Internet neutrality? Or Propaganda & profitability?
Populations in the global 'production units' are 'Kleenexers'. To be used and than thrown away, eliminated in one form or another as soon as they're not profitable anymore. And also Internet for some is just a source of income.
Internet neutrality? Or Propaganda & profitability?
by Henk Ruyssenaars
Amsterdam - June 19th - 2006 - Internationally Internet users are looking with wary eyes to the development of the Web and especially the campaign by the multinationals owning the major media. The plea for their so called 'net neutrality' again is a horrible example of 'Newspeak'. When they say 'neutrality' they mean 'war'. Or, is anybody feeling safer with 'Homeland Security' now?
One should never for one second believe what they in their PR or - for that matter - any government is saying, as long as they do not start denying it. And take away all 'Not', 'No, 'Never', 'Reform', 'Aid' etc. Because always the opposite is meant.
In this case, and as a part of the present global warfare - which also is paid for by the taxpayers with hundreds of millions in different currencies - Internet has to be curbed, further censored, streamlining it for the war- and other propaganda, and just made still more profitable for those running the show.
But, like never drinking water from a well you don't know: look first at who the bad geniuses are who have this as part of their strategy. You'll find all those war mongering creatures - Yes: 'creatures' - because what they do to human beings and our world is not 'humane' - which support Bush and his wars advocating cabal.
They are part of it. Part and parcel of this tsunami of illegal war misery again. They don't care about you, your family or other human beings, it doesn't matter for one second whether you live or die. That's why 'PNAC' rather means: 'Project for a New American Cemetery'.
Blinded by the media manure
The PNAC's Verizon organization with CEO Ivan Seidenberg is one of the worst. This global and also in the US #2 telephone tapping and blackmailing organization is among the infamous Lobbyists who with the other PNAC pack usurped the US along time ago. They have killed every form of neutrality in all major media, brainwashing the world as best as they can with multi billion investments, all paid for by the consumers which are led as lambs to the kosher slaughter. Blinded by their propaganda, falsehood and media manure.
I remember meeting jewish historian Dr. Alfred Lilienthal, a very wise man, in 1988 in the Tunisian capital Tunis, where I lived and worked for ten years. Lilienthal was there to - among others - show PLO Chairman and (now poisoned) Palestinian President Yasser Arafat the so called 'rubber bullets' that killed so many Palestinians. He also brought some other ammo after his visit to occupied Palestine: ammunition used against Palestinians of all ages, maltreated and trapped in their ghettos.
Maltreated and slowly exterminated with - many times American - weapons used by Israeli forces against unarmed civilians during the first Intifada, the revolt against the Israeli occupation, which had started in the summer of 1987. Dr. Lilienthal showed me that most IDF ammo was made in Maryland, US, but told me too that the major media never would publish those facts anywhere; not only in the US.
Dr. Lilienthal: "One-sided reportage on terrorism, in which cause is never related to effect, was assured because the most effective component of the Jewish connection is probably that of media control.'' - And, concerning the owners: ''These people at very least have the veto power over what appears in their publications. No one is about to criticize Jews – or even take Israel to task - for fear of being out of line with the boss, who is likely to fire him or her..."
John Pilger - BBC: "The BBC - which promotes itself as a nirvana of objectivity and impartiality and truth - has blood on its corporate hands."
And don't think that anything is different abroad, at the treacherous BBC for instance. I've worked for them (in English and German, and on my own terms as an independent journalist) - also during the Gulf War when the BBC still sometimes practiced 'honest journalism'. A style of reporting and good manners long forgotten by most by now. The majority of people working in the media now are propagandists, former journalist who have sold themselves. The abbreviation 'BBC' - British Broadcasting Corporation - now stands for 'Broadcasting Blair's Crap'. And that's exactly what the BBC's war collaborators do, with by the secret service MI6, CIA, Mossad etc. concocted and served lies and other propaganda.
The excellent journalist John Pilger - who on his own terms still works for part of the BBC - warned for the BBC's taking part in the PNAC's war propaganda too. It is known that the same PNAC group - via it's Management in London - 'runs' the major British media including the BBC. Pilger: "On August 24 last year, a New York Times editorial declared: “If we had known then what we know now, the invasion [of Iraq] would have been stopped by a popular outcry.”
This amazing admission was saying, in effect, that journalists had betrayed the public by accepting and amplifying and echoing the lies of Bush and Blair, instead of challenging and exposing them. The result is a human disaster of epic proportions, for which journalists in the so-called mainstream bear much of the responsibility; and that includes responsibility for the lives lost and destroyed.
BBC: only two per cent of its coverage of Iraq to anti-war dissent
This is true not only in America. In Britain, where I live, the BBC - which promotes itself as a nirvana of objectivity and impartiality and truth - has blood on its corporate hands. There are two interesting studies of the BBC's reporting. One of them, in the build-up to the invasion, shows that the BBC gave just two per cent of its coverage of Iraq to anti-war dissent. That was less than the anti-war coverage of all the American networks. A second study by the respected journalism school at University College in Cardiff shows that 90 per cent of the BBC's references to weapons of mass destruction suggested that Saddam Hussein actually possessed them and that, by clear implication, Bush and Blair were right.
We now know that the BBC and other British media were used by MI6, the secret intelligence service. In what they called Operation Mass Appeal, MI6 agents planted stories about Saddam's weapons of mass destruction, such as weapons hidden in his palaces and in secret underground bunkers. All of these stories were fakes." - [end quote]*
The US War machine spouts daily a lot of fakes, and globally and via it's outlets sells the false 'programs' of their cable TV companies. Whether it's National Geographic, Discovery or any of the other with shame laden names: it is all the same BS. 'Newspeak' optima forma. Totally disgusting lies which are daily produced by the slaves in their 'Lie Factories' to dumb down millions more.
On April 6, 2006, the Center for Media and Democracy (CMD) released a multi-media report titled, "Fake TV News: Widespread and Undisclosed." It provides the most extensive account to date of how corporate-funded video news releases (VNRs) - fake TV news - are routinely aired by newsrooms, without disclosure, as though they were independently-gathered reports. The online report contains footage of three dozen VNRs, plus footage from some of the 98 different TV newscasts that aired them or related satellite media tour "interviews."
And Internet? - Like any other fight in Washington where profits are at stake, the big guns are on the prowl - several of the large telecom companies that operate networks have come down to cash in their chits with the politicians whose campaigns they fund.*
But, as Save the Internet* writes (about 'the Lobby' pushing for Profit & Propaganda): ''The threat is real. Congress is pushing a law that would abandon the Internet's First Amendment - a principle called 'Network Neutrality' that prevents companies like AT&T, Verizon and Comcast from deciding which Web sites work best for you - based on what site pays them the most. If the public doesn't speak up now, our elected officials will cave to a multi-million dollar lobbying campaign.''
Our 'interest' in communicating via Internet is read different by them, their 'interest' concerning Internet means: 'a fixed money charge'.
So, it's the usual again for us? Pay up and shut up?
Time to get a server in Venezuela...
Henk Ruyssenaars
* John Pilger & the BBC - 'War by Media' - On 14 April 2006, the Heyman Center for the Humanities at Columbia University in New York brought together John Pilger, Seymour Hersh, Robert Fisk and Charles Glass for a discussion entitled 'Breaking the Silence: War, lies and empire'. - The following is a transcript of John Pilger's address - Url.:
* US Fake news - Center for Media and Democracy - Url.:
* The American Media: Unheeded Warnings - Jason Collett - Al-Jazeerah, 10/31/03 - (Al Jazeera has since than 'new owners', and is not trustworthy anymore - HR) - Michael Palumbo in his book The Palestinian Catastrophe (1987): -
* A Plea for Net Neutrality - By Charles Sullivan - 06/18/06 "Information Clearing House" - Url.:
* Save the Internet - Url.:
* Google & Yahoo Censor: Thousands of Secret US Trials - Url.:
* Who is snooping where and on whom - Echelon - Url.:
* Reliable information from in Venezuela - Url.:
Internet neutrality? Or Propaganda & profitability?
by Henk Ruyssenaars
Amsterdam - June 19th - 2006 - Internationally Internet users are looking with wary eyes to the development of the Web and especially the campaign by the multinationals owning the major media. The plea for their so called 'net neutrality' again is a horrible example of 'Newspeak'. When they say 'neutrality' they mean 'war'. Or, is anybody feeling safer with 'Homeland Security' now?
One should never for one second believe what they in their PR or - for that matter - any government is saying, as long as they do not start denying it. And take away all 'Not', 'No, 'Never', 'Reform', 'Aid' etc. Because always the opposite is meant.
In this case, and as a part of the present global warfare - which also is paid for by the taxpayers with hundreds of millions in different currencies - Internet has to be curbed, further censored, streamlining it for the war- and other propaganda, and just made still more profitable for those running the show.
But, like never drinking water from a well you don't know: look first at who the bad geniuses are who have this as part of their strategy. You'll find all those war mongering creatures - Yes: 'creatures' - because what they do to human beings and our world is not 'humane' - which support Bush and his wars advocating cabal.
They are part of it. Part and parcel of this tsunami of illegal war misery again. They don't care about you, your family or other human beings, it doesn't matter for one second whether you live or die. That's why 'PNAC' rather means: 'Project for a New American Cemetery'.
Blinded by the media manure
The PNAC's Verizon organization with CEO Ivan Seidenberg is one of the worst. This global and also in the US #2 telephone tapping and blackmailing organization is among the infamous Lobbyists who with the other PNAC pack usurped the US along time ago. They have killed every form of neutrality in all major media, brainwashing the world as best as they can with multi billion investments, all paid for by the consumers which are led as lambs to the kosher slaughter. Blinded by their propaganda, falsehood and media manure.
I remember meeting jewish historian Dr. Alfred Lilienthal, a very wise man, in 1988 in the Tunisian capital Tunis, where I lived and worked for ten years. Lilienthal was there to - among others - show PLO Chairman and (now poisoned) Palestinian President Yasser Arafat the so called 'rubber bullets' that killed so many Palestinians. He also brought some other ammo after his visit to occupied Palestine: ammunition used against Palestinians of all ages, maltreated and trapped in their ghettos.
Maltreated and slowly exterminated with - many times American - weapons used by Israeli forces against unarmed civilians during the first Intifada, the revolt against the Israeli occupation, which had started in the summer of 1987. Dr. Lilienthal showed me that most IDF ammo was made in Maryland, US, but told me too that the major media never would publish those facts anywhere; not only in the US.
Dr. Lilienthal: "One-sided reportage on terrorism, in which cause is never related to effect, was assured because the most effective component of the Jewish connection is probably that of media control.'' - And, concerning the owners: ''These people at very least have the veto power over what appears in their publications. No one is about to criticize Jews – or even take Israel to task - for fear of being out of line with the boss, who is likely to fire him or her..."
John Pilger - BBC: "The BBC - which promotes itself as a nirvana of objectivity and impartiality and truth - has blood on its corporate hands."
And don't think that anything is different abroad, at the treacherous BBC for instance. I've worked for them (in English and German, and on my own terms as an independent journalist) - also during the Gulf War when the BBC still sometimes practiced 'honest journalism'. A style of reporting and good manners long forgotten by most by now. The majority of people working in the media now are propagandists, former journalist who have sold themselves. The abbreviation 'BBC' - British Broadcasting Corporation - now stands for 'Broadcasting Blair's Crap'. And that's exactly what the BBC's war collaborators do, with by the secret service MI6, CIA, Mossad etc. concocted and served lies and other propaganda.
The excellent journalist John Pilger - who on his own terms still works for part of the BBC - warned for the BBC's taking part in the PNAC's war propaganda too. It is known that the same PNAC group - via it's Management in London - 'runs' the major British media including the BBC. Pilger: "On August 24 last year, a New York Times editorial declared: “If we had known then what we know now, the invasion [of Iraq] would have been stopped by a popular outcry.”
This amazing admission was saying, in effect, that journalists had betrayed the public by accepting and amplifying and echoing the lies of Bush and Blair, instead of challenging and exposing them. The result is a human disaster of epic proportions, for which journalists in the so-called mainstream bear much of the responsibility; and that includes responsibility for the lives lost and destroyed.
BBC: only two per cent of its coverage of Iraq to anti-war dissent
This is true not only in America. In Britain, where I live, the BBC - which promotes itself as a nirvana of objectivity and impartiality and truth - has blood on its corporate hands. There are two interesting studies of the BBC's reporting. One of them, in the build-up to the invasion, shows that the BBC gave just two per cent of its coverage of Iraq to anti-war dissent. That was less than the anti-war coverage of all the American networks. A second study by the respected journalism school at University College in Cardiff shows that 90 per cent of the BBC's references to weapons of mass destruction suggested that Saddam Hussein actually possessed them and that, by clear implication, Bush and Blair were right.
We now know that the BBC and other British media were used by MI6, the secret intelligence service. In what they called Operation Mass Appeal, MI6 agents planted stories about Saddam's weapons of mass destruction, such as weapons hidden in his palaces and in secret underground bunkers. All of these stories were fakes." - [end quote]*
The US War machine spouts daily a lot of fakes, and globally and via it's outlets sells the false 'programs' of their cable TV companies. Whether it's National Geographic, Discovery or any of the other with shame laden names: it is all the same BS. 'Newspeak' optima forma. Totally disgusting lies which are daily produced by the slaves in their 'Lie Factories' to dumb down millions more.
On April 6, 2006, the Center for Media and Democracy (CMD) released a multi-media report titled, "Fake TV News: Widespread and Undisclosed." It provides the most extensive account to date of how corporate-funded video news releases (VNRs) - fake TV news - are routinely aired by newsrooms, without disclosure, as though they were independently-gathered reports. The online report contains footage of three dozen VNRs, plus footage from some of the 98 different TV newscasts that aired them or related satellite media tour "interviews."
And Internet? - Like any other fight in Washington where profits are at stake, the big guns are on the prowl - several of the large telecom companies that operate networks have come down to cash in their chits with the politicians whose campaigns they fund.*
But, as Save the Internet* writes (about 'the Lobby' pushing for Profit & Propaganda): ''The threat is real. Congress is pushing a law that would abandon the Internet's First Amendment - a principle called 'Network Neutrality' that prevents companies like AT&T, Verizon and Comcast from deciding which Web sites work best for you - based on what site pays them the most. If the public doesn't speak up now, our elected officials will cave to a multi-million dollar lobbying campaign.''
Our 'interest' in communicating via Internet is read different by them, their 'interest' concerning Internet means: 'a fixed money charge'.
So, it's the usual again for us? Pay up and shut up?
Time to get a server in Venezuela...
Henk Ruyssenaars
* John Pilger & the BBC - 'War by Media' - On 14 April 2006, the Heyman Center for the Humanities at Columbia University in New York brought together John Pilger, Seymour Hersh, Robert Fisk and Charles Glass for a discussion entitled 'Breaking the Silence: War, lies and empire'. - The following is a transcript of John Pilger's address - Url.:
* US Fake news - Center for Media and Democracy - Url.:
* The American Media: Unheeded Warnings - Jason Collett - Al-Jazeerah, 10/31/03 - (Al Jazeera has since than 'new owners', and is not trustworthy anymore - HR) - Michael Palumbo in his book The Palestinian Catastrophe (1987): -
* A Plea for Net Neutrality - By Charles Sullivan - 06/18/06 "Information Clearing House" - Url.:
* Save the Internet - Url.:
* Google & Yahoo Censor: Thousands of Secret US Trials - Url.:
* Who is snooping where and on whom - Echelon - Url.:
* Reliable information from in Venezuela - Url.: