Global Pew Poll: the 'Image of the United States'
A nation and it's global War of Terror.
by Henk Ruyssenaars
FPF - July 1st - 2005 - Of course it has to be taken into account what firm does the polling, what for, and for whom. Quote: "Even though the image of the United States has improved slightly in some parts of the world over the past year, this country's global approval ratings trail well behind those of other leading nations.
When the publics of the 16 nations covered by the survey were asked to give favorability ratings of five major leading nations - the United States, Germany, China, Japan, and France - the U.S. fared the worst of the group. In just six of the 16 countries surveyed does the United States attract a favorability rating of 50% or above. By contrast, China receives that level of favorability rating from 11 countries, while Japan, Germany and France each receive that high of a mark from 13 countries." [end quote Pew Poll - details: - Url.:]
Well known american writer Ted Rall gives his opinion on the image of the US and writes about 'six decades of humiliation'. It's one of the few points where we disagree: it's going to be forever.
According to a report by the 'United Nations Human Rights Commission' - Uranium-238 in the ammunition which for decades widely has been used to 'liberate' millions of people, but deadly poisoning them instead. [] This permanently festering wound, inflicted on the globe and the people in the around 190 countries surrounding the US will take at least 4 billion years to heal partly. That is the half live of the millions of tons of radioactivity spread in the countries which the US and it's collaborators is liberating from their oil and other forms of energy.
In his article Ted Rall writes: "The world hates us more than ever, according to a new Pew Research poll of 16,000 citizens in 15 countries. Most Canadians think Americans are exceptionally rude. The Chinese say we're violent and greedy. Nearly half of Turks--up from 32 percent a year ago--say they dislike Americans as individuals and America as a nation, according to the survey. Muslims have a "quite negative hostility toward America," says Pew president Andrew Kohut. Even among our traditional allies, he says, the United States "remains broadly disliked."
The reason for our declining popularity is no mystery: Bush's unjustified, illegal war against Iraq. But Iraq, Bush's doctrine of preemptive warfare and instances of prisoners being tortured and even murdered aren't completely unprecedented. Cheney's neoconservatives are merely the latest executors of an aggressive foreign policy that has long prompted fear, hatred and resentment among the leaders and citizens of other nations. Beginning with Theodore Roosevelt's brutal suppression of Filipino insurgents at the dawn of the 20th century, continuing with the holocaust of two million Vietnamese civilians under LBJ and Nixon's carpet bombs and recently exemplified by a series of bullying adventures against such defenseless nations as Grenada, Panama and Afghanistan, the U.S. has become, perhaps to its surprise, the biggest danger to peace and stability on the planet.
Many Americans, still taking pride in the memorable image of "Gift of USA" flag logos on bags of grain being tossed to starving Africans, find it difficult to accept the role of international pariah.
Ah, irony. Our rep has gone down the toilet with the Koran, but things are looking up for the Axis powers we defeated in World War II.
Germany, nearly recovered from the economic shock of reunification and a lead partner in the European Community, is lobbying for a permanent seat on the United Nations security council. "Because of [Germany's role in Iraq, Afghanistan and the Balkans]," Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder told Bush at the White House on June 28, "we have earned certain rights." Bush, seeking payback for Schroeder's lack of support for the Iraq war, is said to be cool to the German bid. Nevertheless, bringing up the question demonstrates Germany's newfound self-confidence. As the German weekly Der Spiegel commented: "Normally it is only superpowers who express themselves--and their rights--so aggressively."
Twenty countries, including India, Japan and Brazil, want to join the prestigious security council. Controversy continues to dog Japan's efforts to be recognized as a major military as well as economic power, mainly due to its refusal to come to terms with its part in World War II. Japanese textbooks gloss over atrocities in China, and the government has never issued a formal apology. Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi continues to pay honors at a shrine to Japan's war dead, including known war criminals.
Germany and Japan's remarkable comeback since 1945 holds an instructive lesson for the United States today. During the last six decades both countries recovered from total defeat, massive loss of life and infrastructure and the humiliation of occupation by concentrating first on economic revival, then building a political society designed to cause as little offense as possible to the international community and finally, since the end of the Cold War, asserting themselves militarily but only in peace-keeping missions which even their former enemies couldn't openly oppose. Now both are poised to resume the roles they played before they launched their empire-building military campaigns, no longer as expansionist aggressors but as powerful nations worthy of trust and respect.
Particularly in Germany, every postwar generation was taught about the evils of militarism and the horrors their parents and grandparents had carried out in the name of God and country. Pacifism is the norm; Nazism is reviled. Even in Japan, where official signs of contrition haven't been forthcoming, only a few nostalgic nutcases yearn for the glorious days of the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere. No one's afraid of the Axis anymore.
Now the U.S. is the sole, charter member of its own Axis of Evil: invading and threatening invasions, breaking arms treaties willy-nilly, kidnapping and murdering foreign citizens without cause, refusing to abide by the Geneva conventions. But that will change someday--whether we're forced to change, as were Germany and Japan, or whether we choose a different path on our own. What's daunting is how much time--and humility--it will take for the rest of the world to trust us as much as they trust Germany and Italy. - [enditem]
Ted Rall - Story at one of the most informative web sites: 'Information Clearing House' - Url.:
FPF - The US: Making Dead Friends? - Url.:
Fwd. by:
Editor : Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands
FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.:
by Henk Ruyssenaars
FPF - July 1st - 2005 - Of course it has to be taken into account what firm does the polling, what for, and for whom. Quote: "Even though the image of the United States has improved slightly in some parts of the world over the past year, this country's global approval ratings trail well behind those of other leading nations.
When the publics of the 16 nations covered by the survey were asked to give favorability ratings of five major leading nations - the United States, Germany, China, Japan, and France - the U.S. fared the worst of the group. In just six of the 16 countries surveyed does the United States attract a favorability rating of 50% or above. By contrast, China receives that level of favorability rating from 11 countries, while Japan, Germany and France each receive that high of a mark from 13 countries." [end quote Pew Poll - details: - Url.:]
Well known american writer Ted Rall gives his opinion on the image of the US and writes about 'six decades of humiliation'. It's one of the few points where we disagree: it's going to be forever.
According to a report by the 'United Nations Human Rights Commission' - Uranium-238 in the ammunition which for decades widely has been used to 'liberate' millions of people, but deadly poisoning them instead. [] This permanently festering wound, inflicted on the globe and the people in the around 190 countries surrounding the US will take at least 4 billion years to heal partly. That is the half live of the millions of tons of radioactivity spread in the countries which the US and it's collaborators is liberating from their oil and other forms of energy.
In his article Ted Rall writes: "The world hates us more than ever, according to a new Pew Research poll of 16,000 citizens in 15 countries. Most Canadians think Americans are exceptionally rude. The Chinese say we're violent and greedy. Nearly half of Turks--up from 32 percent a year ago--say they dislike Americans as individuals and America as a nation, according to the survey. Muslims have a "quite negative hostility toward America," says Pew president Andrew Kohut. Even among our traditional allies, he says, the United States "remains broadly disliked."
The reason for our declining popularity is no mystery: Bush's unjustified, illegal war against Iraq. But Iraq, Bush's doctrine of preemptive warfare and instances of prisoners being tortured and even murdered aren't completely unprecedented. Cheney's neoconservatives are merely the latest executors of an aggressive foreign policy that has long prompted fear, hatred and resentment among the leaders and citizens of other nations. Beginning with Theodore Roosevelt's brutal suppression of Filipino insurgents at the dawn of the 20th century, continuing with the holocaust of two million Vietnamese civilians under LBJ and Nixon's carpet bombs and recently exemplified by a series of bullying adventures against such defenseless nations as Grenada, Panama and Afghanistan, the U.S. has become, perhaps to its surprise, the biggest danger to peace and stability on the planet.
Many Americans, still taking pride in the memorable image of "Gift of USA" flag logos on bags of grain being tossed to starving Africans, find it difficult to accept the role of international pariah.
Ah, irony. Our rep has gone down the toilet with the Koran, but things are looking up for the Axis powers we defeated in World War II.
Germany, nearly recovered from the economic shock of reunification and a lead partner in the European Community, is lobbying for a permanent seat on the United Nations security council. "Because of [Germany's role in Iraq, Afghanistan and the Balkans]," Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder told Bush at the White House on June 28, "we have earned certain rights." Bush, seeking payback for Schroeder's lack of support for the Iraq war, is said to be cool to the German bid. Nevertheless, bringing up the question demonstrates Germany's newfound self-confidence. As the German weekly Der Spiegel commented: "Normally it is only superpowers who express themselves--and their rights--so aggressively."
Twenty countries, including India, Japan and Brazil, want to join the prestigious security council. Controversy continues to dog Japan's efforts to be recognized as a major military as well as economic power, mainly due to its refusal to come to terms with its part in World War II. Japanese textbooks gloss over atrocities in China, and the government has never issued a formal apology. Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi continues to pay honors at a shrine to Japan's war dead, including known war criminals.
Germany and Japan's remarkable comeback since 1945 holds an instructive lesson for the United States today. During the last six decades both countries recovered from total defeat, massive loss of life and infrastructure and the humiliation of occupation by concentrating first on economic revival, then building a political society designed to cause as little offense as possible to the international community and finally, since the end of the Cold War, asserting themselves militarily but only in peace-keeping missions which even their former enemies couldn't openly oppose. Now both are poised to resume the roles they played before they launched their empire-building military campaigns, no longer as expansionist aggressors but as powerful nations worthy of trust and respect.
Particularly in Germany, every postwar generation was taught about the evils of militarism and the horrors their parents and grandparents had carried out in the name of God and country. Pacifism is the norm; Nazism is reviled. Even in Japan, where official signs of contrition haven't been forthcoming, only a few nostalgic nutcases yearn for the glorious days of the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere. No one's afraid of the Axis anymore.
Now the U.S. is the sole, charter member of its own Axis of Evil: invading and threatening invasions, breaking arms treaties willy-nilly, kidnapping and murdering foreign citizens without cause, refusing to abide by the Geneva conventions. But that will change someday--whether we're forced to change, as were Germany and Japan, or whether we choose a different path on our own. What's daunting is how much time--and humility--it will take for the rest of the world to trust us as much as they trust Germany and Italy. - [enditem]
Ted Rall - Story at one of the most informative web sites: 'Information Clearing House' - Url.:
FPF - The US: Making Dead Friends? - Url.:
Fwd. by:
Editor : Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands
FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.: