Saving America - by Doug Thompson
FPF comment: It must be said that this 'Rant' is an exception. Capitol Hill Blue has 'new editors' and is fast becoming as unreadable as the also usurped Village Voice after a hostile takeover, and many other formerly progressive sources of information. More sorry examples of how free voices are strangled and foul PNAC war propaganda defiles Internet. As said: this is an exception.
Saving America
By Doug Thompson - June 16, 2006 - The Rant
George W. Bush is an international war criminal who should be arrested, shackled and led to the World Court to stand trial for his many crimes against humanity.
So should be any member of Congress who continues to support the illegal and immoral invasion of Iraq and whose actions contributed to the unnecessary deaths of 2,500 American military men and women along with the thousands upon thousands of Iraqi civilians.
[And so should all propagandists in the collaborating PNAC-media, without whom all the global massacres never ever would have been possible. They all are war criminals too, and guilty as Hell! - HR]
The pathetic, partisan attempt by the Republican leadership in Congress to tie support for the Iraq debacle to the so-called "war on terrorism" is just another sad example of how far this nation has plunged into an immoral and unethical morass that cannot be erased by spin, rhetoric or lame attempts at justification.
The United States of America, a country that once stood for freedom, justice and human rights - [When? - HR] - is now an international bully, a source of worldwide terrorism that poses a far greater threat to world peace than any Islam-spouting prophet hiding in a cave in Afghanistan.
The upcoming mid-term elections in November should not be a battle between Republican or Democrat, liberal or conservative, right or left. It must be a battle for the survival of our nation. As citizens we can no longer stand by while this cabal of corrupt, power-mad despots destroys what little of left of the America we once respected and loved.
I'm convinced George W. Bush is a madman, a brain-damaged dry drunk whose insanity and megalomania threaten the very existence of America. He represents a clear and present danger to the peace and security of this nation and must be treated as a traitor to the very Constitution he swore to uphold in two inaugurations.
I believe he and Vice President Dick Cheney conspired to undermine the Constitution by illegally increasing the power of the executive branch, using the events of September 11, 2001, to advance personal political agendas.* Neither man gives a damn about this country. They care only about their own power, their own desires and using both to reward those who bought them with financial and political support.
Bush disregards the law as a matter of course, appending "signing statements" to legislation that he plans to ignore because it infringes on his view of absolute power and divine right from God Almighty.
Cheney sees the Vice Presidency as a means to two ends: Pad his own financial portfolio and enrich his friends in the military-industrial complex.
Both men are aided in their criminal enterprise by a corrupt Republican-led Congress, a governing body so riddled with criminals, con-artists and thieves that the Mafia or Columbian drug gangs pale by comparison.
In the best of times, we could count on the checks and balances of the system to save the Constitution but those checks were neutered by single-party governance and a Supreme Court packed with compliant justices.
That's why Bush and his cronies should be led, handcuffed and shackled, to the World Court, a body not controlled by the right-wing jihad that has hijacked the Constitution and put America in danger.
[Which 'Court'? They never protested the Lockerbie show trial with - according to Scotland Yard: 'CIA fabricated evidence' - a fake 'trial' which was an enormous sham. So? - HR]
Since that won't happen, our other option lies at the ballot box and enough voter anger to throw out every single one of the bitches and bastards who have helped in the overthrow of our government. I'm not talking about just Republicans. I mean every one who still votes for and supports the illegal war in Iraq; every one who still lives large at lobbyists' expense; every one who sells his or her vote for a campaign contribution and every one who supports the status quo in Washington.
Then, maybe, we can return control of this country to the people. Then, maybe, we can hold a corrupt, immoral President and his legions accountable for their vile acts.
Maybe there's still time to save this thing called America.
Doug Thompson
Capitol Hill Blue - Story Url.:
And if you use the link you can read the interesting comments too.
* ROME TRIBUNAL ON WAR CRIMES AND MEDIA: Held Guilty of Deception - The tribunal said mainstream media reportage on Iraq also violated article six of the Nuremberg Tribunal (set up to try Nazi crimes) which states: "Leaders, organisers, instigators and accomplices participating in the formulation or execution of a common plan or conspiracy to commit any of the foregoing crimes (crimes against peace, war crimes and crimes against humanity) are responsible for all acts performed by any persons in execution of such a plan." - Url.:
* US 9/11 TERROR in a CNN Poll - Question: "Do you believe there is a U.S. government cover-up surrounding 9/11?" - 'Yes' - 89% - 'NO' - 11% - Url.:
* SCHOLARS FOR 9/11 TRUTH - American and other scientists, diplomats, researchers etc.: What happened on 9/11? - What is happening to our world? - How can we improve our situation? - Url.:
PILOT EPISODE 9/11? - In a foreshadowing of the September 11, 2001 attacks, subsequent conspiracy theories, and the 2003 invasion of Iraq, the plot of the March 4, 2001 pilot episode of the series depicts a secret US government agency plotting to crash a Boeing 727 into the World Trade Center via remote control for the purpose of blaming the attack on foreign "tin-pot dictators" who are "begging to be smart-bombed." This episode aired in Australia less than two weeks before the 9/11 attacks, on August 30. - Url.:
* US SENATOR BOB GRAHAM, Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence -
[] - regarding the September 11 terrorist attacks: AT LEAST ONE FOREIGN COUNTRY ASSISTED THE 9/11 TERRORISTS - The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer, on PBS, reported. - Url.:
* The 9/11 drama was the 'trigger' used by the PNAC Group, KILLING AMERICANS and others to further their inhuman goals: Anybody who after seeing this video - '9/11 revisited' - still believes the version from the 'PNAC pack' - the Washington cabal - is beyond all professional help - Url.:
* THE US PNAC WARS & NATO’S SECRET ARMIES LINKED TO TERRORISM? - (NATO, the Pentagon, NSA, MI6, the CIA, Mossad, BND, and all other European and global 'intelligence services' are linked to inhuman terror, coups d’état, 'rendition', the PNAC Gulags and torture - HR) - by Daniele Ganser - Url.:
* FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.:
Editor: Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands
Saving America
By Doug Thompson - June 16, 2006 - The Rant
George W. Bush is an international war criminal who should be arrested, shackled and led to the World Court to stand trial for his many crimes against humanity.
So should be any member of Congress who continues to support the illegal and immoral invasion of Iraq and whose actions contributed to the unnecessary deaths of 2,500 American military men and women along with the thousands upon thousands of Iraqi civilians.
[And so should all propagandists in the collaborating PNAC-media, without whom all the global massacres never ever would have been possible. They all are war criminals too, and guilty as Hell! - HR]
The pathetic, partisan attempt by the Republican leadership in Congress to tie support for the Iraq debacle to the so-called "war on terrorism" is just another sad example of how far this nation has plunged into an immoral and unethical morass that cannot be erased by spin, rhetoric or lame attempts at justification.
The United States of America, a country that once stood for freedom, justice and human rights - [When? - HR] - is now an international bully, a source of worldwide terrorism that poses a far greater threat to world peace than any Islam-spouting prophet hiding in a cave in Afghanistan.
The upcoming mid-term elections in November should not be a battle between Republican or Democrat, liberal or conservative, right or left. It must be a battle for the survival of our nation. As citizens we can no longer stand by while this cabal of corrupt, power-mad despots destroys what little of left of the America we once respected and loved.
I'm convinced George W. Bush is a madman, a brain-damaged dry drunk whose insanity and megalomania threaten the very existence of America. He represents a clear and present danger to the peace and security of this nation and must be treated as a traitor to the very Constitution he swore to uphold in two inaugurations.
I believe he and Vice President Dick Cheney conspired to undermine the Constitution by illegally increasing the power of the executive branch, using the events of September 11, 2001, to advance personal political agendas.* Neither man gives a damn about this country. They care only about their own power, their own desires and using both to reward those who bought them with financial and political support.
Bush disregards the law as a matter of course, appending "signing statements" to legislation that he plans to ignore because it infringes on his view of absolute power and divine right from God Almighty.
Cheney sees the Vice Presidency as a means to two ends: Pad his own financial portfolio and enrich his friends in the military-industrial complex.
Both men are aided in their criminal enterprise by a corrupt Republican-led Congress, a governing body so riddled with criminals, con-artists and thieves that the Mafia or Columbian drug gangs pale by comparison.
In the best of times, we could count on the checks and balances of the system to save the Constitution but those checks were neutered by single-party governance and a Supreme Court packed with compliant justices.
That's why Bush and his cronies should be led, handcuffed and shackled, to the World Court, a body not controlled by the right-wing jihad that has hijacked the Constitution and put America in danger.
[Which 'Court'? They never protested the Lockerbie show trial with - according to Scotland Yard: 'CIA fabricated evidence' - a fake 'trial' which was an enormous sham. So? - HR]
Since that won't happen, our other option lies at the ballot box and enough voter anger to throw out every single one of the bitches and bastards who have helped in the overthrow of our government. I'm not talking about just Republicans. I mean every one who still votes for and supports the illegal war in Iraq; every one who still lives large at lobbyists' expense; every one who sells his or her vote for a campaign contribution and every one who supports the status quo in Washington.
Then, maybe, we can return control of this country to the people. Then, maybe, we can hold a corrupt, immoral President and his legions accountable for their vile acts.
Maybe there's still time to save this thing called America.
Doug Thompson
Capitol Hill Blue - Story Url.:
And if you use the link you can read the interesting comments too.
* ROME TRIBUNAL ON WAR CRIMES AND MEDIA: Held Guilty of Deception - The tribunal said mainstream media reportage on Iraq also violated article six of the Nuremberg Tribunal (set up to try Nazi crimes) which states: "Leaders, organisers, instigators and accomplices participating in the formulation or execution of a common plan or conspiracy to commit any of the foregoing crimes (crimes against peace, war crimes and crimes against humanity) are responsible for all acts performed by any persons in execution of such a plan." - Url.:
* US 9/11 TERROR in a CNN Poll - Question: "Do you believe there is a U.S. government cover-up surrounding 9/11?" - 'Yes' - 89% - 'NO' - 11% - Url.:
* SCHOLARS FOR 9/11 TRUTH - American and other scientists, diplomats, researchers etc.: What happened on 9/11? - What is happening to our world? - How can we improve our situation? - Url.:
PILOT EPISODE 9/11? - In a foreshadowing of the September 11, 2001 attacks, subsequent conspiracy theories, and the 2003 invasion of Iraq, the plot of the March 4, 2001 pilot episode of the series depicts a secret US government agency plotting to crash a Boeing 727 into the World Trade Center via remote control for the purpose of blaming the attack on foreign "tin-pot dictators" who are "begging to be smart-bombed." This episode aired in Australia less than two weeks before the 9/11 attacks, on August 30. - Url.:
* US SENATOR BOB GRAHAM, Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence -
[] - regarding the September 11 terrorist attacks: AT LEAST ONE FOREIGN COUNTRY ASSISTED THE 9/11 TERRORISTS - The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer, on PBS, reported. - Url.:
* The 9/11 drama was the 'trigger' used by the PNAC Group, KILLING AMERICANS and others to further their inhuman goals: Anybody who after seeing this video - '9/11 revisited' - still believes the version from the 'PNAC pack' - the Washington cabal - is beyond all professional help - Url.:
* THE US PNAC WARS & NATO’S SECRET ARMIES LINKED TO TERRORISM? - (NATO, the Pentagon, NSA, MI6, the CIA, Mossad, BND, and all other European and global 'intelligence services' are linked to inhuman terror, coups d’état, 'rendition', the PNAC Gulags and torture - HR) - by Daniele Ganser - Url.:
* FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.:
Editor: Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands