Hiding in plane sight: The media and other monsters
All very interesting working links you'll find in the original story of which the Url is found by clicking on the title above.
23 December 2005 - There are layers of secrets to South African history that no one seems to want to dig up any more. Take for instance, the hi-tech murder of the president of Mozambique, who died in a deliberately created plane crash.
In case you think airplane crashes don't mean much, look at what happened in Rwanda after one little plane mysteriously crashed. Try to make sense, for instance, of the news article airily glossing over the fact that the United Nations "forgot" to analyse the data from the black box from the plane that crashed (and which kick-started the Rwandan genocide.)
Read 'Rwanda Black Box Not Linked to Plane Crash'.
And consider the implications of deliberate French involvement: France Accused of Genocide. For a first person street-level read, there is an online book, Rwanda: The Ethnic Trap.
All of the above is to show the ripple effects possible from a minor incident. Much like the United States conveniently will not see another Kennedy as president, thanks to another little plane crash. (Gee, it's funny that so many Democrats, compared with Republicans, happen to die in plane crashes, isn't it?)
It's funny that JFK Jnr's last editorial in George magazine referred to the upcoming "fight against the forces of evil this summer". It's funny also that film footage and photographs of the crash site disappeared -- and that the US Navy burned its tapes, supposedly "out of respect".
The JFK Jnr plane-crash material and links are midway down a lengthy page. Read John F Kennedy Jnr: Evidence of a Cover-Up.
For the purposes of understanding reality as it is, you need to comprehend that much of the common idea of "history", as understood by most people, is a lie and a myth perpetuated by the ruling states, corporations and those with vested interests.
Read Michael Parenti's article The Media and their Atrocities and Why the Media Lies.
Okay. Still with me?
Browse through the top censored media stories, at Project Censored. And, staying with Project Censored, read Unanswered Questions of 9/11.
Now re-evaluate your world view of a major modern historic event, and read a paper by Professor Steven Jones, from the department of physics and astronomy at Brigham Young University, titled 'Why Indeed Did the World Trade Centre Buildings Collapse?'
And here's a Utah news article, nervously covering the story: Professor Thinks Bombs, Not Planes, Toppled WTC.
I'm still waiting for a complete official explanation about The Five Dancing Israelis arrested on 9/11. Then there are anomalies aplenty to consider at The WebFairy 9/11 Memorial.
(I had a fun examination of the media's portrayal of the local alleged romance between Nelson and Graca planned for here, but it was so long, I yanked it. The fates willing, I'll throw the cat among the pigeons at some point in the future, rather.)
Now, let's dive into "public relations" (which, remember, is the civilian phrase for the military term "propaganda").
Most of what you think is your innate patriotism and your own ideas about this country, for instance, come from marketing firms, who sell you abstract illusions to bolster up your world view and keep you buying the new rubbish that holds you in debt and keeps the economy going. You almost never hear about the firms themselves, just the "product" they are selling.
Have a look, for instance at a PR firm talking about itself -- and this country -- as clinically as any washing-powder company preparing to target dumb housewives. It's called 'Brand South Africa': IMC Who We Are.
It gets even weirder. Look over the bland little "info kits" to help citizens and travellers explain away various South African "problem subjects" when overseas. It's interesting that these potted answers sound so strangely similar to what the current government spokespersons routinely belch out. Look at The Business Person's Travel Kit.
To get a sense of this propaganda star chamber in action, as well as how it's been able to infiltrate its chosen nauseating "bright and sunny/great potential" (that is, false) view of South Africa, into the psyches of local citizens, look at the companies its members are part of, here.
Whether it fits here, I don't know -- but I'm curious about who was behind the absurdity of a common-or-garden-variety money-grubbing bank linking up with an apparently patriotic (alarm bells start ringing in me) and "non-profit" organisation aimed at "welcoming returning citizens" at Homecoming Revolution.
To follow on, and proving that there is a God -- and that She has a lovely and sadistic sense of humour -- note the article mentioning that a conference by this odd group (for it to tell everyone about its achievements) was cancelled because no one was interested: Conference Cancelled Due to Lack of Interest.
Compare the bland, reassuring propaganda kits above with the horror of reality, found at the global statistics site Nationmaster. You probably won't like it, as it clashes with all the propaganda you've perhaps soaked up. Go see the wonderful (note: irony) country you live in, at Top Statistical Global Rankings Where South Africa Leads.
Staying in a reality that isn't the propaganda pipe dreams of local backroom dream merchants, consider what kind of future is actually coming, by looking at the following news items.
Firstly, for comic relief, I've retitled the first article headline to reflect what is actually being reported -- seeing as the writer of the article concerned appears to hide unquestioningly behind coy euphemisms (like a rather nervous sheep hiding behind a tree from wolves.) Consider the subtext, and what isn't being asked, as well as the soft "real" headline of the news item that I like to call 'Businessman Allegedly Pays Whore to Regularly Screw Deputy President'.
(The apparent circumstances detailed out as they are in that headline: doesn't it make you wonder what happened to -- er -- "journalism"?)
To bring you good Christmas cheer and make you look forward to another year: 83% of All SA Companies Hit by Fraud, 50% of All SA Students Don't Reach Matric, 50% of all SA Tertiary Students Drop Out, and 40% (and Rising) of All SA Child Deaths Are Aids-related.
Yessiree, that's a great future coming -- you can tell that, can't you?
Merry Christmas everyone, and if someone shoots Santa, save me a haunch of venison.
Until the next time, if patriots don't get me.
Ian Fraser
[andend] - Ur;.: http://tinyurl.com/av9hw
23 December 2005 - There are layers of secrets to South African history that no one seems to want to dig up any more. Take for instance, the hi-tech murder of the president of Mozambique, who died in a deliberately created plane crash.
In case you think airplane crashes don't mean much, look at what happened in Rwanda after one little plane mysteriously crashed. Try to make sense, for instance, of the news article airily glossing over the fact that the United Nations "forgot" to analyse the data from the black box from the plane that crashed (and which kick-started the Rwandan genocide.)
Read 'Rwanda Black Box Not Linked to Plane Crash'.
And consider the implications of deliberate French involvement: France Accused of Genocide. For a first person street-level read, there is an online book, Rwanda: The Ethnic Trap.
All of the above is to show the ripple effects possible from a minor incident. Much like the United States conveniently will not see another Kennedy as president, thanks to another little plane crash. (Gee, it's funny that so many Democrats, compared with Republicans, happen to die in plane crashes, isn't it?)
It's funny that JFK Jnr's last editorial in George magazine referred to the upcoming "fight against the forces of evil this summer". It's funny also that film footage and photographs of the crash site disappeared -- and that the US Navy burned its tapes, supposedly "out of respect".
The JFK Jnr plane-crash material and links are midway down a lengthy page. Read John F Kennedy Jnr: Evidence of a Cover-Up.
For the purposes of understanding reality as it is, you need to comprehend that much of the common idea of "history", as understood by most people, is a lie and a myth perpetuated by the ruling states, corporations and those with vested interests.
Read Michael Parenti's article The Media and their Atrocities and Why the Media Lies.
Okay. Still with me?
Browse through the top censored media stories, at Project Censored. And, staying with Project Censored, read Unanswered Questions of 9/11.
Now re-evaluate your world view of a major modern historic event, and read a paper by Professor Steven Jones, from the department of physics and astronomy at Brigham Young University, titled 'Why Indeed Did the World Trade Centre Buildings Collapse?'
And here's a Utah news article, nervously covering the story: Professor Thinks Bombs, Not Planes, Toppled WTC.
I'm still waiting for a complete official explanation about The Five Dancing Israelis arrested on 9/11. Then there are anomalies aplenty to consider at The WebFairy 9/11 Memorial.
(I had a fun examination of the media's portrayal of the local alleged romance between Nelson and Graca planned for here, but it was so long, I yanked it. The fates willing, I'll throw the cat among the pigeons at some point in the future, rather.)
Now, let's dive into "public relations" (which, remember, is the civilian phrase for the military term "propaganda").
Most of what you think is your innate patriotism and your own ideas about this country, for instance, come from marketing firms, who sell you abstract illusions to bolster up your world view and keep you buying the new rubbish that holds you in debt and keeps the economy going. You almost never hear about the firms themselves, just the "product" they are selling.
Have a look, for instance at a PR firm talking about itself -- and this country -- as clinically as any washing-powder company preparing to target dumb housewives. It's called 'Brand South Africa': IMC Who We Are.
It gets even weirder. Look over the bland little "info kits" to help citizens and travellers explain away various South African "problem subjects" when overseas. It's interesting that these potted answers sound so strangely similar to what the current government spokespersons routinely belch out. Look at The Business Person's Travel Kit.
To get a sense of this propaganda star chamber in action, as well as how it's been able to infiltrate its chosen nauseating "bright and sunny/great potential" (that is, false) view of South Africa, into the psyches of local citizens, look at the companies its members are part of, here.
Whether it fits here, I don't know -- but I'm curious about who was behind the absurdity of a common-or-garden-variety money-grubbing bank linking up with an apparently patriotic (alarm bells start ringing in me) and "non-profit" organisation aimed at "welcoming returning citizens" at Homecoming Revolution.
To follow on, and proving that there is a God -- and that She has a lovely and sadistic sense of humour -- note the article mentioning that a conference by this odd group (for it to tell everyone about its achievements) was cancelled because no one was interested: Conference Cancelled Due to Lack of Interest.
Compare the bland, reassuring propaganda kits above with the horror of reality, found at the global statistics site Nationmaster. You probably won't like it, as it clashes with all the propaganda you've perhaps soaked up. Go see the wonderful (note: irony) country you live in, at Top Statistical Global Rankings Where South Africa Leads.
Staying in a reality that isn't the propaganda pipe dreams of local backroom dream merchants, consider what kind of future is actually coming, by looking at the following news items.
Firstly, for comic relief, I've retitled the first article headline to reflect what is actually being reported -- seeing as the writer of the article concerned appears to hide unquestioningly behind coy euphemisms (like a rather nervous sheep hiding behind a tree from wolves.) Consider the subtext, and what isn't being asked, as well as the soft "real" headline of the news item that I like to call 'Businessman Allegedly Pays Whore to Regularly Screw Deputy President'.
(The apparent circumstances detailed out as they are in that headline: doesn't it make you wonder what happened to -- er -- "journalism"?)
To bring you good Christmas cheer and make you look forward to another year: 83% of All SA Companies Hit by Fraud, 50% of All SA Students Don't Reach Matric, 50% of all SA Tertiary Students Drop Out, and 40% (and Rising) of All SA Child Deaths Are Aids-related.
Yessiree, that's a great future coming -- you can tell that, can't you?
Merry Christmas everyone, and if someone shoots Santa, save me a haunch of venison.
Until the next time, if patriots don't get me.
Ian Fraser
[andend] - Ur;.: http://tinyurl.com/av9hw