Update: 'Blair is standing on 22.000 corpses...
It's not only the genocides in Iraq and Afghanistan: in England twenty-two-thousand old people died as a result of the cold last winter. In Brussels however, the British PM shamelessly lied about his despised government as 'supporting a social Europe'.
by Henk Ruyssenaars
FPF - Brussels - June 25th 2005 - Unashamedly writing in Germany's 'Bild Zeitung' (gutter newspaper), Bush supporting british PM Tony Blair defended his cancerous politics: 'Of course the EU is much more than a free-trade area. Britain supports a social Europe, but it must be a social Europe which is adapted to today's world" the text read.
Blair - nor the international mainstream media* - mentioned the fact that - according to Blair's government own figures which they say are 'adapted to today's world' - the English ''social system'' last winter resulted in the death by cold for 22.000 elderly people in the 'United Kingdom'.
They all tragically and unnecessary died in one of the richest countries on earth, because they were made and kept poor (like the neocons do in many countries, including the Netherlands) in Blair's inhuman 'social structure'. The dead are all the proof one needs of the inhumanity Blair's cabal stands for. One should look at their deeds, and not listen to their words...
They've already killed too many.
This gigantic mountain of 22.000 corpses of the elderly who died [http://tinyurl.com/akpef] gets only eighteen 'hits' when searched on Google/Internet*: media-wise the dead are silenced too, the story spiked and the mainstream's 'silence of death' reigns. Hiding and censoring - even on Internet - the harsh, inhuman politics of the Blair regime's sick and shameful acts... The on the US neocons blamed WTC catastrophy shows 9/11 media coverage in a Google search concerning "9/11 +3000 dead'' resulting in ONE MILLION FIVE-HUNDRED-AND-FIFTY-THOUSEND 'HITS...
'US stooge and mercenary' Tony Blair is supposed to be at the (symbolic) helm of the European Union [and the many times illegal US/NATO operations] for the next half year, and Blair - who must be held accountable for the daily growing misery in his country - started in Brussels with rejecting criticism that his Government favors a purely free market approach with no "social dimension". Which is a fact: the dead's silence deafens the ears.
In the EU forum in Brussels however, Blair was saying he 'wants a balance between the two' and tried to reassure his critics that he 'does not want an overnight transformation but a managed process of change'. And that's what many in Europe are afraid of; the further and total take-over of Europe by the London Banks via Blair and associates.
As the representative of the 'Banks of London', [http://tinyurl.com/8cxyv], adviser, confidant and close aide to Tony Blair, since november 2004 the Bush backing and in the London Banks circles highly praised 'Bilderburger' Peter Mandelson, 51, has been their forward post in Europe. Their new 'Gauleiter'.*
The 'London Banks' - acting via british Chancellor Gordon 'Braun', [Bilderberg/Brown - http://tinyurl.com/89rrd] PM Blair and the Bilderberg group - [http://www.bilderberg.org/] appointed their man Mandelson to what is seen as Europe's most powerful job... Mandelson now is the - by 'them' appointed; not chosen - Head of the European Commission in charge of all European Union trade and it's policies.
So Europe is 'looking forward' to half a year of lies, innuendo, fake figures, UK/US propaganda, brainwashing and the further destruction of social schemes? The people in many countries running the US' neocon schemes and blue prints apparently have no idea of the swelling tidal wave of global anger, and what's awaiting them.
Personally I can understand some of the hatred for 'us in the West', which I've seen in many people's eyes while working - sometimes for Pacifica Radio, CBS and the BBC too - in the Arab World and Middle East for ten years as a foreign correspondent, including during Gulf War I.
The effect of the global verdict of the people which more and more are taking revenge, is already daily shown in the tens of armed attacks on US/UK and other troops in the illegal "Coalition of the Killing", which illegally 'kill and destroy' in Iraq and Afghanistan. - [http://tinyurl.com/5pl2v] The reasoning is easily understood: if someone is threatening and trying to kill you and your family, that implicitly gives you the right to do the same and defend yourself against them.
The ongoing tsunami of revenge will certainly too hit many of the neocon perpetrators and their Quisling collaborators outside of the battle zones of their so called ''New World Order'', which for most of the world is a malignant disorder of which the effects also clearly are shown in the English pensioner's poverty and death toll.
This is Blair's burning shame, the neocon 'sham' of a 'social structure' which Bush and Blair's cabal is selling 'as an example for the rest of the European Union', the text of the article* which is nearly hidden:
Monday June 6, 2005 - Millions of pensioners are malnourished, living below the poverty line and unable to afford to heat their homes in winter, according to new research.
The National Pensioners Convention (NPC) said an estimated 2.2 million older people, the equivalent of one in five pensioners, currently lived below the poverty line, the same number as in 1997.
At the same time it said about 1.5 million pensioners were malnourished or at serious risk of malnourishment, while 1.5 million also said their house was too cold in winter.
The Age Audit, which was based on Government statistics and major pieces of research into the lives of elderly people, also found that an estimated 22,000 people died as a result of the cold last year.
The group said around five million pensioners suffered from a long-term illness that restricted their daily life, while 7.2 million did not have access to free public transport.
But at the same time it estimated that retired people actually saved the taxpayer £24 billion a year through providing unpaid social care and childcare, and through doing voluntary work.
The audit comes as the NPC is due to hold its annual Pensioners' Parliament in Blackpool which will be attended by about 2,000 people. It is due to be addressed by Pensions Minister Stephen Timms.
The group is putting forward a Pensioners' Charter calling for all older people to have access to a decent state pension, free health care and a warm and comfortable home.
It wants to see the basic state pension set above the official poverty line and linked to average earnings.
It is also calling for pensioners to have access to a free annual health check, free long-term care, free community care for people living at home and free nationwide travel on public transport.
People who support this, and all so called 'journalists' and other 'spin' criminals in the opinion forming and brainwashing media who help to 'sell' this, commit a crime against humanity and will be punished by law, as soon as is possible.
The US/Israeli neocon's regime is inhumane.
They must be stopped.
Henk Ruyssenaars
Their criminal conduct and results in figures and quotes:
Why the French and Dutch voted NO! to the 'EU constitution' - Only the first few sentences are in Dutch, the rest is English - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/bsmvo
The 9/11 coverage in a Google search ''9/11 +3000 dead'' results one million five-hundred-fifty-thousend 'hits - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/99z2e
Google - 22.000 death of cold in England is worth only - 18 'hits' ? - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/doonw
YAHOO News in the UK had the story on Internet - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/dvwqe
The Guardian shredded the article - Quote: "Sorry, the requested article is no longer available. Please choose another story from the updated menu." - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/bu3og
News Agency Ananova shredded it too - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/dzc36
National Home Health Care Corporation News Information at Business.com refers to the Guardian, which shredded the item - http://tinyurl.com/bu3og
* Gauleiter - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/dhp7m
Editor : Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands
*Help the troops come home! Url.: http://www.bringemhome.org - We need them badly to fight the neocons and our so called 'governments' - Url.: http://www.bringthemhomenow.org/
FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.: http://liimirror.warwick.ac.uk/uscode/17/107.html
It's not only the genocides in Iraq and Afghanistan: in England twenty-two-thousand old people died as a result of the cold last winter. In Brussels however, the British PM shamelessly lied about his despised government as 'supporting a social Europe'.
by Henk Ruyssenaars
FPF - Brussels - June 25th 2005 - Unashamedly writing in Germany's 'Bild Zeitung' (gutter newspaper), Bush supporting british PM Tony Blair defended his cancerous politics: 'Of course the EU is much more than a free-trade area. Britain supports a social Europe, but it must be a social Europe which is adapted to today's world" the text read.
Blair - nor the international mainstream media* - mentioned the fact that - according to Blair's government own figures which they say are 'adapted to today's world' - the English ''social system'' last winter resulted in the death by cold for 22.000 elderly people in the 'United Kingdom'.
They all tragically and unnecessary died in one of the richest countries on earth, because they were made and kept poor (like the neocons do in many countries, including the Netherlands) in Blair's inhuman 'social structure'. The dead are all the proof one needs of the inhumanity Blair's cabal stands for. One should look at their deeds, and not listen to their words...
They've already killed too many.
This gigantic mountain of 22.000 corpses of the elderly who died [http://tinyurl.com/akpef] gets only eighteen 'hits' when searched on Google/Internet*: media-wise the dead are silenced too, the story spiked and the mainstream's 'silence of death' reigns. Hiding and censoring - even on Internet - the harsh, inhuman politics of the Blair regime's sick and shameful acts... The on the US neocons blamed WTC catastrophy shows 9/11 media coverage in a Google search concerning "9/11 +3000 dead'' resulting in ONE MILLION FIVE-HUNDRED-AND-FIFTY-THOUSEND 'HITS...
'US stooge and mercenary' Tony Blair is supposed to be at the (symbolic) helm of the European Union [and the many times illegal US/NATO operations] for the next half year, and Blair - who must be held accountable for the daily growing misery in his country - started in Brussels with rejecting criticism that his Government favors a purely free market approach with no "social dimension". Which is a fact: the dead's silence deafens the ears.
In the EU forum in Brussels however, Blair was saying he 'wants a balance between the two' and tried to reassure his critics that he 'does not want an overnight transformation but a managed process of change'. And that's what many in Europe are afraid of; the further and total take-over of Europe by the London Banks via Blair and associates.
As the representative of the 'Banks of London', [http://tinyurl.com/8cxyv], adviser, confidant and close aide to Tony Blair, since november 2004 the Bush backing and in the London Banks circles highly praised 'Bilderburger' Peter Mandelson, 51, has been their forward post in Europe. Their new 'Gauleiter'.*
The 'London Banks' - acting via british Chancellor Gordon 'Braun', [Bilderberg/Brown - http://tinyurl.com/89rrd] PM Blair and the Bilderberg group - [http://www.bilderberg.org/] appointed their man Mandelson to what is seen as Europe's most powerful job... Mandelson now is the - by 'them' appointed; not chosen - Head of the European Commission in charge of all European Union trade and it's policies.
So Europe is 'looking forward' to half a year of lies, innuendo, fake figures, UK/US propaganda, brainwashing and the further destruction of social schemes? The people in many countries running the US' neocon schemes and blue prints apparently have no idea of the swelling tidal wave of global anger, and what's awaiting them.
Personally I can understand some of the hatred for 'us in the West', which I've seen in many people's eyes while working - sometimes for Pacifica Radio, CBS and the BBC too - in the Arab World and Middle East for ten years as a foreign correspondent, including during Gulf War I.
The effect of the global verdict of the people which more and more are taking revenge, is already daily shown in the tens of armed attacks on US/UK and other troops in the illegal "Coalition of the Killing", which illegally 'kill and destroy' in Iraq and Afghanistan. - [http://tinyurl.com/5pl2v] The reasoning is easily understood: if someone is threatening and trying to kill you and your family, that implicitly gives you the right to do the same and defend yourself against them.
The ongoing tsunami of revenge will certainly too hit many of the neocon perpetrators and their Quisling collaborators outside of the battle zones of their so called ''New World Order'', which for most of the world is a malignant disorder of which the effects also clearly are shown in the English pensioner's poverty and death toll.
This is Blair's burning shame, the neocon 'sham' of a 'social structure' which Bush and Blair's cabal is selling 'as an example for the rest of the European Union', the text of the article* which is nearly hidden:
Monday June 6, 2005 - Millions of pensioners are malnourished, living below the poverty line and unable to afford to heat their homes in winter, according to new research.
The National Pensioners Convention (NPC) said an estimated 2.2 million older people, the equivalent of one in five pensioners, currently lived below the poverty line, the same number as in 1997.
At the same time it said about 1.5 million pensioners were malnourished or at serious risk of malnourishment, while 1.5 million also said their house was too cold in winter.
The Age Audit, which was based on Government statistics and major pieces of research into the lives of elderly people, also found that an estimated 22,000 people died as a result of the cold last year.
The group said around five million pensioners suffered from a long-term illness that restricted their daily life, while 7.2 million did not have access to free public transport.
But at the same time it estimated that retired people actually saved the taxpayer £24 billion a year through providing unpaid social care and childcare, and through doing voluntary work.
The audit comes as the NPC is due to hold its annual Pensioners' Parliament in Blackpool which will be attended by about 2,000 people. It is due to be addressed by Pensions Minister Stephen Timms.
The group is putting forward a Pensioners' Charter calling for all older people to have access to a decent state pension, free health care and a warm and comfortable home.
It wants to see the basic state pension set above the official poverty line and linked to average earnings.
It is also calling for pensioners to have access to a free annual health check, free long-term care, free community care for people living at home and free nationwide travel on public transport.
People who support this, and all so called 'journalists' and other 'spin' criminals in the opinion forming and brainwashing media who help to 'sell' this, commit a crime against humanity and will be punished by law, as soon as is possible.
The US/Israeli neocon's regime is inhumane.
They must be stopped.
Henk Ruyssenaars
Their criminal conduct and results in figures and quotes:
Why the French and Dutch voted NO! to the 'EU constitution' - Only the first few sentences are in Dutch, the rest is English - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/bsmvo
The 9/11 coverage in a Google search ''9/11 +3000 dead'' results one million five-hundred-fifty-thousend 'hits - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/99z2e
Google - 22.000 death of cold in England is worth only - 18 'hits' ? - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/doonw
YAHOO News in the UK had the story on Internet - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/dvwqe
The Guardian shredded the article - Quote: "Sorry, the requested article is no longer available. Please choose another story from the updated menu." - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/bu3og
News Agency Ananova shredded it too - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/dzc36
National Home Health Care Corporation News Information at Business.com refers to the Guardian, which shredded the item - http://tinyurl.com/bu3og
* Gauleiter - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/dhp7m
Editor : Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands
*Help the troops come home! Url.: http://www.bringemhome.org - We need them badly to fight the neocons and our so called 'governments' - Url.: http://www.bringthemhomenow.org/
FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.: http://liimirror.warwick.ac.uk/uscode/17/107.html