A cost of Bush's Iraq war: How New Orleans Was Lost
Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 2005-09-01
Chalk up the city of New Orleans as a cost of Bush's Iraq war.
There were not enough helicopters to repair the breached levees and rescue people trapped by rising water. Nor are there enough Louisiana National Guardsmen available to help with rescue efforts and to patrol against looting.
The situation is the same in Mississippi.
The National Guard and helicopters are off on a fool's mission in Iraq.
[Supported by the 'managers' of The Netherlands*]
The National Guard is in Iraq because fanatical neoconservatives in the Bush administration were determined to invade the Middle East and because incompetent Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld refused to listen to the generals, who told him there were not enough regular troops available to do the job.
After the invasion, the arrogant Rumsfeld found out that the generals were right. The National Guard was called up to fill in the gaping gaps. [Supported by the criminal neocon 'managers' of The Netherlands*]
Now the Guardsmen, trapped in the Iraqi quagmire, are watching on TV the families they left behind trapped by rising waters and wondering if the floating bodies are family members. None know where their dislocated families are, but, shades of Fallujah, they do see their destroyed homes.
The mayor of New Orleans was counting on helicopters to put in place massive sandbags to repair the levee. However, someone called the few helicopters away to rescue people from rooftops. The rising water overwhelmed the massive pumping stations, and New Orleans disappeared under deep water.
What a terrible casualty of the Iraqi war – one of our oldest and most beautiful cities, a famous city, a historic city.
Distracted by its phony war on terrorism, the U.S. government had made no preparations in the event Hurricane Katrina brought catastrophe to New Orleans. No contingency plan existed. Only now after the disaster are FEMA and the Corps of Engineers trying to assemble the material and equipment to save New Orleans from the fate of Atlantis.
Even worse, articles in the New Orleans Times-Picayune and public statements by emergency management chiefs in New Orleans make it clear that the Bush administration slashed the funding for the Corps of Engineers' projects to strengthen and raise the New Orleans levees and diverted the money to the Iraq war.
Walter Maestri, emergency management chief for Jefferson Parish, told the New Orleans Times-Picayune (June 8, 2004): "It appears that the money has been moved in the president's budget to handle homeland security and the war in Iraq, and I suppose that's the price we pay. Nobody locally is happy that the levees can't be finished, and we are doing everything we can to make the case that this is a security issue for us."
Why can't the U.S. government focus on America's needs and leave other countries alone? Why are American troops in Iraq instead of protecting our own borders from a mass invasion by illegal immigrants? Why are American helicopters blowing up Iraqi homes instead of saving American homes in New Orleans?
How can the Bush administration be so incompetent as to expose Americans at home to dire risks by exhausting American resources in foolish foreign adventures? What kind of "homeland security" is this?
All Bush has achieved by invading Iraq is to kill and wound thousands of people while destroying America's reputation. The only beneficiaries are oil companies capitalizing on a good excuse to jack up the price of gasoline and Osama bin Laden's recruitment.
What we have is a Republican war for oil company profits, while New Orleans sinks beneath the waters.
[enditem] - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/7nhhq
NOT in the CIA's World Fact Book: The people in The Netherlands - the #6 richest country in the world with only sixteen million inhabitants - who dislike the war and belligerent acts of the two main rogue states right now, the United States and Israel, and wait for justice to return, so those war criminals in The Hague, Dutch industry, the military top and all collaborating 'journalists' can be taken to Court and charged with the crimes against humanity they are committing now.
The present government of the Netherlands, which also hypocritically calls itself 'christian', is - like the war criminals in the US, Israel, Britain, and Italy - they are all a burning shame for humanity.
They must be stopped.
Henk Ruyssenaars
''Kill and Destroy'': See the live shooting of unknown Afghans here - Url.:
''License to kill, License to lie''... - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/6dyxj
Your future: America's Agenda for Global Military Domination http://tinyurl.com/3w58b
US war crimes search Google: 2.260.000 'hits' : http://tinyurl.com/2dnkn
Israel's war crimes, 1.190.000 'hits', a lot for such a small country which (falsely) calls itself 'the only democracy in the Middle East' - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/4e5sk
United Nation's Secretary General Kofi Annan: 'The war in Iraq is illegal' -BBC - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/5pl2v
''The Lancet'' and the ''Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health'' report: ''Over 100.000 killed in the illegal Iraq war''-Url.: http://tinyurl.com/5gys7
Bush interview. ABC: No WMD's but many killed: "It was worth it" - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/6bal9
Former Secr. of State Madeleine Albright in her comment on half a million dead children in Iraq: "We think it's worth it" On CBS 60' Minutes - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/2vmc8
Iraq Body Count - Url.: http://www.iraqbodycount.net/
A crime against humanity is an act of persecution against a group, so heinous as to warrant punishment under international law: Please scroll - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/6rphj
As said before: Murder is Murder, whoever does it!
Editor : Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands
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