American car magnate Henry Ford: on world banking & terror
The Henry Ford investigation's results and publications are based on a very old Sherlock Holmes saying: "Elementary, dear Watson; always ask first: Who
Like Woodward and Bernstein, placed at the neocon owned Whitewashington Post - (with the duo not knowing the plot they were taking part in) - were advised in the 'Watergate set up' to get rid of nasty Nixon by their 'Deep Throat' source: "Follow the money!"
'Tricky Dick' Nixon [] didn't take any advice anymore from his neocon Dr. Faust, the malignant mentor whom he learned to despise,
seeing what was done by one of the absolutely worst war criminals on earth: the nefarious neocon Henry Kissinger.
An inhuman creature in this clan with the blood of millions on his claws. I've seen his policies killing people the world over, from Vietnam to Chile, and from Asia to Africa, plus the Israeli's 'Holocausting' of the Palestinians, this genocide in the Middle East; how they exterminate other people.
It is only thanks to the dirty blood money which they have, that horrible 'Frankensteins' like 'Kriminal Kissinger' and the other warmongers and usurers have not been brought to justice yet. They are still doing their dirty tricks because of the - by millions of the taxpayers money paid for - 'security bubble' surrounding them with the merciless mercenaries without which those parasites would have been dead a long time ago.
Anybody who is even trying to defend their bloodied money trail, is as guilty as they are who do those deeds.
And, for the past decades this neocon's 'Watergate framing' has been used to proof that Washington and it's managers allowed a 'free press' - while turning the
US into the present fascist police state, which - with the 'Banking Establishment' wagging the US 'Dog of War' - terrorizes the whole globe - US/Gestapo - Url.:
The story on the Khazars and the jews is very interesting too - Url.:
Alexander 'Gulag' Solzhenitsyn
Investigating and writing on the same historic cruelties, it was Nobel Prize for Literature Laureate Alexander 'Gulag' Solzhenitsyn, who broke the last taboo of
the Russian revolution - Url.:
That was in the year 2000: have you ever heard his name since in one of the so called 'free media'? 'They' have declared Solzjenitsyn globally 'dead', like
happens to most people not accepting 'their' version of history, whether they have a Nobel Prize or not.
CBS and the BBC
With more than 40 years of professional experience, traveling and living abroad as an independent dutch foreign correspondent, including - when I decided the
item was OK - work for CBS and the BBC (in both German and English) when they still knew what 'honest journalism' was, from Africa and the Middle East:
I've never ever been in a country anywhere in the whole world where the people liked what they - generalizing as we all do - called 'the jews'.
When I asked my 'Best man' at my wedding many years ago - a jewish American World War II and 'Purple Heart' veteran, named Gary Aron - we both laughed cynically, and concluded 'that all the other 190 plus countries and billions of people must be wrong'...
But at present those AIPAC, Mossad and PNAC 'managers' of the 'New World Order', in the US, England, The Netherlands and the rest of the world they want to dominate and profit from - these professional profiteers of the neocon's 'Banking Establishment' run the worst terror states on earth: the United States and
And it is a flaming shame to them and humanity to see all those parasitizing and mentally distorted minions who - like the war criminals in the Italian, Australian, Dutch or English government's management - support this inhuman development.
The very second the people wake up from the permanent brainwashing by APAX media - [] - and the likes, and the people realize 'who has been doing what to them all the time', the world will be short of lampposts for the culprits - Url.:
The group financing and profiting from all of this malignant misery, must be stopped as soon as is possible and - doing hard labor, this time for the benefit of other human beings - be jailed for life, after they have been tried in some form of honest court, a real war tribunal using for instance the Nuremberg principles.
And anybody - following the money trail - arrives at Henry Ford's (and many others) conclusion: it's not the Chinese, Canadians, Norwegians, Patagonians,
Australians, catholics, protestants, Taoïsts, Muslims, Agnostics, Japanese, Africans, Latin-Americans, Azians, or Eskimos doing this: the problem seems to be a certain group which Henry Ford investigated 85
years ago, and like Eisenhower later on too - warned for what 'they' were up to: -
it seems to dawn on some in the mainstream media too: 'The Scotsman' published now, concerning what former UN Chief weapons inspector Scott Ritter for a long time and like many others has said: Bush and Blair (the front men) are behaving as Nazi war criminals and they - like their criminal collaborators - should be treated as such - Url.:
Whoever and whatever nationality they are...
But fast; before they have killed us all...
Henk Ruyssenaars
* B'nai B'brit - Url.:
Like Woodward and Bernstein, placed at the neocon owned Whitewashington Post - (with the duo not knowing the plot they were taking part in) - were advised in the 'Watergate set up' to get rid of nasty Nixon by their 'Deep Throat' source: "Follow the money!"
'Tricky Dick' Nixon [] didn't take any advice anymore from his neocon Dr. Faust, the malignant mentor whom he learned to despise,
seeing what was done by one of the absolutely worst war criminals on earth: the nefarious neocon Henry Kissinger.
An inhuman creature in this clan with the blood of millions on his claws. I've seen his policies killing people the world over, from Vietnam to Chile, and from Asia to Africa, plus the Israeli's 'Holocausting' of the Palestinians, this genocide in the Middle East; how they exterminate other people.
It is only thanks to the dirty blood money which they have, that horrible 'Frankensteins' like 'Kriminal Kissinger' and the other warmongers and usurers have not been brought to justice yet. They are still doing their dirty tricks because of the - by millions of the taxpayers money paid for - 'security bubble' surrounding them with the merciless mercenaries without which those parasites would have been dead a long time ago.
Anybody who is even trying to defend their bloodied money trail, is as guilty as they are who do those deeds.
And, for the past decades this neocon's 'Watergate framing' has been used to proof that Washington and it's managers allowed a 'free press' - while turning the
US into the present fascist police state, which - with the 'Banking Establishment' wagging the US 'Dog of War' - terrorizes the whole globe - US/Gestapo - Url.:
The story on the Khazars and the jews is very interesting too - Url.:
Alexander 'Gulag' Solzhenitsyn
Investigating and writing on the same historic cruelties, it was Nobel Prize for Literature Laureate Alexander 'Gulag' Solzhenitsyn, who broke the last taboo of
the Russian revolution - Url.:
That was in the year 2000: have you ever heard his name since in one of the so called 'free media'? 'They' have declared Solzjenitsyn globally 'dead', like
happens to most people not accepting 'their' version of history, whether they have a Nobel Prize or not.
CBS and the BBC
With more than 40 years of professional experience, traveling and living abroad as an independent dutch foreign correspondent, including - when I decided the
item was OK - work for CBS and the BBC (in both German and English) when they still knew what 'honest journalism' was, from Africa and the Middle East:
I've never ever been in a country anywhere in the whole world where the people liked what they - generalizing as we all do - called 'the jews'.
When I asked my 'Best man' at my wedding many years ago - a jewish American World War II and 'Purple Heart' veteran, named Gary Aron - we both laughed cynically, and concluded 'that all the other 190 plus countries and billions of people must be wrong'...
But at present those AIPAC, Mossad and PNAC 'managers' of the 'New World Order', in the US, England, The Netherlands and the rest of the world they want to dominate and profit from - these professional profiteers of the neocon's 'Banking Establishment' run the worst terror states on earth: the United States and
And it is a flaming shame to them and humanity to see all those parasitizing and mentally distorted minions who - like the war criminals in the Italian, Australian, Dutch or English government's management - support this inhuman development.
The very second the people wake up from the permanent brainwashing by APAX media - [] - and the likes, and the people realize 'who has been doing what to them all the time', the world will be short of lampposts for the culprits - Url.:
The group financing and profiting from all of this malignant misery, must be stopped as soon as is possible and - doing hard labor, this time for the benefit of other human beings - be jailed for life, after they have been tried in some form of honest court, a real war tribunal using for instance the Nuremberg principles.
And anybody - following the money trail - arrives at Henry Ford's (and many others) conclusion: it's not the Chinese, Canadians, Norwegians, Patagonians,
Australians, catholics, protestants, Taoïsts, Muslims, Agnostics, Japanese, Africans, Latin-Americans, Azians, or Eskimos doing this: the problem seems to be a certain group which Henry Ford investigated 85
years ago, and like Eisenhower later on too - warned for what 'they' were up to: -
it seems to dawn on some in the mainstream media too: 'The Scotsman' published now, concerning what former UN Chief weapons inspector Scott Ritter for a long time and like many others has said: Bush and Blair (the front men) are behaving as Nazi war criminals and they - like their criminal collaborators - should be treated as such - Url.:
Whoever and whatever nationality they are...
But fast; before they have killed us all...
Henk Ruyssenaars
* B'nai B'brit - Url.: