UN figures show: US controls Iran permanently... So why War?
Pro Memoriam:IAEA chief Mohamed ElBaradei reports on Iran's nuclear activities: the figures in this article will be used concerning the number of visits in the field to inspect in Iran. The IAEA figures show that - for years already - nuclear development in Iran has been controlled by them, the US and UN: day and night.
by Henk Ruyssenaars
FPF - first published* - August 14th - 2005 - German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, in an angry comment yesterday, said what most normal Europeans and others globally think: President Bush and his neocon managers should never resort to violence again, and certainly not threaten Iran over a non existent nuclear weapons program, as Bush did yesterday in a program for Israeli TV.
The UN's nuclear watchdog IAEA informs the FPF that Iran - abiding to the 'Non proliferation Treaty' (NPT) - which Israel always has refused to sign - is heavily controlled and inspected on a nearly daily basis, by groups of nuclear specialists of the UN's 'International Atomic Energy Agency', IAEA.
And - at least for twenty years - half a dozen US Keyhole satellites have watched every wheelbarrow, truck or train rolling in Iran, while the IAEA - to avoid more US warmongering, and trying to keep them at bay - has installed extra TV cameras for still more permanent control in IAEA inspected factories.
US President George Bush said ''he would consider it as a last resort to press Tehran to give up its nuclear program'', confirming what was said on FOX TV and why the world considers him and his neocons to be a danger to mankind: "As President Bush scans the world's horizon, there is no greater potential flashpoint than Iran, the President and his Foreign Policy team believe the Islamic regime in Tehran is actively pursuing nuclear weapons."
FOX, and all the other lying neocon's media will never use the figures given here: they advocate profitable wars.
How well inspected and controlled the nuclear capabilities of Iran for years have been and at present still are, is confirmed by Melissa Fleming, Head of the IAEA Information Dept. in Vienna. Asked by the FPF about the number of inspections on the ground done by the IAEA's inspectors in Iran, she wrote: "Please find the inspection statistics below:
Calendar days in the field spent on inspections and complementary access
(excluding related travel time): ~125 days in 2003*
and ~150 days in 2004.
Total number of trips to Iran by Dept. of SG: ~ 50 in 2003 and also ~ 50 in 2004
Some of these trips were related to the monitoring of the suspension.
[end quote IAEA]
* FPF: resulting in 800 inspections locally, according to the Iranian Ministry for Foreign Affairs.
The Iranian government - feeling threatened - has earlier indicated that hundreds of control visits by the IAEA were in essence humiliating, but did prove that Iran had not even a possibility to start making nuclear weapons. And according to the Non Proliferation Treaty - http://tinyurl.com/97gmc - Iran absolutely has the same rights as for instance the other 170 and more countries as NPT-signatories; to use nuclear power for civilian purposes.
Whatever lies via neocon media are spread by Bush, Blair and other war criminals usurping oil, power and profits. For them, human beings and laws do not count.
Iran angered some with the american neocons collaborating war criminals in the European Union and the bellicose United States warmongers, by - rightfully according to the NPT- resuming uranium conversion at its Isfahan plant, Monday, August 7th, after rejecting a European Union 'offer' of political and economic incentives in return for giving up its nuclear energy program. An offer and ultimatum which the cowardly EU crooks never have dared - or would even dare - to present to Israel, even if Israel has breached United Nations resolutions at least seventy times.
Every other country would have been ''bombed back to the Stone Age'', as the US military so nicely phrased it concerning Vietnam and all other countries, but Israel is the tail wagging the US dog, including the ever more detoriating UN, now further plagued by the illegal US/UN ambassador Bulldozer Bolton. Bolton's lack of intelligence, good manners and human feelings, is a shame for mankind. He is a disaster for global diplomacy.
So called 'UN peace troops' are under cover of the United Nations misused to occupy areas the neocons want to control and profit from. Like oil rich Darfur in Sudan and other for them profitable areas with national and/or energy resources in Africa, Latin America and the rest of our world. If we ever want our world back, we'll have to finish the 'New World Order' regime of the criminal neocons, and have them tried and jailed as soon as is possible. They must be stopped before they kill us all in their greedy madness, including the by them started depleted uranium radiating 'mutual assured destruction'.
Normal Europeans share Schroeder's humane point of view - contrary to the disinformation the mainstream propaganda sewers - like Associated Press and the like are spreading. The German Chancellor is one of the most prominent European opponents of the US-led war in Iraq, like the brilliant MP George Galloway in England in this unique and fantastic video, sweeping the floor with US neocons- Url.: http://tinyurl.com/88dab
Schroeder spoke out in his home city of Hanover, saying ''that the threat of force was not acceptable''. Quoted by Reuters, another unreliable neocon info source, Chancellor Schroeder said concerning the US - after war crimes like Afghanistan's destruction and Iraq's quagmire - now wanting to destroy Iran too: "This morning I read that military options are now on the table. My answer to that is: 'Dear friends in Europe and America, let us work out a strong negotiating position. But let's take the military option off the table. We have seen it doesn't work'," he said.
The comments came after Mr. Bush on TV confirmed that "all options are on the table", including the use of force. Scaring was the fact that Bush repeated exactly the same phrases and usual lies - and in the same smirking fashion - as he did concerning Iraq, while knowing they had already decided to attack Iraq, his and now the US's biggest disaster. The 'London Memos' - [http://tinyurl.com/83lko] - proved his lies: while still talking about 'diplomatic options', to prepare for war and 'soften up' Iraq, people and country were already illegally bombed by the US and likewise war criminals from the UK Air Force with assorted Quisling collaborators, like Holland. 'Soften up' is in the killer's 'Newspeak' just another expression for bombardments leading to genocide.
Under the daily control of the IAEA, Iran says it aims only to produce electricity, and denies Western accusations it is seeking a nuclear bomb.
The neocon criminals which now run the United States and it's military forces, seem to have only one lethal concept on their sick minds, which is called 'MAD': Mutually Assured Destruction* - the doctrine of military strategy in which a full scale use of nuclear weapons by one of two opposing sides would result in the destruction of both the attacker and the defender.
At the Roman fortress of Masada* 'the defenders – almost one thousand men, women and children – led by Eleazar ben Ya’ir, decided to burn the fortress and end their own lives, rather than be taken alive. The Zealots cast lots to choose 10 men to kill the remainder. They then chose among themselves the one man who would kill the survivors. That last Jew then killed himself.'' [end quote]
Again and again the Bush neocon junta in Washington proves that they - and their ilk - are the biggest danger to mankind, and that they must be stopped as soon as is possible. By any means, before they kill us all. To any normal human being outside the neocon bubble 'MAD' now also stands for "Masada Any Day", which is just as deadly.
Globally it is known that Bush and the neocons 'running' the US, also mislead the nation* to go to war with Iraq:
Why should we believe just one word of what they say now?
Henk Ruyssenaars
Url.: http://www.countercurrents.org/us-henk160805.htm
In the last 24 hours the BBC and Channel 4 News (UK) have been doing their bit to ratchet-up the current anti-Iranian propaganda war. And the quisling, Bliar, has kept his Washington handlers happy by adding his own threats ("no measures barred") to Teheran. Were it not for the fact that what Bliar is actually doing is to add a 'diplomatic' voice in support of the Bush/Cheney thugs who actively advocate a pre-emptive attack on Iran using nuclear weapons his
actions would be no more than those of a discredited right-wing plant of a politician with so much blood on his hands that a little more wouldn't worry him overmuch.
The anti-Iran propaganda war, with similarities to that which led to the invasion of Irak in 2003, is different in that the U.S. threat to use tactical nuclear weapons in a first-strike is either quietly played down or not mentioned at all. Nor is the fact that Iran is the first country to develop a nuclear programme who, once actively supported by the USA to do so (when under the Shah), is now perceived as a 'rogue state' against whom active (nuclear) military measures might be taken for its wishing to continue that programme.
Not only is the anti-Iranian propaganda based upon a brazen, historic lie but, if the western public were to know just what kind of military scenario is envisaged, would be seen as a terrifying imperial escalation in the kind of (nuclear) blitzkrieg tactics that the West and NATO are now prepared to use.
Just now there is an ominous silence emanating from the peace movement. Perhaps those among it who have troubled to find out what an attack on Iran would really mean, ie a nuclear war which could well escalate into a global one, are so horrified at what the Bush regime are preparing for that they have been paralyzed into inaction.
Whatever the reasons for this morgue-like silence, it must be broken and soon. Otherwise the responsibility for the nuclear horrors to come will fall on the shoulders of each and every one of us for not acting when we could.
* Reference: Ms. Melissa Fleming - Head, Media and Outreach Section of the International Atomic Energy Agency -
Url.: M.Fleming@iaea.org
* The 'Downing St. Memos' - Url.: http://www.downingstreetmemo.com/
* Wikipedia: Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD) - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/7f2fb
* Jewish Virtual Library - 'Masada massacre' - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/e4o8x
* Satellites, and why war is good for some... Url.: http://tinyurl.com/7cow7
* 'The war in Iraq is illegal' - BBC video & text - interview United Nation's Secretary General Kofi
Annan - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/5pl2v
* The American 'Gulag' - Amnesty International - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/3pep2
* MSNBC Poll: "Do you believe that President Bush mislead the nation to go to war with Iraq?" -
Url.: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/8248969/
* Corporate News Media: Incompetent, Criminally Negligent or Complicit? -
Url.: http://tinyurl.com/cqpfe
* Blair's Bellicose Bunch - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/avdn5
* What's Al Qaida? - http://tinyurl.com/dbemg
* The Netherlands is - like Blair's England and other 'Quislings' - a US neocon 'Lapdog of War':
Url.: http://tinyurl.com/at9m6]
FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.: http://liimirror.warwick.ac.uk/uscode/17/107.html
Editor : Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands
by Henk Ruyssenaars
FPF - first published* - August 14th - 2005 - German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, in an angry comment yesterday, said what most normal Europeans and others globally think: President Bush and his neocon managers should never resort to violence again, and certainly not threaten Iran over a non existent nuclear weapons program, as Bush did yesterday in a program for Israeli TV.
The UN's nuclear watchdog IAEA informs the FPF that Iran - abiding to the 'Non proliferation Treaty' (NPT) - which Israel always has refused to sign - is heavily controlled and inspected on a nearly daily basis, by groups of nuclear specialists of the UN's 'International Atomic Energy Agency', IAEA.
And - at least for twenty years - half a dozen US Keyhole satellites have watched every wheelbarrow, truck or train rolling in Iran, while the IAEA - to avoid more US warmongering, and trying to keep them at bay - has installed extra TV cameras for still more permanent control in IAEA inspected factories.
US President George Bush said ''he would consider it as a last resort to press Tehran to give up its nuclear program'', confirming what was said on FOX TV and why the world considers him and his neocons to be a danger to mankind: "As President Bush scans the world's horizon, there is no greater potential flashpoint than Iran, the President and his Foreign Policy team believe the Islamic regime in Tehran is actively pursuing nuclear weapons."
FOX, and all the other lying neocon's media will never use the figures given here: they advocate profitable wars.
How well inspected and controlled the nuclear capabilities of Iran for years have been and at present still are, is confirmed by Melissa Fleming, Head of the IAEA Information Dept. in Vienna. Asked by the FPF about the number of inspections on the ground done by the IAEA's inspectors in Iran, she wrote: "Please find the inspection statistics below:
Calendar days in the field spent on inspections and complementary access
(excluding related travel time): ~125 days in 2003*
and ~150 days in 2004.
Total number of trips to Iran by Dept. of SG: ~ 50 in 2003 and also ~ 50 in 2004
Some of these trips were related to the monitoring of the suspension.
[end quote IAEA]
* FPF: resulting in 800 inspections locally, according to the Iranian Ministry for Foreign Affairs.
The Iranian government - feeling threatened - has earlier indicated that hundreds of control visits by the IAEA were in essence humiliating, but did prove that Iran had not even a possibility to start making nuclear weapons. And according to the Non Proliferation Treaty - http://tinyurl.com/97gmc - Iran absolutely has the same rights as for instance the other 170 and more countries as NPT-signatories; to use nuclear power for civilian purposes.
Whatever lies via neocon media are spread by Bush, Blair and other war criminals usurping oil, power and profits. For them, human beings and laws do not count.
Iran angered some with the american neocons collaborating war criminals in the European Union and the bellicose United States warmongers, by - rightfully according to the NPT- resuming uranium conversion at its Isfahan plant, Monday, August 7th, after rejecting a European Union 'offer' of political and economic incentives in return for giving up its nuclear energy program. An offer and ultimatum which the cowardly EU crooks never have dared - or would even dare - to present to Israel, even if Israel has breached United Nations resolutions at least seventy times.
Every other country would have been ''bombed back to the Stone Age'', as the US military so nicely phrased it concerning Vietnam and all other countries, but Israel is the tail wagging the US dog, including the ever more detoriating UN, now further plagued by the illegal US/UN ambassador Bulldozer Bolton. Bolton's lack of intelligence, good manners and human feelings, is a shame for mankind. He is a disaster for global diplomacy.
So called 'UN peace troops' are under cover of the United Nations misused to occupy areas the neocons want to control and profit from. Like oil rich Darfur in Sudan and other for them profitable areas with national and/or energy resources in Africa, Latin America and the rest of our world. If we ever want our world back, we'll have to finish the 'New World Order' regime of the criminal neocons, and have them tried and jailed as soon as is possible. They must be stopped before they kill us all in their greedy madness, including the by them started depleted uranium radiating 'mutual assured destruction'.
Normal Europeans share Schroeder's humane point of view - contrary to the disinformation the mainstream propaganda sewers - like Associated Press and the like are spreading. The German Chancellor is one of the most prominent European opponents of the US-led war in Iraq, like the brilliant MP George Galloway in England in this unique and fantastic video, sweeping the floor with US neocons- Url.: http://tinyurl.com/88dab
Schroeder spoke out in his home city of Hanover, saying ''that the threat of force was not acceptable''. Quoted by Reuters, another unreliable neocon info source, Chancellor Schroeder said concerning the US - after war crimes like Afghanistan's destruction and Iraq's quagmire - now wanting to destroy Iran too: "This morning I read that military options are now on the table. My answer to that is: 'Dear friends in Europe and America, let us work out a strong negotiating position. But let's take the military option off the table. We have seen it doesn't work'," he said.
The comments came after Mr. Bush on TV confirmed that "all options are on the table", including the use of force. Scaring was the fact that Bush repeated exactly the same phrases and usual lies - and in the same smirking fashion - as he did concerning Iraq, while knowing they had already decided to attack Iraq, his and now the US's biggest disaster. The 'London Memos' - [http://tinyurl.com/83lko] - proved his lies: while still talking about 'diplomatic options', to prepare for war and 'soften up' Iraq, people and country were already illegally bombed by the US and likewise war criminals from the UK Air Force with assorted Quisling collaborators, like Holland. 'Soften up' is in the killer's 'Newspeak' just another expression for bombardments leading to genocide.
Under the daily control of the IAEA, Iran says it aims only to produce electricity, and denies Western accusations it is seeking a nuclear bomb.
The neocon criminals which now run the United States and it's military forces, seem to have only one lethal concept on their sick minds, which is called 'MAD': Mutually Assured Destruction* - the doctrine of military strategy in which a full scale use of nuclear weapons by one of two opposing sides would result in the destruction of both the attacker and the defender.
At the Roman fortress of Masada* 'the defenders – almost one thousand men, women and children – led by Eleazar ben Ya’ir, decided to burn the fortress and end their own lives, rather than be taken alive. The Zealots cast lots to choose 10 men to kill the remainder. They then chose among themselves the one man who would kill the survivors. That last Jew then killed himself.'' [end quote]
Again and again the Bush neocon junta in Washington proves that they - and their ilk - are the biggest danger to mankind, and that they must be stopped as soon as is possible. By any means, before they kill us all. To any normal human being outside the neocon bubble 'MAD' now also stands for "Masada Any Day", which is just as deadly.
Globally it is known that Bush and the neocons 'running' the US, also mislead the nation* to go to war with Iraq:
Why should we believe just one word of what they say now?
Henk Ruyssenaars
Url.: http://www.countercurrents.org/us-henk160805.htm
In the last 24 hours the BBC and Channel 4 News (UK) have been doing their bit to ratchet-up the current anti-Iranian propaganda war. And the quisling, Bliar, has kept his Washington handlers happy by adding his own threats ("no measures barred") to Teheran. Were it not for the fact that what Bliar is actually doing is to add a 'diplomatic' voice in support of the Bush/Cheney thugs who actively advocate a pre-emptive attack on Iran using nuclear weapons
actions would be no more than those of a discredited right-wing plant of a politician with so much blood on his hands that a little more wouldn't worry him overmuch.
The anti-Iran propaganda war, with similarities to that which led to the invasion of Irak in 2003, is different in that the U.S. threat to use tactical nuclear weapons in a first-strike is either quietly played down or not mentioned at all. Nor is the fact that Iran is the first country to develop a nuclear programme who, once actively supported by the USA to do so (when under the Shah), is now perceived as a 'rogue state' against whom active (nuclear) military measures might be taken for its wishing to continue that programme.
Not only is the anti-Iranian propaganda based upon a brazen, historic lie
Just now there is an ominous silence emanating from the peace movement. Perhaps those among it who have troubled to find out what an attack on Iran would really mean, ie a nuclear war which could well escalate into a global one, are so horrified at what the Bush regime are preparing for that they have been paralyzed into inaction.
Whatever the reasons for this morgue-like silence, it must be broken and soon. Otherwise the responsibility for the nuclear horrors to come will fall on the shoulders of each and every one of us for not acting when we could.
* Reference: Ms. Melissa Fleming - Head, Media and Outreach Section of the International Atomic Energy Agency -
Url.: M.Fleming@iaea.org
* The 'Downing St. Memos' - Url.: http://www.downingstreetmemo.com/
* Wikipedia: Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD) - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/7f2fb
* Jewish Virtual Library - 'Masada massacre' - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/e4o8x
* Satellites, and why war is good for some... Url.: http://tinyurl.com/7cow7
* 'The war in Iraq is illegal' - BBC video & text - interview United Nation's Secretary General Kofi
Annan - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/5pl2v
* The American 'Gulag' - Amnesty International - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/3pep2
* MSNBC Poll: "Do you believe that President Bush mislead the nation to go to war with Iraq?" -
Url.: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/8248969/
* Corporate News Media: Incompetent, Criminally Negligent or Complicit? -
Url.: http://tinyurl.com/cqpfe
* Blair's Bellicose Bunch - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/avdn5
* What's Al Qaida? - http://tinyurl.com/dbemg
* The Netherlands is - like Blair's England and other 'Quislings' - a US neocon 'Lapdog of War':
Url.: http://tinyurl.com/at9m6]
FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.: http://liimirror.warwick.ac.uk/uscode/17/107.html
Editor : Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands