U.S. Institutions, Press Ask: Is President Bush Nuts?
FPF-fwd.: Jeffrey Steinberg
U.S. Institutions, Press Ask: Is President Bush Nuts?
by Jeffrey Steinberg
An Establishment consensus is rapidly emerging over the ever-more obvious lunacy of President George W. Bush, and the strategic implications of allowing a man with long-term and severe psychiatric disorders to remain in the Presidency during a period of systemic financial disintegration, which is driving some leading synarchist bankers to push for World War III—using mad George as their patsy. Indicative of the emerging Anglo-American consensus that Bush is too far gone to serve much longer, is British Prime Minister Tony Blair's own "Damascus Road" break with G.W., since his last visit to Washington in the late Spring.
While vacationing in the Caribbean in early August, Blair, according to British sources, allowed Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott to tell a group of Labour MPs that Bush's handling of the Middle East crisis was "crap." Prescott's comment was quickly leaked to all of the leading British dailies, triggering a public debate, and reports that Blair had encouraged his deputy to signal London's break with George Bush's and Dick Cheney's Washington.
In a series of high-visibility television news broadcasts and opinion pieces appearing in the U.S. over the past two weeks, a clear message has been conveyed: The President is mentally incompetent to serve out the remaining months of his term of office, and the sociopathic Vice President Cheney is going to have to go, as part of a clean sweep of the White House.
Precisely how this clean-out is going to occur is by no means settled. But the verdict has been delivered, loud and clear, and a lively public debate has been stoked, through the medium of some popular news/entertainment programs, including MSNBC's "Scarborough Country," Comedy Central's "The Daily Show"—and even the formerly slavishly pro-Bush Washington Post.
The most dramatic sign of the Establishment's conclusion that Bush is too lunatic to continue in office came on Aug. 15, when former Republican Congressman-turned-right-wing-TV news analyst Joe Scarborough aired a ten-minute segment of his "Scarborough Country," posing the question: "Is Bush an Idiot?" Throughout the segment, the words "Is Bush an Idiot?" ran across the bottom of the screen. The segment provoked a firestorm of media commentaries, including two subsequent "Scarborough Country" segments, an equal number of satirical assaults on President Bush's mental midgetry by Comedy Central's Jon Stewart, and a detailed news account in the Aug. 20 Sunday Washington Post of the conservative revolt against the Idiot-in-Chief.
Equally distressing for the White House is a series of op-ed pieces by previously loyal conservative pundits, including George Will and National Review editor Rich Lowry, all declaring that Bush's Iraq misadventure has been a dismal failure.
A senior U.S. intelligence figure described the situation in Washington as "chaos—the worst chaos I have ever seen." He confirmed earlier reports that former President George H.W. Bush is apoplectic over his son's descent into messianic madness, and that Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is so isolated from the White House, that she is not even consulting with the President as she attempts to find a replacement Deputy Secretary of State, to fill the vacancy left by Robert Zoellick's sudden departure in June. When Rice attempted to appoint top aide Nick Burns as Zoellick's replacement, she was blocked by Vice President Cheney, and George W. Bush did not weigh in to support her.
It is no secret that Cheney, the leading synarchist bankers' asset in the Administration, is pressing for a resumption of Israel's military actions against Lebanon, and an expansion of the Israeli aggression into Syria—this, despite the fact that Israel's mid-July invasion of Lebanon failed to destroy or even militarily weaken Hezbollah. The renewed Israeli military operations would be, for Cheney, a prelude to a full-scale U.S. bombing campaign against Iran, perhaps before the November U.S. mid-term elections. Sources have confirmed that the Joint Chiefs of Staff have unanimously informed the President that, under no circumstances would they support military action against Iran.
Yet, a number of senior policy analysts freely admitted that they could not say with any degree of certainty that the unanimous view of the JCS will carry any weight at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Between Cheney's commitment to regime change in Tehran before January 2009, and Bush's psychotic refusal to entertain any "bad news" assessments, the U.S. could race, flight-forward, into a pre-emptive war against Iran, in much the same way that Israel raced blindly into its greatest military fiasco ever, in Lebanon. Sane voices in the Israeli military had warned, repeatedly, that a military strike against Hezbollah's asymmetric war-fighting capability would end in dismal failure. Those voices were ignored—largely due to pressure on the Olmert government from the Cheney circles in Washington.
It is this prospect, of a mad-hatter President and his Vice Presidential accomplice bringing the United States to the brink of self-destruction, that has triggered the institutional revolt. The Scarborough, Stewart, and related assaults on the President's lunacy are merely manifestations of a much deeper, behind-the-scenes process of debate, among senior Establishment figures, over how to deal with a dysfunctional White House, during a period of the greatest combined political and financial crisis in the nation's history. While sense perception might suggest that the television assaults on the President's mental state have triggered the institutional debate, the exact opposite is true. The American public, already sickened by the Administration's bungling, treachery, tyranny, and worse, is being brought into the top-down deliberations. The simple fact is: Nothing short of a top-to-bottom house cleaning in the Executive branch, starting with Cheney and Bush, is going to save the nation and the world from a New Dark Age of global asymmetric warfare, financial disintegration, and the collapse of the sovereign nation-state system itself.
If Bush and Cheney do launch a war against Iran, the outcome will be even more disastrous for the United States than the recent Israeli misadventure in Lebanon was for the Jewish state. If George W.
Bush were looking for a shortcut to infamy, he could not choose a faster route than a bombing campaign against Iran.
Perhaps the President will find a few strands of sanity, tied to his deep fear of failure, and will pull back from the brink. For the U.S. institutions to risk the fate of the nation on such a slender reed would be madness in its own right.
Jeffrey Steinberg
[andend] - Url.: http://www.larouchepub.com/other/2006/3335is_bush_nuts.html
Via Url.: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/
* DEFINITION OF SEMITES from the Collins English Dictionary - [http://tinyurl.com/zj9y4] - "Semitic: a member of the group of Caucasoid people who speak a Semitic language, including the Jews and Arabs as well as the Ancient Babylonians (Iraqis), the Assyrians (Syria), and the Phoenicians (the Lebanese of today). Semitic: a branch or sub-family of languages that includes Arabic, Aramaic, Hebrew.” - Palestinians and Lebanese for instance are semites. The JDL cliché: "anti semitism' has always been a fake accusation, abused to kill debates too in the past. Not anymore. What the US/Israeli war machine is doing is anti semitism on a global scale.
* MSNBC's Keith Olbermann Speaks Truth to Power - Must watch 7 minute video - "The man who sees absolutes, where all other men see nuances and shades of meaning, is either a prophet, or a quack. Donald H. Rumsfeld is not a prophet."
* Behind the plan to bomb Iran - By Ismael Hossein-zadeh - ''There is strong evidence that the US administration's recent public statements that it is now willing to negotiate with Iran are highly disingenuous: they are designed not to reach a diplomatic solution to the so-called "Iran crisis", but to remove diplomatic hurdles toward a military "solution".''
* Baluchistan and the Coming Iran War - By Luciana Bohne - ''Why should the news from Baluchistan interest us? I’ll let you connect the dots by presenting a bit of context and concluding with an article from the Carnegie Endowement, which, I think, will underline the significance of the event for the prospected US attack on Iran.''
* Hizbullah's victory has transformed the Middle East - By George Galloway in Beirut - ''The defeat of the regional superpower could yet open the way to a wider settlement of the Israel-Palestine conflict.''
* The Worst Kind of Terror - Murder on Rucarb Street - By Eliza Ernshire - ''Palestine has been so reduced and so humiliated that it is now a country where the Occupying force can walk into a main city on nightfall, can walk down the main street of that city and kill a man and then walk away again as if that is a damn right of theirs and no one is going to blink an eye at it.''
* Can You Really Not See? - By Amira Hass - ''Let us leave aside those Israelis whose ideology supports the dispossession of the Palestinian people because "God chose us." Leave aside the judges who whitewash every military policy of killing and destruction. Leave aside the military commanders who knowingly jail an entire nation in pens surrounded by walls, fortified observation towers, machine guns, barbed wire and blinding projectors. Leave aside the ministers. All of these are not counted among the collaborators. These are the architects, the planners, the designers, the executioners.''
* Israel’s deceptions as a way of life - By Jonathan Cook - ''A clue where Israel might be heading next emerged this week when Olmert's trusted international ambassador, Shimon Peres, "revealed" that Iran is trying to transfer its nuclear know-how to terrorist organisations. Peres did not name Hizbullah but it is only time before the link is made and a new casus belli established.''
* RACE HOLOCAUST? - THIS IS A STATEMENT OVERTLY SUPPORTING GENOCIDE - Who said this? Hitler? Goebbels? Attila The Hun? Mussolini? Ivan The Terrible? - "...advanced forms of biological warfare that can target specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool." - This is not politics as usual. - Url.: http://www.freedomisforeverybody.org/PNAC.php
* DEFENDING ISRAELI GENOCIDES: ''During time of war, enemy has no innocents'' - the Israeli 'Yesha Rabbinical Council' announced in response to an IDF war crime in Kfar Qanna that killed 54 Lebanese civilians, including 37 children. - [http://tinyurl.com/rsw33] - "According to Jewish law, during a time of battle and war, there is no such term as 'innocents' of the enemy. - All of the discussions on Christian morality are weakening the spirit of the army and the nation and are costing us in the blood of our soldiers and civilians." the statement said. (Efrat Weiss) - Url.: http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3283720,00.html
* ISRAELI WRITER URI AVNERY - JUNKIES OF WAR - Israel is conquering South Lebanon as flies conquer fly-paper - Indymedia Beirut/Lebanon - Url.: http://www.avnery-news.co.il/english/index.html
* NEWS FROM INDYMEDIA in LEBANON - BEIRUT - Url.: http://beirut.indymedia.org/en/
* PREPARING THE GENOCIDE FOR 'ERETZ ISRAEL' - 'A Clean Break: Strategy for Securing the Realm' - The new Israeli ''Pentagon Papers'' - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/zksqh
* US/ISRAELI GENOCIDE NEWS: ''MORE TIME TO BOMB'' - ESSENTIAL 6 MINUTE VIDEO - We defy anyone to watch this 6 minute video, entitled MORE TIME TO BOMB, and not be enraged at the scale of Israel's atrocities in Lebanon and Gaza which 'they' are holocausting. - 6 minute video - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/k8mm5
* "THE ISRAELITE PEOPLE OF THE ENTIRE WORLD DECLARE ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL WAR ON GERMANY" - 24 MARCH 1933 - On the front page of the London Daily Express appeared the main headline: "JUDAEA DECLARES WAR ON GERMANY: JEWS OF ALL THE WORLD UNITE" - Url.: http://www.heretical.com/mkilliam/wwii.html
* MARCH 1933 - by the way - also was the month this same group in London knew about their 'Brethren in the jewish Faith' which were holocausting up to ten million people in Ukraine. Via the Sovjet Union, where they were in power too. In their Sovjet 'Gulag system' around 40 million human beings were killed. The New York Times Moscow 'correspondent' Walter Duranty even got a Pulitzer prize - dispensed by the same people - for his slander and inhuman silence, denying this holocaust. - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/eqkgq
* REVENGE: THE MORGENTHAU HOLOCAUST PLAN - After the second WW Germany was holocausted by the 'Allies'. One of the 'London War Lords' - Morgenthau - presented his 'plan' together with US Gen. Eisenhower (Eisenhauer) and prescribed a dismantling and starvation treatment for Germany ''that would be good and hard." - There were protests against "this addlepated (stupid and confused) ... brutal and vicious Morgenthau Plan." which killed millions. Children, women and men again. - Url.: http://dc.indymedia.org/mod/comments/display/90027/index.php
* RELATED: BACKGROUND LINKS TO THOSE RESPONSIBLE - If after checking a factual error is found, pls. send an email so it can be corrected. - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/fhln9
* The Dutch author this far has worked abroad for more than 4 decades for international media as an independent foreign correspondent, of which 10 years - also during Gulf War I - in the Arab World and the Middle East. Having practical experience of coups and the obscenity of war: seeing worldwide that every bullet and every bomb breeds more terrorism!
* IT'S VERY UNLIKELY, but if you indeed would prefer to unsubscribe from the FPF-list: just send an email in return with the word 'unsubscribe'.
* FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.: http://liimirror.warwick.ac.uk/uscode/17/107.html
Editor: Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands
U.S. Institutions, Press Ask: Is President Bush Nuts?
by Jeffrey Steinberg
An Establishment consensus is rapidly emerging over the ever-more obvious lunacy of President George W. Bush, and the strategic implications of allowing a man with long-term and severe psychiatric disorders to remain in the Presidency during a period of systemic financial disintegration, which is driving some leading synarchist bankers to push for World War III—using mad George as their patsy. Indicative of the emerging Anglo-American consensus that Bush is too far gone to serve much longer, is British Prime Minister Tony Blair's own "Damascus Road" break with G.W., since his last visit to Washington in the late Spring.
While vacationing in the Caribbean in early August, Blair, according to British sources, allowed Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott to tell a group of Labour MPs that Bush's handling of the Middle East crisis was "crap." Prescott's comment was quickly leaked to all of the leading British dailies, triggering a public debate, and reports that Blair had encouraged his deputy to signal London's break with George Bush's and Dick Cheney's Washington.
In a series of high-visibility television news broadcasts and opinion pieces appearing in the U.S. over the past two weeks, a clear message has been conveyed: The President is mentally incompetent to serve out the remaining months of his term of office, and the sociopathic Vice President Cheney is going to have to go, as part of a clean sweep of the White House.
Precisely how this clean-out is going to occur is by no means settled. But the verdict has been delivered, loud and clear, and a lively public debate has been stoked, through the medium of some popular news/entertainment programs, including MSNBC's "Scarborough Country," Comedy Central's "The Daily Show"—and even the formerly slavishly pro-Bush Washington Post.
The most dramatic sign of the Establishment's conclusion that Bush is too lunatic to continue in office came on Aug. 15, when former Republican Congressman-turned-right-wing-TV news analyst Joe Scarborough aired a ten-minute segment of his "Scarborough Country," posing the question: "Is Bush an Idiot?" Throughout the segment, the words "Is Bush an Idiot?" ran across the bottom of the screen. The segment provoked a firestorm of media commentaries, including two subsequent "Scarborough Country" segments, an equal number of satirical assaults on President Bush's mental midgetry by Comedy Central's Jon Stewart, and a detailed news account in the Aug. 20 Sunday Washington Post of the conservative revolt against the Idiot-in-Chief.
Equally distressing for the White House is a series of op-ed pieces by previously loyal conservative pundits, including George Will and National Review editor Rich Lowry, all declaring that Bush's Iraq misadventure has been a dismal failure.
A senior U.S. intelligence figure described the situation in Washington as "chaos—the worst chaos I have ever seen." He confirmed earlier reports that former President George H.W. Bush is apoplectic over his son's descent into messianic madness, and that Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is so isolated from the White House, that she is not even consulting with the President as she attempts to find a replacement Deputy Secretary of State, to fill the vacancy left by Robert Zoellick's sudden departure in June. When Rice attempted to appoint top aide Nick Burns as Zoellick's replacement, she was blocked by Vice President Cheney, and George W. Bush did not weigh in to support her.
It is no secret that Cheney, the leading synarchist bankers' asset in the Administration, is pressing for a resumption of Israel's military actions against Lebanon, and an expansion of the Israeli aggression into Syria—this, despite the fact that Israel's mid-July invasion of Lebanon failed to destroy or even militarily weaken Hezbollah. The renewed Israeli military operations would be, for Cheney, a prelude to a full-scale U.S. bombing campaign against Iran, perhaps before the November U.S. mid-term elections. Sources have confirmed that the Joint Chiefs of Staff have unanimously informed the President that, under no circumstances would they support military action against Iran.
Yet, a number of senior policy analysts freely admitted that they could not say with any degree of certainty that the unanimous view of the JCS will carry any weight at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Between Cheney's commitment to regime change in Tehran before January 2009, and Bush's psychotic refusal to entertain any "bad news" assessments, the U.S. could race, flight-forward, into a pre-emptive war against Iran, in much the same way that Israel raced blindly into its greatest military fiasco ever, in Lebanon. Sane voices in the Israeli military had warned, repeatedly, that a military strike against Hezbollah's asymmetric war-fighting capability would end in dismal failure. Those voices were ignored—largely due to pressure on the Olmert government from the Cheney circles in Washington.
It is this prospect, of a mad-hatter President and his Vice Presidential accomplice bringing the United States to the brink of self-destruction, that has triggered the institutional revolt. The Scarborough, Stewart, and related assaults on the President's lunacy are merely manifestations of a much deeper, behind-the-scenes process of debate, among senior Establishment figures, over how to deal with a dysfunctional White House, during a period of the greatest combined political and financial crisis in the nation's history. While sense perception might suggest that the television assaults on the President's mental state have triggered the institutional debate, the exact opposite is true. The American public, already sickened by the Administration's bungling, treachery, tyranny, and worse, is being brought into the top-down deliberations. The simple fact is: Nothing short of a top-to-bottom house cleaning in the Executive branch, starting with Cheney and Bush, is going to save the nation and the world from a New Dark Age of global asymmetric warfare, financial disintegration, and the collapse of the sovereign nation-state system itself.
If Bush and Cheney do launch a war against Iran, the outcome will be even more disastrous for the United States than the recent Israeli misadventure in Lebanon was for the Jewish state. If George W.
Bush were looking for a shortcut to infamy, he could not choose a faster route than a bombing campaign against Iran.
Perhaps the President will find a few strands of sanity, tied to his deep fear of failure, and will pull back from the brink. For the U.S. institutions to risk the fate of the nation on such a slender reed would be madness in its own right.
Jeffrey Steinberg
[andend] - Url.: http://www.larouchepub.com/other/2006/3335is_bush_nuts.html
Via Url.: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/
* DEFINITION OF SEMITES from the Collins English Dictionary - [http://tinyurl.com/zj9y4] - "Semitic: a member of the group of Caucasoid people who speak a Semitic language, including the Jews and Arabs as well as the Ancient Babylonians (Iraqis), the Assyrians (Syria), and the Phoenicians (the Lebanese of today). Semitic: a branch or sub-family of languages that includes Arabic, Aramaic, Hebrew.” - Palestinians and Lebanese for instance are semites. The JDL cliché: "anti semitism' has always been a fake accusation, abused to kill debates too in the past. Not anymore. What the US/Israeli war machine is doing is anti semitism on a global scale.
* MSNBC's Keith Olbermann Speaks Truth to Power - Must watch 7 minute video - "The man who sees absolutes, where all other men see nuances and shades of meaning, is either a prophet, or a quack. Donald H. Rumsfeld is not a prophet."
* Behind the plan to bomb Iran - By Ismael Hossein-zadeh - ''There is strong evidence that the US administration's recent public statements that it is now willing to negotiate with Iran are highly disingenuous: they are designed not to reach a diplomatic solution to the so-called "Iran crisis", but to remove diplomatic hurdles toward a military "solution".''
* Baluchistan and the Coming Iran War - By Luciana Bohne - ''Why should the news from Baluchistan interest us? I’ll let you connect the dots by presenting a bit of context and concluding with an article from the Carnegie Endowement, which, I think, will underline the significance of the event for the prospected US attack on Iran.''
* Hizbullah's victory has transformed the Middle East - By George Galloway in Beirut - ''The defeat of the regional superpower could yet open the way to a wider settlement of the Israel-Palestine conflict.''
* The Worst Kind of Terror - Murder on Rucarb Street - By Eliza Ernshire - ''Palestine has been so reduced and so humiliated that it is now a country where the Occupying force can walk into a main city on nightfall, can walk down the main street of that city and kill a man and then walk away again as if that is a damn right of theirs and no one is going to blink an eye at it.''
* Can You Really Not See? - By Amira Hass - ''Let us leave aside those Israelis whose ideology supports the dispossession of the Palestinian people because "God chose us." Leave aside the judges who whitewash every military policy of killing and destruction. Leave aside the military commanders who knowingly jail an entire nation in pens surrounded by walls, fortified observation towers, machine guns, barbed wire and blinding projectors. Leave aside the ministers. All of these are not counted among the collaborators. These are the architects, the planners, the designers, the executioners.''
* Israel’s deceptions as a way of life - By Jonathan Cook - ''A clue where Israel might be heading next emerged this week when Olmert's trusted international ambassador, Shimon Peres, "revealed" that Iran is trying to transfer its nuclear know-how to terrorist organisations. Peres did not name Hizbullah but it is only time before the link is made and a new casus belli established.''
* RACE HOLOCAUST? - THIS IS A STATEMENT OVERTLY SUPPORTING GENOCIDE - Who said this? Hitler? Goebbels? Attila The Hun? Mussolini? Ivan The Terrible? - "...advanced forms of biological warfare that can target specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool." - This is not politics as usual. - Url.: http://www.freedomisforeverybody.org/PNAC.php
* DEFENDING ISRAELI GENOCIDES: ''During time of war, enemy has no innocents'' - the Israeli 'Yesha Rabbinical Council' announced in response to an IDF war crime in Kfar Qanna that killed 54 Lebanese civilians, including 37 children. - [http://tinyurl.com/rsw33] - "According to Jewish law, during a time of battle and war, there is no such term as 'innocents' of the enemy. - All of the discussions on Christian morality are weakening the spirit of the army and the nation and are costing us in the blood of our soldiers and civilians." the statement said. (Efrat Weiss) - Url.: http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3283720,00.html
* ISRAELI WRITER URI AVNERY - JUNKIES OF WAR - Israel is conquering South Lebanon as flies conquer fly-paper - Indymedia Beirut/Lebanon - Url.: http://www.avnery-news.co.il/english/index.html
* NEWS FROM INDYMEDIA in LEBANON - BEIRUT - Url.: http://beirut.indymedia.org/en/
* PREPARING THE GENOCIDE FOR 'ERETZ ISRAEL' - 'A Clean Break: Strategy for Securing the Realm' - The new Israeli ''Pentagon Papers'' - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/zksqh
* US/ISRAELI GENOCIDE NEWS: ''MORE TIME TO BOMB'' - ESSENTIAL 6 MINUTE VIDEO - We defy anyone to watch this 6 minute video, entitled MORE TIME TO BOMB, and not be enraged at the scale of Israel's atrocities in Lebanon and Gaza which 'they' are holocausting. - 6 minute video - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/k8mm5
* "THE ISRAELITE PEOPLE OF THE ENTIRE WORLD DECLARE ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL WAR ON GERMANY" - 24 MARCH 1933 - On the front page of the London Daily Express appeared the main headline: "JUDAEA DECLARES WAR ON GERMANY: JEWS OF ALL THE WORLD UNITE" - Url.: http://www.heretical.com/mkilliam/wwii.html
* MARCH 1933 - by the way - also was the month this same group in London knew about their 'Brethren in the jewish Faith' which were holocausting up to ten million people in Ukraine. Via the Sovjet Union, where they were in power too. In their Sovjet 'Gulag system' around 40 million human beings were killed. The New York Times Moscow 'correspondent' Walter Duranty even got a Pulitzer prize - dispensed by the same people - for his slander and inhuman silence, denying this holocaust. - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/eqkgq
* REVENGE: THE MORGENTHAU HOLOCAUST PLAN - After the second WW Germany was holocausted by the 'Allies'. One of the 'London War Lords' - Morgenthau - presented his 'plan' together with US Gen. Eisenhower (Eisenhauer) and prescribed a dismantling and starvation treatment for Germany ''that would be good and hard." - There were protests against "this addlepated (stupid and confused) ... brutal and vicious Morgenthau Plan." which killed millions. Children, women and men again. - Url.: http://dc.indymedia.org/mod/comments/display/90027/index.php
* RELATED: BACKGROUND LINKS TO THOSE RESPONSIBLE - If after checking a factual error is found, pls. send an email so it can be corrected. - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/fhln9
* The Dutch author this far has worked abroad for more than 4 decades for international media as an independent foreign correspondent, of which 10 years - also during Gulf War I - in the Arab World and the Middle East. Having practical experience of coups and the obscenity of war: seeing worldwide that every bullet and every bomb breeds more terrorism!
* IT'S VERY UNLIKELY, but if you indeed would prefer to unsubscribe from the FPF-list: just send an email in return with the word 'unsubscribe'.
* FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.: http://liimirror.warwick.ac.uk/uscode/17/107.html
Editor: Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands