafan' is the Hebrew word for rabbit. And when in the Netherlands - after many years of working and living in North Africa with the Middle-East 'peace', the Palestinian exiled government under Arafat in Tunis, the US/Israeli influence etc. - one gets the impression that most of the Dutch people through their mainstream media have turned into 'shafans'.
They're like rabbits in their holes in this 'Israeli colony', and get via TV a portion 'Shoa' at least three times a day to keep their indoctrinated consciences bad and numbed. And anybody who dares to say anything critical of the US/Israeli neocons or the ongoing Shoas/genocides in Iraq and in Palestine is frozen out, socially and journalistically made 'dead'.
To take just one example: when the 'shafans' buy food in their supermarkets, most of them never see the very small and very fine print on many vegetables, juices and other food products. Saying on the label (and very much smaller than this): 'Repackaged in the Netherlands - Product of Israel. Israeli and dutch firms run a full scale repackaging industry in Holland to export and sell their own products under false labels. As many - including Gretha Duisenberg, the wife of the former Head of the European Union Bank confirmed too. Because even Tel Aviv and Washington know that there globally are still enough rabbits which understand what's going on, and who certainly do not want to buy from warmongering fundamentalists.
Gladly there still are quite some - by the mainstream media mostly boycotted - exceptions however. In a blistering attack against the Israeli Holocaust of the Palestinians, last Saturday night on prime time in the dutch 'christian' fundamentalist EO TV* - former Prime Minister of the Netherlands Dries van Agt - on location in Gaza and Israel - again explained his disgust and the inhumanity of the Israeli extermination through decades of the Palestinian people.
Treacherous jewish/american 'negotiators for peace'...
Based on his personal experiences as Prime Minister and top level information from negotiations with the US zionists; the always jewish/american 'negotiators for peace in the Middle East'; and seeing Israel never complying with any United Nations resolutions (72) concerning the Middle East ever, mr. van Agt has understood the zionist lies, the stalling and carnage going on. He has openly called the United States and israel for 'lawless rogue states'.
Van Agt apparently has seen and understood - outside of the shafan colony - the dubious role of christian and zionist fundamentalists in the US and the European Union, which lie words of comfort to the Palestinians but always support - and now again - the murderous Sharon and earlier israeli governments.
But with ex-PM van Agt, the 'fundamentalist nr 1' in the Netherlands, the despicable propagandist for Israel and EO's TV - 'anchorhypocrite' Andries Knevel clearly overplayed his hand. His history falsifying comments are well known among normal people. But even if he and his crew did the cutting and finishing of the program, van Agt with arguments convinced thinking people that the policy of 'Ausrottung', the killing by the Israeli governments, was criminal and never acceptable.
'Hitler music'
Treacherous christian fundamentalist Knevel - like the present dutch prime minister Balkenende having only false belief and no good arguments - tried to undermine the arguments of mr. van Agt by putting some Wagner music under the critical texts, indicating a taste for 'Hitler music' by his adversary. Low level journalism as usual by by this christian populist and false prophet Andries Knevel and his EO TV.
This very rare broadcast - being critical of Israel's genocide - was shown on the evening of the visit of the present christian fundamentalist prime minister Jan Peter Balkenende. This immensely impopular white plastered grave, advertising himself and his neocon gang as 'christians', has held pro forma (hypocritical) talks with the palestinian 'leader' Abbas of which nothing whatsoever is to be expected.
Apart from a bunch of hypocritical lies in a 'Press Release' which will be reprinted and used by all the jewish/dutch media correspondents who for the past 5 decades have misinformed the Dutch people. Implying that they - according to the Nuremberg principles - all are guilty of crimes against humanity. Without them 'selling' the propaganda and other lies, those crimes would not have taken place.
Thus the news in the Netherlands concerning Israel and it's enormous misdeeds is boycotted in every way. The speaker of the parliament Weisglas runs the israeli show there: the so called Union of Journalists has always been in israeli hands (Abrahams) and the jewish lobby in Holland is overwhelming since decades.
And it's getting worse: like in the former Soviet Union and the present day United States; ALL information for the country in the main ''state radio and TV information channels'' will be in the servile hands of media bureaucrat Hans Laroes. As the head of the main government information channel NOS TV (Netherlands Broadcasting Corp.) he has been a shame for journalism ever since his Labour party - (PvdA) which strongly supports the US and Israel - put him on the deception job. The NOS evening 'Journaal' broadcast is dominating, but has spread more disinformation in the country than the heavy land- and air traffic does.
The so called dutch National News Agency ANP already was in the hands of multinational 'Fentener van Vlissingen', a fact which speaks for itself but is never spoken about. ANP delivers it's industry information - called 'news' - to most of the dutch media, including Laroes and his state information service. The result is of course disastrous and dishonest. Nearly all so called 'big journalists' in the Netherlands are corrupt as hell, having sold their cowardly souls long ago to the gangsters running the country. And in some form of 'journalism euthanasia' now 'Politruk' Laroes will be the new director of the biggest 'multimedia manure factory' in Holland.
'America half asleep'
By international observers who still try to be honest, Holland can and should be described as something in between a bad kind of 'America half asleep' and a zionist colony. And both regimes have been very bad and very costly to the inhabitants of the Netherlands, who never even were informed what they are paying for. And if anybody speaks up - especially journalists etc. - they're silenced if one is not not strong and independent enough.
PM Balkenende and his collaborators - who only pay lip service but never really protest the slaughter in Palestine or Iraq - will afterwards as usual land in Sharon's lap where they mentally belong. And discuss the fact that both Sharon and Abbas are gearing up for meetings with President George W. Bush at the White House between late March and mid April. Balkenende got his US marching orders last month since apparently the zionists in the White House and Pentagon which are at present really wrecking the world, need help again in attacking Syria and Iran. Using Holland as always as a military base, contrary to the dutch constitution.
Holland's main airport Schiphol will as usual also be used for this and has for 40 years been ''an Israeli State within a State'': the Mossad runs the place* - and there is absolutely NO control ever by the Dutch whatsoever.*
All forms of contraband and weapons - including nuclear and biological and/or chemical weapons fly over the heads of the paying dutch 'shafans' and the taxpayers are not even allowed to know how many billions are - and have been - siphoned of for the US/Israeli war machine and other dirty deals. It's all top secret or ''War on Terrorism': 'just pay and shut up' is the slogan of the 'managers of Holland.' But PM van Agt became very critical of Israel during his time in government while having access to much more information than the usual.
Jerusalem Posts...
Since the end of the second World War the people in the Netherlands have been dominated and totally indoctrinated by the "Jerusalem Post" of the Netherlands, called the NRC. Generations of the so called 'intelligentsia'; people which supposed they later might run the Netherlands, have been brought up and schooled with the zionist lies of the NRC and many other jewish correspondents; mentally remaining rabbits in their holes behind the dikes. And even when an enormous El Al airplane falls on their holes in Amsterdam and many die; when they get sick and lied to: they just eat their imported and repackaged sallad, and vegetate.
Numbed and dumbed down by the media which betrayed them. Serving Sharon, Bush, Blair, Berlusconi or Balkenende. They are all guilty of war crimes, made possible and sold through their collaborators in the media, of which some still dare to call themselves 'journalist'. Maybe one should be glad not to be a 'christian' so one doesn't have to kill people...But the world will not be glad again before all those war criminals are taken to court: they must be punished for their misdeeds against their fellow human beings.
The double-Dutch 'christian' government is a
criminal shame for the country and humanity.
Henk Ruyssenaars
* Jetliner Crash on Amsterdam Reveals Israel’s Weapons Plan - Url.:
* 'Israel/Mossad run Schiphol airport', and other NL/Israel articles which are never published in the Netherlands mainstream media - Url.:
* PM van Agt on video (in Dutch) - Url.:
A perfect article by Arjan el Fassed concerning the European Union and Israel's deception:
The future does not look bright. The EU officially has become part of the problem and formally endorsed Israel's state practices vis-a-vis an oppressed population. The EU-Israel Action Plan formalized the facilitation of Israel's violations of human rights and international humanitarian law by shielding Israel from legal and political accountability, and by helping it escape the normal penalties or costs that would result ordinarily from the violations. - Full and very informative article - Url.: -
Editor : Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands
The Dutch author this far has worked abroad 4 decades for international media as a foreign correspondent, of which 10 years - also during Gulf War I - in the Arab World and the Middle East. Seeing worldwide that every bullet and every bomb breeds more terrorism ! - At present 'Persona non Grata' in Holland :-)
He who travels far will often see things
Far removed from what he believed was the Truth.
When he talks about it in the fields at home,
He is often accused of lying,
For the obdurate people will not believe
Inexperience, I believe,
Will give little credence to my song.
'Journey to the East' - Hermann Hesse
'The war in Iraq is illegal' says United Nation's Secretary General Kofi Annan - Url.:
A 55' seconds 'sound bite' concerning the US-Israeli 'Dogs of War' - 'bringing democracy' everywhere. Url.:
*Colin Powell: 'It is not anti-Semitic to criticize the policies of the state of Israel' Said as 'US Secretary of State' in a speech at the 'Conference on Anti-Semitism of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe' German Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Berlin - April 28th - 2004 - Url.:
Former PM 'Wim Kok' and other Dutch Govt's Warcriminals in Court - Url.: -
Sued: Defense Secretary Rumsfeld Over U.S. Torture Policies - Url.:
It can and must be done!
Help the troops come home! Url.: - We need them badly to fight our so called 'governments': Url.:
FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.: