New York Times Judith (Judas) Miller is a war criminal!
Mon Aug 1, 2005 - Concerns item on Rove by Reeves - Url.:
Quote: "What gives the ordinary the patina of something original is the fact that a lunatic prosecutor has put a New York Times reporter in jail for no particular reason."
Judith Miller and her ilk are war criminals!
The prosecutor (like nearly all of those corrupt law criminals) is part of the game: 'particular reason' should otherwise be that this main$tream media madam Judith Miller is guilty by association of war crimes, which she with her zionist rag, the New York Times, kept advocating.
Her disgusting scribes (and those of many of her deception-colleagues like Thomas Friedman, Marlise Simons and many more) have been a global shame for anything concerning 'journalism' or honest information, and from my point of view she deserves every second in jail: for the rest of her shamefilled life!
Miller and her disgusting 'fellow travellers' in the lying mainstream media are guilty of infanticide - killing half a million babies in Iraq alone - and the ongoing genocide and global DU poisoning of hundreds of thousands of people, including thousands of uninformed american and allied soldiers, the cannon fodder she has helped to send abroad to the US/Israeli/UK slaughterhouses...
She should be a 'lifer' with hard labor in one of the concentrationcamps in the American Gulag - as it was rightly called by Amnesty International in their report on this inhumane american fascistic system - Url.:
The present global terror through this inhuman genocidal system, which has been advocated by criminals like Judith Miller and her neocon ilk in ninety percent of the miserable media in the US and wherever their deceptive influence reaches, like with 'Goebbels Megaphones' CNN, FOX etc.
People like Reeves - whom I met while working in Stockholm and in connection with the murder of Prime minister Olof Palme by the CIA's hired killer and Swedish (London Banking*) industry - should call creeps like Miller, Novak and the other media whores for what they are: misinformation misfits and propaganda prostitutes.
Which because of their crimes belong in jail for the rest of their despicable lives.
They have betrayed all normal human beings.
I do not - with 40 years global experience as an independent foreign correspondent - see any difference between the followers of Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi propaganda minister, and infamous jerks like Karl Rove, Miller, Novak, Limbaugh and the rest of those disgusting creeps.
And I'm waiting for the day I'll be able to report on war criminals - of all nationalities! - and especially propaganda-media Judasses like Miller and Rove to go to jail for their crimes against humanity. There are quite some in the Netherlands as well, by the way, like the one and only allowed Netherlands Journalists Union, which has nothing to do with either union work or journalism: they are traitors, part of the power and the problem. Not the solution anymore.
At present the neocon managers of the United States, Israel, England, the Netherlands, Italy, Poland and a few other bullied and bribed Quislings in the 'Coalition of the Killing' represent the worst terror states on earth.
And anybody defending what the United States neocons and Israel are doing now is just as criminal as Bush and Blair, and should go to court as soon as this will be possible again.
Judith Miller is only in jail to wash of the bloody stains covering her pro war writing, making people forget she was acting for Bush and the Israeli ilk as Leni Riefenstahl did for Hitler.
The United States and Israel are the biggest danger to humanity ever and must be stopped in their war criminal tracks.
A Time/Life poll years ago already proved what people outside the US and Israel know: those two states are the biggest danger to humanity on earth, the real rogue terror states:
The Biggest Threat To Peace
Which country really poses the greatest danger to world peace in 2003? TIME asks for readers' views
That's what Reeves should write about.
If people like him dare to...
Henk Ruyssenaars
*Colin Powell: 'It is not anti-Semitic to criticize the policies of the state of Israel' - Url.: - Who creates our money? And what is 'Press Freedom' about? - Url.: - The Secret of the private US Federal Ban - Url.:
* Richard Reeves, New York Times Magazine, March 1, 1987. Reeves quotes "sources in the French Foreign Ministry," but may in fact may have been referring to the 21-27 November 1986 issue of L'Express, which printed an identical story four months earlier, albeit with less effect. - Url.:
Quote: "What gives the ordinary the patina of something original is the fact that a lunatic prosecutor has put a New York Times reporter in jail for no particular reason."
Judith Miller and her ilk are war criminals!
The prosecutor (like nearly all of those corrupt law criminals) is part of the game: 'particular reason' should otherwise be that this main$tream media madam Judith Miller is guilty by association of war crimes, which she with her zionist rag, the New York Times, kept advocating.
Her disgusting scribes (and those of many of her deception-colleagues like Thomas Friedman, Marlise Simons and many more) have been a global shame for anything concerning 'journalism' or honest information, and from my point of view she deserves every second in jail: for the rest of her shamefilled life!
Miller and her disgusting 'fellow travellers' in the lying mainstream media are guilty of infanticide - killing half a million babies in Iraq alone - and the ongoing genocide and global DU poisoning of hundreds of thousands of people, including thousands of uninformed american and allied soldiers, the cannon fodder she has helped to send abroad to the US/Israeli/UK slaughterhouses...
She should be a 'lifer' with hard labor in one of the concentrationcamps in the American Gulag - as it was rightly called by Amnesty International in their report on this inhumane american fascistic system - Url.:
The present global terror through this inhuman genocidal system, which has been advocated by criminals like Judith Miller and her neocon ilk in ninety percent of the miserable media in the US and wherever their deceptive influence reaches, like with 'Goebbels Megaphones' CNN, FOX etc.
People like Reeves - whom I met while working in Stockholm and in connection with the murder of Prime minister Olof Palme by the CIA's hired killer and Swedish (London Banking*) industry - should call creeps like Miller, Novak and the other media whores for what they are: misinformation misfits and propaganda prostitutes.
Which because of their crimes belong in jail for the rest of their despicable lives.
They have betrayed all normal human beings.
I do not - with 40 years global experience as an independent foreign correspondent - see any difference between the followers of Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi propaganda minister, and infamous jerks like Karl Rove, Miller, Novak, Limbaugh and the rest of those disgusting creeps.
And I'm waiting for the day I'll be able to report on war criminals - of all nationalities! - and especially propaganda-media Judasses like Miller and Rove to go to jail for their crimes against humanity. There are quite some in the Netherlands as well, by the way, like the one and only allowed Netherlands Journalists Union, which has nothing to do with either union work or journalism: they are traitors, part of the power and the problem. Not the solution anymore.
At present the neocon managers of the United States, Israel, England, the Netherlands, Italy, Poland and a few other bullied and bribed Quislings in the 'Coalition of the Killing' represent the worst terror states on earth.
And anybody defending what the United States neocons and Israel are doing now is just as criminal as Bush and Blair, and should go to court as soon as this will be possible again.
Judith Miller is only in jail to wash of the bloody stains covering her pro war writing, making people forget she was acting for Bush and the Israeli ilk as Leni Riefenstahl did for Hitler.
The United States and Israel are the biggest danger to humanity ever and must be stopped in their war criminal tracks.
A Time/Life poll years ago already proved what people outside the US and Israel know: those two states are the biggest danger to humanity on earth, the real rogue terror states:
The Biggest Threat To Peace
Which country really poses the greatest danger to world peace in 2003? TIME asks for readers' views
That's what Reeves should write about.
If people like him dare to...
Henk Ruyssenaars
*Colin Powell: 'It is not anti-Semitic to criticize the policies of the state of Israel' - Url.: - Who creates our money? And what is 'Press Freedom' about? - Url.: - The Secret of the private US Federal Ban - Url.:
* Richard Reeves, New York Times Magazine, March 1, 1987. Reeves quotes "sources in the French Foreign Ministry," but may in fact may have been referring to the 21-27 November 1986 issue of L'Express, which printed an identical story four months earlier, albeit with less effect. - Url.: