Reporters Without Borders Unmasked - Dutch journalists Union NVJ is the same...
This small part in the dutch language is of special
interest to all journalists in the Netherlands too:
De Nederlandse Vereniging van Journalisten [NVJ] vaart al tientallen jaren lang een pro-USA/Israel koers die volledig schaamteloos is in misleiding. De acties van Nederlandse groepen zoals de NVJ, gericht tégen Cuba, en ook bij 'Reporters zonder Grenzen' (RSF) worden gefinancierd door anti Castro groepen in de VS, met vaste betalingen door de CIA/NED. De NVJ top is corrupt en moet weg.
Gebaseerd op tientallen jaren ervaring als correspondent - ook voor veel NL-media - kan ik rustig zeggen dat de NVJ top een verwerpelijk en leugenachtig groepje collaborateurs is, die naar ik hoop z'n gerechte straf en afkeuring niet zal ontlopen. Het zijn 'Informanten' geen journalisten!
In short: based on my lifelong experience as an independent foreign correspondent, the Dutch - so called 'Union of Journalists' - is totally comparable, and as biased misleading as 'Reporters without Borders'.
Reporters Without Borders Unmasked
Its Secret Deal with Otto Reich to Wreck Cuba's Economy
By DIANA BARAHONA May 17, 2005
When Robert Menard founded Reporters Without Borders twenty years ago, he gave his group a name which evokes another French organization respected worldwide for its humanitarian work and which maintains a strict neutrality in political conflicts - Doctors Without Borders. But RSF (French acronym) has been anything but nonpartisan and objective in its approach to Latin America and to Cuba in particular.
From the beginning, RSF has made Cuba its No. 1 target. Allegedly founded to advocate freedom of the press around the world and to help journalists under attack, the organization has called Cuba "the world's biggest prison for journalists." It even gives the country a lower ranking on its press freedom index than countries where journalists routinely have been killed, such as Colombia, Peru and Mexico. RSF has waged campaigns aimed at discouraging Europeans from vacationing in Cuba and the European Union from doing business there - its only campaigns worldwide intended to damage a country's economy.
The above is not a matter of chance because it turns out that RSF is on the payroll of the U.S. State Department and has close ties to Helms-Burton-funded Cuban exile groups.
As a majority of members of Congress work toward normalizing trade and travel with Cuba, the extremist anti-Castro groups that have dictated U.S. Cuba policy for 40 years continue working tirelessly to maintain an economic stranglehold on the island. Their support for RSF is part of this overall strategy.
Havana-based journalist Jean-Guy Allard wrote a book about RSF's leader (El expediente Robert Ménard: Por qué Reporteros sin Fronteras se ensaña con Cuba, Quebec: Lanctôt, 2005) which lays out the pieces of the puzzle regarding Menard's activities, associations and sources of funding in an attempt to explain what he calls Menard's "obsession" with Cuba. On April 27 this year the pieces began to come together: Thierry Meyssan, president of the Paris daily, Red Voltaire, published an article in which he claimed Menard had negotiated a contract with Otto Reich and the Center for a Free Cuba (CFC) in 2001. Reich was a trustee of the center, which receives the bulk of its funding from the U.S. Agency for International Development. The contract, according to Meyssan, was signed in 2002 around the time Reich was appointed Special Envoy to the Western Hemisphere for the Secretary of State. The initial payment for RSF's services was approximately 24,970 euros in 2002 ($25,000), which went up to 59,201 euros in 2003 ($50,000).
Lucie Morillon, RSF's Washington representative, confirmed in an interview on April 29 that they are indeed receiving payments from the Center for a Free Cuba, and that the contract with Reich requires them to inform Europeans about the repression against journalists in Cuba and to support the families of journalists in prison. Morillon also said they received $50,000 from the CFC in 2004 and that this amount was consistent from year to year. But she denied that the anti-Cuba declarations on radio and television, full-page ads in Parisian dailies, posters, leafletting at airports and an April 2003 occupation of the Cuban tourism office in Paris were aimed at discouraging tourism to the island. [end quote]
Please do read the full text which explains the despicable behavior of so many corrupted - Url.:
Editor : Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands
Helping people in need is a must: not knowing whom you are
helping with what, is a crime:the Dutch Journalists Union NVJ
in one of it's anti Cuba campaigns - Url.:
* Former PM Wim Kok and other Dutch Govt's War
criminals in Court - Url.:
* TIME magazine: The Netherlands and the massacre in Srebrenica:
8000 murdered - Url.:
* Help the troops come home! Url.: -
We need them badly to fight our so called 'governments' -
FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 -
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press
Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have
expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. - Url.:
interest to all journalists in the Netherlands too:
De Nederlandse Vereniging van Journalisten [NVJ] vaart al tientallen jaren lang een pro-USA/Israel koers die volledig schaamteloos is in misleiding. De acties van Nederlandse groepen zoals de NVJ, gericht tégen Cuba, en ook bij 'Reporters zonder Grenzen' (RSF) worden gefinancierd door anti Castro groepen in de VS, met vaste betalingen door de CIA/NED. De NVJ top is corrupt en moet weg.
Gebaseerd op tientallen jaren ervaring als correspondent - ook voor veel NL-media - kan ik rustig zeggen dat de NVJ top een verwerpelijk en leugenachtig groepje collaborateurs is, die naar ik hoop z'n gerechte straf en afkeuring niet zal ontlopen. Het zijn 'Informanten' geen journalisten!
In short: based on my lifelong experience as an independent foreign correspondent, the Dutch - so called 'Union of Journalists' - is totally comparable, and as biased misleading as 'Reporters without Borders'.
Reporters Without Borders Unmasked
Its Secret Deal with Otto Reich to Wreck Cuba's Economy
By DIANA BARAHONA May 17, 2005
When Robert Menard founded Reporters Without Borders twenty years ago, he gave his group a name which evokes another French organization respected worldwide for its humanitarian work and which maintains a strict neutrality in political conflicts - Doctors Without Borders. But RSF (French acronym) has been anything but nonpartisan and objective in its approach to Latin America and to Cuba in particular.
From the beginning, RSF has made Cuba its No. 1 target. Allegedly founded to advocate freedom of the press around the world and to help journalists under attack, the organization has called Cuba "the world's biggest prison for journalists." It even gives the country a lower ranking on its press freedom index than countries where journalists routinely have been killed, such as Colombia, Peru and Mexico. RSF has waged campaigns aimed at discouraging Europeans from vacationing in Cuba and the European Union from doing business there - its only campaigns worldwide intended to damage a country's economy.
The above is not a matter of chance because it turns out that RSF is on the payroll of the U.S. State Department and has close ties to Helms-Burton-funded Cuban exile groups.
As a majority of members of Congress work toward normalizing trade and travel with Cuba, the extremist anti-Castro groups that have dictated U.S. Cuba policy for 40 years continue working tirelessly to maintain an economic stranglehold on the island. Their support for RSF is part of this overall strategy.
Havana-based journalist Jean-Guy Allard wrote a book about RSF's leader (El expediente Robert Ménard: Por qué Reporteros sin Fronteras se ensaña con Cuba, Quebec: Lanctôt, 2005) which lays out the pieces of the puzzle regarding Menard's activities, associations and sources of funding in an attempt to explain what he calls Menard's "obsession" with Cuba. On April 27 this year the pieces began to come together: Thierry Meyssan, president of the Paris daily, Red Voltaire, published an article in which he claimed Menard had negotiated a contract with Otto Reich and the Center for a Free Cuba (CFC) in 2001. Reich was a trustee of the center, which receives the bulk of its funding from the U.S. Agency for International Development. The contract, according to Meyssan, was signed in 2002 around the time Reich was appointed Special Envoy to the Western Hemisphere for the Secretary of State. The initial payment for RSF's services was approximately 24,970 euros in 2002 ($25,000), which went up to 59,201 euros in 2003 ($50,000).
Lucie Morillon, RSF's Washington representative, confirmed in an interview on April 29 that they are indeed receiving payments from the Center for a Free Cuba, and that the contract with Reich requires them to inform Europeans about the repression against journalists in Cuba and to support the families of journalists in prison. Morillon also said they received $50,000 from the CFC in 2004 and that this amount was consistent from year to year. But she denied that the anti-Cuba declarations on radio and television, full-page ads in Parisian dailies, posters, leafletting at airports and an April 2003 occupation of the Cuban tourism office in Paris were aimed at discouraging tourism to the island. [end quote]
Please do read the full text which explains the despicable behavior of so many corrupted - Url.:
Editor : Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands
Helping people in need is a must: not knowing whom you are
helping with what, is a crime:the Dutch Journalists Union NVJ
in one of it's anti Cuba campaigns - Url.:
* Former PM Wim Kok and other Dutch Govt's War
criminals in Court - Url.:
* TIME magazine: The Netherlands and the massacre in Srebrenica:
8000 murdered - Url.:
* Help the troops come home! Url.: -
We need them badly to fight our so called 'governments' -
FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 -
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press
Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have
expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. - Url.: