The New Iron Curtain - What do Columbus, Jean Paul Sartre, Margaret Mead and John Kaminski have in common?
The New Iron Curtain - What do Columbus, Jean Paul Sartre, Margaret Mead and John Kaminski have in common?
Prologue to John Kaminski's interesting analysis - link below*
''It is not anti-Semitic to criticize the policies of the state of Israel.'' - US Secretary Colin Powell’s Remarks at 'The Conference on Anti-Semitism of The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe' - April 28, 2004 - German Ministry of Foreign Affairs Berlin, Germany - Url.:
About people and continents bled like a kosher slaughtered sheep.
The Netherlands - March 23d - 2006 - The problem with this analysis, is the raw reality that 'USA' also stands for the names of all other PNAC* colonies, like Germany, France, England or The Netherlands for instance. In Europe it is principally a treacherous trio that fits as a hand in a glove, and now when ''the gloves are off' as they proclaimed, the iron fist can be seen that Kaminski describes. The 'PNAC-motors' Israel, 'The Group' with it's 'Board of Directors' in England, and since August 1492, The Netherlands.
When forced to leave Spain - [ ] - part of 'The Group' financed Christopher Columbus and conquered among others America, while many bankers went to Holland and later on to England. The Jewish Virtual Library has the following on this medieval 'Project for a New America': ''Judaic Treasures of the Library of Congress'' - Columbus Sets Sail - The Exodus August 3,1492 - []
Most people in the world hardly know anything about The Netherlands - #5 on the list of 'richest' countries on the globe (for 'The Group' and it's collaborators) and 'Holland' for short - apart from the name of football player Johan Cruyff, the tulips, windmills or Gouda cheese. And even the ill informed, nearly brainwashed 16 million people inhabiting Holland, hardly know about the American nuclear bombs at Dutch bases - making Holland a target in an armed conflict - or who runs their lives while robbing them.
Like in most PNAC colonies they've now also been robbed of their health service, with today criminal collaborator minister Hoogervorst saying that the ambulance services should be 'privatized' - another word for 'profitable'. The extra thousands of lives this heist is going to result in, does not matter to him nor 'The Group': it's just some more profit to them. In their global factory people - like you and me - are not human beings: we are just throw-away sources of income to them. Just look around you.
For instance: after Sweden now the Dutch sheeple pay the highest taxes in the world, and on average work six months a year for 'the managers'. At present sixty-one percent of the workers has sleepless nights they said in a poll, because they do not know how to pay the bills. And the number five richest country in the world has eleven percent of the people living in poverty, according to their own - always faked - figures. So the shame is probably bigger. A shame too on all who don't react against it and let the crimes go on.
The introduction of the Euro currency measured two years ago - has made life 49.1 % (fourty-nine-dot-one percent) more expensive. They had been told and 'warned' beforehand that half a percent might be possible... And the wages keep going down. The workers are bled like a kosher slaughtered sheep, having ninety percent lobotomized by the mass propaganda media, especially NOS state radio and TV. With very few exceptions still alive, saying what's really happening, as done by The Group's 'Jackals' killing for profit as explained by ex-IMF/World Bank-man Perkins - Url.:
Most people do not know that The Netherlands is one of the biggest US-NATO centers for the PNAC, and also one of the biggest PNAC airports. Amsterdam as the European Gateway and London a half hour flight away. It's an El Al / Mossad airport which never ever is controlled by the Dutch 'authorities'. Nobody would dare to. Dutch Attorney General Vrakking testified on Jan. 29, 1999, that the El Al security detachment at the main dutch airport Schiphol was a branch of Mossad. All and every form of goods, including whatever kind of contraband for the making of biological, chemical and nuclear weapons too, fell on Amsterdam when an El Al plane crashed. - Url.:
What Kaminski much better formulated describes, is the malignant influence of what I call 'The Group' - this racket of cruel inhuman figures not knowing any decency, compassion, civilization, limits, country, god nor law - 'running' the global horror show at the expense of the rest: we, their victims. I have looked and compared all over the world, and based on my life long experiences I can not see any other conclusion: this 'Group' that should have been stopped a long, long time ago. By any and all means.
The abuse of all and everything which is valuable to human beings, is incredible when one sees it. In my four decades as a foreign correspondent, I have covered and honestly as an independent journalist described some of their wars, coups, killings and globally the unbelievable misery of which 'The Group' mostly is the origin.
And I've followed the advice offered to me by Jean Paul Sartre, who - like me - in May 1967 was at the Russell Vietnam Tribunal in Sweden thirty years ago, where I was based as correspondent for Scandinavia. Sartre's was the same advice as given to me in Stockholm by anthropologist Margaret Mead; both with their life long experiences saying: ''Just look who profits. Follow the money and you'll find the crooks.''
Which I did. Remembering always what 'Grand Old Lady' Margaret Mead also said: "Never doubt that a small group of dedicated individuals can change the world, indeed, it's the only thing that ever has" - She definitely did not mean 'The Group' however, which proofs again and again to be the root of most evil. Hence the saying; "Money is the root of all evil."
I've been brought up in a classical catholic family, and as a child I've initially been stuffed with the same propaganda and lies about the world as many of us, until I went to see for myself what, where, why, what for and who was the origin, and what was the clear result. That's why I like to forward Kaminski's analysis, expecting the readers of the FPF to think, understand, and not to be victims of the new 'Electronic Iron Curtain' in thinking, as spread by The Group's 'messmedia'. - (Pun intended).
The openly advertised Animal Farm plans - as described in the PNAC text, in reality unveil the global nightmare called the "Project for a Nefarious America'. An 'empire' and colossus on clay feet.
A nightmare that will not end before the creatures doing this to mankind are 'neutralized'...
Henk Ruyssenaars
The New Iron Curtain
* Find the whole story at - Url.:
* Former U.S. PNAC-Secr. of State Madeleine Albright-Korbel, in her comment on the at least HALF A MILLION dead children in Iraq: "WE THINK IT'S WORTH IT" - On CBS '60 Minutes' - Url.:
* Remember the small Vietnamese girl running? The 'US democracy'-napalm burning her back? - Url.:
* PNAC HOLOCAUST: UNICEF reports that the under-5 infant mortality for 2003 was 110,000 in occupied Iraq, 292,000 in occupied Afghanistan. Gideon Polya: 'Non-reportage of US-linked infant mass mortality' - December 23, 2004 - Url.:
* NUCLEAR HOLOCAUST for you too - Depleted Uranium for Dummies - Url.:
* The despicable war criminal and the US/PNAC's agent at the UN: 'Bulldozer BOLTON's way of working, bringing deadly 'democracy' everywhere. A very short soundbite - Url.:
* ANOTHER HOLOCAUST: THIS IS ONE OF MANY BY THEIR CIA: John Stockwell, former CIA Station Chief in Angola in 1976, working for then Director of the CIA, George Bush. ''How 6 million People Were killed in CIA secret wars against Third World countries'' - Before 1986! - Url.:
* Who - for centuries already - has been doing this to the rest of us, the world's population? - The Global Elite: Who are they? - Url.:
* Who's financing and profiting from all the wars and the killing of millions of people in wars based on lies and greed? - The 'Federal Reserve' and it's usurers is the absolute biggest crime against all humanity ever. - Url.:
* "Sarah, if the American people had ever known the truth about what we Bushes have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched." - George Bush Senior speaking in an interview with Sarah McClendon in December 1992. - And here's why: 'George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography' - by Webster G. Tarpley & Anton Chaitkin - Chapter - II - The Hitler Project - Url.:
* Global Predators - ‘Frauds-R-Us’ - The Bush Family Saga - Url.:
* YANKEES GO HOME! - Tomdispatch Interview with Chalmers Johnson - The Empire: "Iraq before we invaded had a GDP the size of the state of Louisiana and Afghanistan was certainly one of the poorest places on the planet. And yet these two places have stopped us." - Url.:
* This is a running total of the U.S. taxpayer cost of the Iraq War. The through taxes extorted $billions, squandered on the sick dreams of 'world power' - killing millions of people and filling the PNAC pack's pockets - The number is based on US Congressional appropriations. - Url.:
* The 9/11 drama was the 'trigger' used by the PNAC Group, killing Americans to further their inhuman goals: Anybody who after seeing this video - '9/11 revisited' - still believes the version from the 'PNAC pack' - the Washington cabal - is beyond all professional help - Url.:
* Nebraska Republican Hagel sits on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and supported the October 2002 resolution authorizing military action against Iraq. He helped Bush on the bloodied PNAC throne in the White 'Haus': "If You Want To Win An Election, Just Control The Voting Machines" - Url.:
* Anti-propaganda: On the Net - Reporters Committee - Url.:
* US War & Propaganda machine: Rumsfeld Declares War on Bad Press - Url.:
* Bush interview. ABC: No WMD's but many killed: "It was worth it". - Url.:
* 'Freedom of the press is guaranteed only to those who own one' — A.J. Liebling - The infamous US 'Lie Factory' - Url.:
* The 9/11 WTC drama was by the PNAC criminals planned 'false flag' terror, to 'trigger' their own global war of terror now ravaging the world - Url.: - It was an inside job - Google - Url.:
* Nobel Literature Prize Laureate and 'Gulag Holocaust' survivor Alexander Solzjenitsyn investigated the origin of the 'Russian Revolution' and the concentration camps: he published and was damned - Url.:
* MSNBC - Live Vote - Concerning the "Project for a Nefarious American Century" (PNAC) - ''Do you believe President Bush's actions justify impeachment?'' - YES: 86% - Url.:
*Read the Fightin' Cock Flyer - Url.:
* THE ONLY SOLUTION? - Help all the troops - of whatever nationality - to come back from abroad! - AND WITH ALL THEIR WEAPONS, WHICH WE ARE FORCED TO PAY FOR BY TAXES - [] - We need them badly at home in many countries to fight with us against our so called 'governments' and their malignant managers - Url.:
Editor: Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands
Prologue to John Kaminski's interesting analysis - link below*
''It is not anti-Semitic to criticize the policies of the state of Israel.'' - US Secretary Colin Powell’s Remarks at 'The Conference on Anti-Semitism of The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe' - April 28, 2004 - German Ministry of Foreign Affairs Berlin, Germany - Url.:
About people and continents bled like a kosher slaughtered sheep.
The Netherlands - March 23d - 2006 - The problem with this analysis, is the raw reality that 'USA' also stands for the names of all other PNAC* colonies, like Germany, France, England or The Netherlands for instance. In Europe it is principally a treacherous trio that fits as a hand in a glove, and now when ''the gloves are off' as they proclaimed, the iron fist can be seen that Kaminski describes. The 'PNAC-motors' Israel, 'The Group' with it's 'Board of Directors' in England, and since August 1492, The Netherlands.
When forced to leave Spain - [ ] - part of 'The Group' financed Christopher Columbus and conquered among others America, while many bankers went to Holland and later on to England. The Jewish Virtual Library has the following on this medieval 'Project for a New America': ''Judaic Treasures of the Library of Congress'' - Columbus Sets Sail - The Exodus August 3,1492 - []
Most people in the world hardly know anything about The Netherlands - #5 on the list of 'richest' countries on the globe (for 'The Group' and it's collaborators) and 'Holland' for short - apart from the name of football player Johan Cruyff, the tulips, windmills or Gouda cheese. And even the ill informed, nearly brainwashed 16 million people inhabiting Holland, hardly know about the American nuclear bombs at Dutch bases - making Holland a target in an armed conflict - or who runs their lives while robbing them.
Like in most PNAC colonies they've now also been robbed of their health service, with today criminal collaborator minister Hoogervorst saying that the ambulance services should be 'privatized' - another word for 'profitable'. The extra thousands of lives this heist is going to result in, does not matter to him nor 'The Group': it's just some more profit to them. In their global factory people - like you and me - are not human beings: we are just throw-away sources of income to them. Just look around you.
For instance: after Sweden now the Dutch sheeple pay the highest taxes in the world, and on average work six months a year for 'the managers'. At present sixty-one percent of the workers has sleepless nights they said in a poll, because they do not know how to pay the bills. And the number five richest country in the world has eleven percent of the people living in poverty, according to their own - always faked - figures. So the shame is probably bigger. A shame too on all who don't react against it and let the crimes go on.
The introduction of the Euro currency measured two years ago - has made life 49.1 % (fourty-nine-dot-one percent) more expensive. They had been told and 'warned' beforehand that half a percent might be possible... And the wages keep going down. The workers are bled like a kosher slaughtered sheep, having ninety percent lobotomized by the mass propaganda media, especially NOS state radio and TV. With very few exceptions still alive, saying what's really happening, as done by The Group's 'Jackals' killing for profit as explained by ex-IMF/World Bank-man Perkins - Url.:
Most people do not know that The Netherlands is one of the biggest US-NATO centers for the PNAC, and also one of the biggest PNAC airports. Amsterdam as the European Gateway and London a half hour flight away. It's an El Al / Mossad airport which never ever is controlled by the Dutch 'authorities'. Nobody would dare to. Dutch Attorney General Vrakking testified on Jan. 29, 1999, that the El Al security detachment at the main dutch airport Schiphol was a branch of Mossad. All and every form of goods, including whatever kind of contraband for the making of biological, chemical and nuclear weapons too, fell on Amsterdam when an El Al plane crashed. - Url.:
What Kaminski much better formulated describes, is the malignant influence of what I call 'The Group' - this racket of cruel inhuman figures not knowing any decency, compassion, civilization, limits, country, god nor law - 'running' the global horror show at the expense of the rest: we, their victims. I have looked and compared all over the world, and based on my life long experiences I can not see any other conclusion: this 'Group' that should have been stopped a long, long time ago. By any and all means.
The abuse of all and everything which is valuable to human beings, is incredible when one sees it. In my four decades as a foreign correspondent, I have covered and honestly as an independent journalist described some of their wars, coups, killings and globally the unbelievable misery of which 'The Group' mostly is the origin.
And I've followed the advice offered to me by Jean Paul Sartre, who - like me - in May 1967 was at the Russell Vietnam Tribunal in Sweden thirty years ago, where I was based as correspondent for Scandinavia. Sartre's was the same advice as given to me in Stockholm by anthropologist Margaret Mead; both with their life long experiences saying: ''Just look who profits. Follow the money and you'll find the crooks.''
Which I did. Remembering always what 'Grand Old Lady' Margaret Mead also said: "Never doubt that a small group of dedicated individuals can change the world, indeed, it's the only thing that ever has" - She definitely did not mean 'The Group' however, which proofs again and again to be the root of most evil. Hence the saying; "Money is the root of all evil."
I've been brought up in a classical catholic family, and as a child I've initially been stuffed with the same propaganda and lies about the world as many of us, until I went to see for myself what, where, why, what for and who was the origin, and what was the clear result. That's why I like to forward Kaminski's analysis, expecting the readers of the FPF to think, understand, and not to be victims of the new 'Electronic Iron Curtain' in thinking, as spread by The Group's 'messmedia'. - (Pun intended).
The openly advertised Animal Farm plans - as described in the PNAC text, in reality unveil the global nightmare called the "Project for a Nefarious America'. An 'empire' and colossus on clay feet.
A nightmare that will not end before the creatures doing this to mankind are 'neutralized'...
Henk Ruyssenaars
The New Iron Curtain
* Find the whole story at - Url.:
* Former U.S. PNAC-Secr. of State Madeleine Albright-Korbel, in her comment on the at least HALF A MILLION dead children in Iraq: "WE THINK IT'S WORTH IT" - On CBS '60 Minutes' - Url.:
* Remember the small Vietnamese girl running? The 'US democracy'-napalm burning her back? - Url.:
* PNAC HOLOCAUST: UNICEF reports that the under-5 infant mortality for 2003 was 110,000 in occupied Iraq, 292,000 in occupied Afghanistan. Gideon Polya: 'Non-reportage of US-linked infant mass mortality' - December 23, 2004 - Url.:
* NUCLEAR HOLOCAUST for you too - Depleted Uranium for Dummies - Url.:
* The despicable war criminal and the US/PNAC's agent at the UN: 'Bulldozer BOLTON's way of working, bringing deadly 'democracy' everywhere. A very short soundbite - Url.:
* ANOTHER HOLOCAUST: THIS IS ONE OF MANY BY THEIR CIA: John Stockwell, former CIA Station Chief in Angola in 1976, working for then Director of the CIA, George Bush. ''How 6 million People Were killed in CIA secret wars against Third World countries'' - Before 1986! - Url.:
* Who - for centuries already - has been doing this to the rest of us, the world's population? - The Global Elite: Who are they? - Url.:
* Who's financing and profiting from all the wars and the killing of millions of people in wars based on lies and greed? - The 'Federal Reserve' and it's usurers is the absolute biggest crime against all humanity ever. - Url.:
* "Sarah, if the American people had ever known the truth about what we Bushes have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched." - George Bush Senior speaking in an interview with Sarah McClendon in December 1992. - And here's why: 'George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography' - by Webster G. Tarpley & Anton Chaitkin - Chapter - II - The Hitler Project - Url.:
* Global Predators - ‘Frauds-R-Us’ - The Bush Family Saga - Url.:
* YANKEES GO HOME! - Tomdispatch Interview with Chalmers Johnson - The Empire: "Iraq before we invaded had a GDP the size of the state of Louisiana and Afghanistan was certainly one of the poorest places on the planet. And yet these two places have stopped us." - Url.:
* This is a running total of the U.S. taxpayer cost of the Iraq War. The through taxes extorted $billions, squandered on the sick dreams of 'world power' - killing millions of people and filling the PNAC pack's pockets - The number is based on US Congressional appropriations. - Url.:
* The 9/11 drama was the 'trigger' used by the PNAC Group, killing Americans to further their inhuman goals: Anybody who after seeing this video - '9/11 revisited' - still believes the version from the 'PNAC pack' - the Washington cabal - is beyond all professional help - Url.:
* Nebraska Republican Hagel sits on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and supported the October 2002 resolution authorizing military action against Iraq. He helped Bush on the bloodied PNAC throne in the White 'Haus': "If You Want To Win An Election, Just Control The Voting Machines" - Url.:
* Anti-propaganda: On the Net - Reporters Committee - Url.:
* US War & Propaganda machine: Rumsfeld Declares War on Bad Press - Url.:
* Bush interview. ABC: No WMD's but many killed: "It was worth it". - Url.:
* 'Freedom of the press is guaranteed only to those who own one' — A.J. Liebling - The infamous US 'Lie Factory' - Url.:
* The 9/11 WTC drama was by the PNAC criminals planned 'false flag' terror, to 'trigger' their own global war of terror now ravaging the world - Url.: - It was an inside job - Google - Url.:
* Nobel Literature Prize Laureate and 'Gulag Holocaust' survivor Alexander Solzjenitsyn investigated the origin of the 'Russian Revolution' and the concentration camps: he published and was damned - Url.:
* MSNBC - Live Vote - Concerning the "Project for a Nefarious American Century" (PNAC) - ''Do you believe President Bush's actions justify impeachment?'' - YES: 86% - Url.:
*Read the Fightin' Cock Flyer - Url.:
* THE ONLY SOLUTION? - Help all the troops - of whatever nationality - to come back from abroad! - AND WITH ALL THEIR WEAPONS, WHICH WE ARE FORCED TO PAY FOR BY TAXES - [] - We need them badly at home in many countries to fight with us against our so called 'governments' and their malignant managers - Url.:
Editor: Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands