Zionists Suffer Creature of Their Own Making +Non-Palestinian Semites* bomb and kill 8 Canadians
Related to the story below:
''Eight Canadians were killed Sunday in an IAF air raid that hit a Lebanese border town of Aitaroun, the Canadian government said. Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister Peter MacKay said that besides the eight deaths, six other Canadians were in critical condition. MacKay, who was quoted by The Canadian Press, said the government is putting commercial ships in place to evacuate citizens by sea.''
[and end of this very short item] - by AP/Jerusalem Post - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/nezth
The for the G8 summit gathered international war criminals in St. Petersburg, today - after a week of killing - propose the idea - as Blair and the UN's 'Uncle Tom' Kofi Annan are quoted: ''for the deployment of an international force in southern Lebanon, in order to end the spiraling conflict between Israel and Hezbollah.".
This of course is the usual total and misleading crap: there is only Israeli opposition on paper. The false flag operations and fakes covering their vile deeds. The warmongers direct ALL military forces within the US/Israel sphere, whether its the UN's so called 'Peace troops' or NATO: they all are Washington's 'errand boys' - bombing, torturing, jailing, killing anybody anywhere, as long as it is profitable to their /managers/ and masters.
The most stupid compliant excuse for the IAF genocide and the deliberate killing of human beings - lacking understanding and compassion - is published in the Canadian National Post by mentally retarded collaborators - under the name of George Jonas: ''Family caught in the middle'' at Canada.com - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/ouqot
Zionists Suffer Creature of Their Own Making
By Jim Betker
It should be noted, as a historical fact , that Hamas was created and funded by the Israelis in the 1980s as an alternative to Arafat's PLO and the Arab nationalism it espoused.
What is so amazing is, considering the open collaboration of the Zionists with the National Socialist government of the Third Reich, that the Zionists could be opposed to nationalism.
Apparently, the only nationalism that is good, from the perspective of the Zionists, is a Jewish supremacist style of nationalism. All others are, hence, verboten.
There is no room in this paradigm for Arab nationalism, which Hitler and the National Socialists wished to see as self determination for the Arabs and as a check against British hegemony and to eliminate the late colonial mandates which were another of the atrocities of Versailles.
This was wholly evident in the wish of the NSDAP to allow the Jews of Germany to emigrate to their own homeland. It was not a homeland of the choosing of the Nazis, but of the British, and the only choice which the Zionists would accept, though there were other alternatives which could have been acceptable.
Among those suggested was a then lush island of Madagascar.
Imagine what the Ashkenazi Jews could have done with that virtual paradise by bringing the European work ethic to that remote and sparsely populated place.
It is not so odd, then, that the U.K. and, following after WW II, the U.S., would be openly opposed to Arab nationalism which they saw as a threat to their control over the geostrategic area of the Middle East, in time to include the oil concessions of Iraq, Iran and Saudi Arabia.
But the whole picture became skewed as time went on after the war. With the ensuing CIA-MI6 inspired coups in both Iraq and Iran in the 1950s and the subsequent influx of U.S. dollars to back those illicit regimes, the progression of events led to the eventual rise of Islamic fundamentalism and the backing of mujahideen to fight the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan beginning in earnest in the mid-80s.
The origination of this policy of backing the Islamic movement originated in Israel in 1973. Thus began the collaboration of the Zionists with Sheikh Yassin and the beginnings of what would eventually become Hamas. These policies were officially implemented beginning in 1979.
This was all initiated to counter the nationalist movement of the PLO and Yassir Arafat which the Zionists saw as being a fierce competitor to their own nationalist and expansionist schemes.
What the Zionists did not count on was that, lacking the higher education of the past golden era of Islam in the 13th and 14th centuries when there was a high vocation toward literature, mathematics and architecture, these young Arabs were misguided into grabbing onto a twisted meaning of jihad which was never before accepted in Islam. Jihad in the traditional sense meant only religious fervor, not violence or warfare.
Thus, we see that it is the machinations of the Zionists themselves which has brought about the entire calamity we now witness unfolding in that troubled land.
We can now expect the Zionist cabal to continue with its war crimes and genocide, policies which have been entrenched in the body politic of that outlaw and rogue mini-state.
The U.S. is now completely complicit in this when Bush failed to intervene to stop the violence.
We see by the parallels above that it is the Zionists who really control the foreign policies of the U.S. and have made the U.S. a servile partner in an unconscionable attack on humanity and civilization.
The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are shown to be tactically similar to what has just occurred in Lebanon. The tactics are exactly the same as have been used in the Balkans War in 1999 and the sanctions and bombing of Iraq for 12 years after Gulf War I.
We can say without doubt that it is the Zionists (Olmert) and neocons (Cheney) who have an interest in provoking a wider war. Certainly, it is not in the interest of Hamas, Hezbollah, Syria or Iran (or the rest of the world) to have this escalate to a regional conflict. Cui bono?
As it currently stands there are some 25,000 Americans (40,000 Canadians and 10,000 Britons) stranded in Lebanon after the attacks by Israel which have destroyed the Rafik Hariri International Airport, including the newly remodeled terminal and all port facilities from Beirut to Tripoli and the smaller facilities up and down the coast.
A recent report
says that an IAF strike has killed 8 Canadians and wounded six more in a Lebanese village which abuts the Israeli border.
This is a prime opportunity for the Mossad and Shin Bet (or their Phalangist collaborators) to perpetrate a false flag operation which would stampede the western nations into an all out war for Israel.
An exclusive from Wayne Madsen Report tells us that Israel has used poison gas and depleted uranium ammo on civilian targets in south Lebanon.
Ehud Olmert now "joins Ariel Sharon in annals of Israeli leaders who committed war crimes in Lebanon."
[andend] - Url.: http://btpholdings.blogspot.com/2006/07/zionists-suffer-creature-of-their-own.html
FPF: RELATED and whithin the cadre of PNAC - the 'Project for a New American Century' - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/mzrcv
* 'Blair, Annan call for int'l force in Lebanon; Israel expresses opposition'* - TinyUrl.: http://tinyurl.com/qbfwh
Long - Url.: http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/739352.html
* Google's biased selection of the 'underreported' news - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/nvtjv
* US CRIMINALS SUED: 14 July 2006 - US Vice President Dick Cheney and presidential & PNAC 'spin' adviser Karl Rove - Url.: http://www.breitbart.com/news/2006/07/14/D8IRQQ605.html
* ROME TRIBUNAL ON WAR CRIMES AND MEDIA: Held Guilty of Deception - The tribunal said mainstream media reportage on Iraq also violated article six of the Nuremberg Tribunal (set up to try Nazi crimes) which states: "Leaders, organisers, instigators and accomplices participating in the formulation or execution of a common plan or conspiracy to commit any of the foregoing crimes (crimes against peace, war crimes and crimes against humanity) are responsible for all acts performed by any persons in execution of such a plan." - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/68jws
* ANTI-SEMITISM IS WRONG: It is not a matter of race, color, religion or nationality. It's finding out - and presenting facts - about who did what, where, when and why? - ''Semites are peoples who speak Semitic languages; the group includes Arabs, Aramaeans, Jews, and many Ethiopians.'' - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/mbej3
* FBI says, it has "No hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11" - Url.: http://southafrica.indymedia.org/news/2006/06/10632.php
* US SENATOR BOB GRAHAM, Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence -
[http://tinyurl.com/manno] - regarding the September 11 terrorist attacks: AT LEAST ONE FOREIGN COUNTRY ASSISTED THE 9/11 TERRORISTS - The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer, on PBS, reported. - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/m4duy
* The 9/11 drama was the 'trigger' used by the PNAC Group, KILLING AMERICANS and others to further their inhuman goals: Anybody who after seeing this video - '9/11 revisited' - still believes the version from the 'PNAC pack' - the Washington cabal - is beyond all professional help - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/jn5jx
* THE US PNAC WARS & NATO’S SECRET ARMIES LINKED TO TERRORISM? - (NATO, the Pentagon, NSA, MI6, the CIA, Mossad, BND, and all other European and global 'intelligence services' are linked to inhuman terror, coups d’état, 'rendition', the PNAC Gulags and torture - HR) - by Daniele Ganser - Url.: http://globalresearch.ca/articles/GAN412A.html
* FALSE FLAG 9/11 - NO LEGAL BASE FOR NATO FIGHTING US WARS - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/zqzkc
* FPF: TO THEIR ABUSE OF POWER RELATED LINKS - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/gkgrb
* FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.: http://liimirror.warwick.ac.uk/uscode/17/107.html
Editor: Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands
''Eight Canadians were killed Sunday in an IAF air raid that hit a Lebanese border town of Aitaroun, the Canadian government said. Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister Peter MacKay said that besides the eight deaths, six other Canadians were in critical condition. MacKay, who was quoted by The Canadian Press, said the government is putting commercial ships in place to evacuate citizens by sea.''
[and end of this very short item] - by AP/Jerusalem Post - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/nezth
The for the G8 summit gathered international war criminals in St. Petersburg, today - after a week of killing - propose the idea - as Blair and the UN's 'Uncle Tom' Kofi Annan are quoted: ''for the deployment of an international force in southern Lebanon, in order to end the spiraling conflict between Israel and Hezbollah.".
This of course is the usual total and misleading crap: there is only Israeli opposition on paper. The false flag operations and fakes covering their vile deeds. The warmongers direct ALL military forces within the US/Israel sphere, whether its the UN's so called 'Peace troops' or NATO: they all are Washington's 'errand boys' - bombing, torturing, jailing, killing anybody anywhere, as long as it is profitable to their /managers/ and masters.
The most stupid compliant excuse for the IAF genocide and the deliberate killing of human beings - lacking understanding and compassion - is published in the Canadian National Post by mentally retarded collaborators - under the name of George Jonas: ''Family caught in the middle'' at Canada.com - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/ouqot
Zionists Suffer Creature of Their Own Making
By Jim Betker
It should be noted, as a historical fact
What is so amazing is, considering the open collaboration of the Zionists with the National Socialist government of the Third Reich, that the Zionists could be opposed to nationalism.
Apparently, the only nationalism that is good, from the perspective of the Zionists, is a Jewish supremacist style of nationalism. All others are, hence, verboten.
There is no room in this paradigm for Arab nationalism, which Hitler and the National Socialists wished to see as self determination for the Arabs and as a check against British hegemony and to eliminate the late colonial mandates which were another of the atrocities of Versailles.
This was wholly evident in the wish of the NSDAP to allow the Jews of Germany to emigrate to their own homeland. It was not a homeland of the choosing of the Nazis, but of the British, and the only choice which the Zionists would accept, though there were other alternatives which could have been acceptable.
Among those suggested was a then lush island of Madagascar.
Imagine what the Ashkenazi Jews could have done with that virtual paradise by bringing the European work ethic to that remote and sparsely populated place.
It is not so odd, then, that the U.K. and, following after WW II, the U.S., would be openly opposed to Arab nationalism which they saw as a threat to their control over the geostrategic area of the Middle East, in time to include the oil concessions of Iraq, Iran and Saudi Arabia.
But the whole picture became skewed as time went on after the war. With the ensuing CIA-MI6 inspired coups in both Iraq and Iran in the 1950s and the subsequent influx of U.S. dollars to back those illicit regimes, the progression of events led to the eventual rise of Islamic fundamentalism and the backing of mujahideen to fight the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan beginning in earnest in the mid-80s.
The origination of this policy of backing the Islamic movement originated in Israel in 1973. Thus began the collaboration of the Zionists with Sheikh Yassin and the beginnings of what would eventually become Hamas. These policies were officially implemented beginning in 1979.
This was all initiated to counter the nationalist movement of the PLO and Yassir Arafat which the Zionists saw as being a fierce competitor to their own nationalist and expansionist schemes.
What the Zionists did not count on was that, lacking the higher education of the past golden era of Islam in the 13th and 14th centuries when there was a high vocation toward literature, mathematics and architecture, these young Arabs were misguided into grabbing onto a twisted meaning of jihad which was never before accepted in Islam. Jihad in the traditional sense meant only religious fervor, not violence or warfare.
Thus, we see that it is the machinations of the Zionists themselves which has brought about the entire calamity we now witness unfolding in that troubled land.
We can now expect the Zionist cabal to continue with its war crimes and genocide, policies which have been entrenched in the body politic of that outlaw and rogue mini-state.
The U.S. is now completely complicit in this when Bush failed to intervene to stop the violence.
We see by the parallels above that it is the Zionists who really control the foreign policies of the U.S. and have made the U.S. a servile partner in an unconscionable attack on humanity and civilization.
The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are shown to be tactically similar to what has just occurred in Lebanon. The tactics are exactly the same as have been used in the Balkans War in 1999 and the sanctions and bombing of Iraq for 12 years after Gulf War I.
We can say without doubt that it is the Zionists (Olmert) and neocons (Cheney) who have an interest in provoking a wider war. Certainly, it is not in the interest of Hamas, Hezbollah, Syria or Iran (or the rest of the world) to have this escalate to a regional conflict. Cui bono?
As it currently stands there are some 25,000 Americans (40,000 Canadians and 10,000 Britons) stranded in Lebanon after the attacks by Israel which have destroyed the Rafik Hariri International Airport, including the newly remodeled terminal and all port facilities from Beirut to Tripoli and the smaller facilities up and down the coast.
A recent report
This is a prime opportunity for the Mossad and Shin Bet (or their Phalangist collaborators) to perpetrate a false flag operation
An exclusive from Wayne Madsen Report
Ehud Olmert now "joins Ariel Sharon in annals of Israeli leaders who committed war crimes in Lebanon."
[andend] - Url.: http://btpholdings.blogspot.com/2006/07/zionists-suffer-creature-of-their-own.html
FPF: RELATED and whithin the cadre of PNAC - the 'Project for a New American Century' - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/mzrcv
* 'Blair, Annan call for int'l force in Lebanon; Israel expresses opposition'* - TinyUrl.: http://tinyurl.com/qbfwh
Long - Url.: http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/739352.html
* Google's biased selection of the 'underreported' news - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/nvtjv
* US CRIMINALS SUED: 14 July 2006 - US Vice President Dick Cheney and presidential & PNAC 'spin' adviser Karl Rove - Url.: http://www.breitbart.com/news/2006/07/14/D8IRQQ605.html
* ROME TRIBUNAL ON WAR CRIMES AND MEDIA: Held Guilty of Deception - The tribunal said mainstream media reportage on Iraq also violated article six of the Nuremberg Tribunal (set up to try Nazi crimes) which states: "Leaders, organisers, instigators and accomplices participating in the formulation or execution of a common plan or conspiracy to commit any of the foregoing crimes (crimes against peace, war crimes and crimes against humanity) are responsible for all acts performed by any persons in execution of such a plan." - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/68jws
* ANTI-SEMITISM IS WRONG: It is not a matter of race, color, religion or nationality. It's finding out - and presenting facts - about who did what, where, when and why? - ''Semites are peoples who speak Semitic languages; the group includes Arabs, Aramaeans, Jews, and many Ethiopians.'' - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/mbej3
* FBI says, it has "No hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11" - Url.: http://southafrica.indymedia.org/news/2006/06/10632.php
* US SENATOR BOB GRAHAM, Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence -
[http://tinyurl.com/manno] - regarding the September 11 terrorist attacks: AT LEAST ONE FOREIGN COUNTRY ASSISTED THE 9/11 TERRORISTS - The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer, on PBS, reported. - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/m4duy
* The 9/11 drama was the 'trigger' used by the PNAC Group, KILLING AMERICANS and others to further their inhuman goals: Anybody who after seeing this video - '9/11 revisited' - still believes the version from the 'PNAC pack' - the Washington cabal - is beyond all professional help - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/jn5jx
* THE US PNAC WARS & NATO’S SECRET ARMIES LINKED TO TERRORISM? - (NATO, the Pentagon, NSA, MI6, the CIA, Mossad, BND, and all other European and global 'intelligence services' are linked to inhuman terror, coups d’état, 'rendition', the PNAC Gulags and torture - HR) - by Daniele Ganser - Url.: http://globalresearch.ca/articles/GAN412A.html
* FALSE FLAG 9/11 - NO LEGAL BASE FOR NATO FIGHTING US WARS - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/zqzkc
* FPF: TO THEIR ABUSE OF POWER RELATED LINKS - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/gkgrb
* FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.: http://liimirror.warwick.ac.uk/uscode/17/107.html
Editor: Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands