They Kill Us For Sport - Depleted Uranium In India, Spreading Worldwide
The nuclear Holocaust: This is the way the world ends:
Not with a bang but your whimper...
FPF: The nuclear war with it's radioactive radiation Holocaust of the whole world by the US - with deadly fall-out from the use of depleted uranium - goes on. Logically the radioactive fall-out reaching Alderston in England has poisoned many other countries too. Countries where all collaborators and cowards - including all scientists - shut up and let the people get cancer and die.* - Url.:
Some of you may some time ago have seen the movie 'On the Beach' based on the book by Nevil Shute, and will remember the ending: ''The first important film treatment of nuclear holocaust, it premiered all around the world just thirteen years ago last November. I sat through it to the bitter end—everyone dead and a banner flying across the screen: THERE'S STILL TIME, BROTHER.* - Alas: Time's up! Reason: the group behind most wars.*
Depleted Uranium In India, Spreading Worldwide
The following was sent to me by one of the email list members and the author of the article below granted me (and you) permission to spread this far and wide. They are working in India to document the extent of DU pollution that has come out of Afghanistan and fallen upon the people of India. They are working along the same lines we are here in the United States to first prove it, and then put a stop to it and get medical care for the abandoned and neglected.
This recent - Urgent Deal - between Bush and India might be a Pre-emptive Strike to shut down the efforts in India to prove that DU has bit them in the butt, too.
We are still waiting to see if any of the nations in Europe wake up to the fact that they got "peppered" with DU too, since the Aldermaston DU would have to have come across them to have made it to the UK.
This is the article from India and then I'll return at the end with comments and additional information. It is interesting to see how people of other nations view the United States and the Bush-Cheney cabal's use of DU weapons. - Begin article:
They Kill Us For Sport - By Arun Shrivastava CMC
Depleted uranium is a deadly toy in the hands of the ruling bloodlines. A particle of DU ingested or inhaled can cause one or more of the 90+ seriously debilitating diseases, fatal or temporarily non-fatal.[1] [see list of 91 diseases, Annex 1] The half life of DU is 4.5 billion years, and it can destroy living things and the environment; most importantly it can destroy perfectly healthy lives. [2]
Depleted uranium has been used in at least the last four wars by the United States and its allies: Gulf War 1, Bosnia and Kosovo in the Balkans, Afghanistan and Gulf War 2. The last two of the four wars, all illegal, took place in 2001 (Afghanistan) and 2003 (Iraq). Effects of the contamination can manifest from within a few hours to five years.
Evidences clearly indicate that depleted uranium is blowing in the wind all over the world. [3] Its effects on health are showing up in distant lands. Earlier, gulf war veterans and local civilians were affected; now, of all the places, the US is showing six-fold increase in just lung cancer cases.[4]
The population of the USA was 298, 298,906 on March 14, 2006, say 298 million.[5] The recorded 172,000 lung cancer cases for January and February 2006 equates to 34 cases per 10,000 persons-men, women and children- up from the previously normal trend line of 5.8 per 10,000 persons per annum, implying that additional 28.2 cases per 10,000 persons have been added and recorded in a short time. It certainly can't be due to more Americans smoking cigarettes and certainly not due to "other unexplained factors" such as lifestyle changes, which do change but over decades, not a few years. The most plausible one is that the air we breathe is contaminated with depleted uranium and it is killing healthy people all over the world.
If the population of the United States of America shows such an explosive growth of lung cancer what does it imply for the rest of the world? The world population on the same day and time was 6,503,376,192. Assuming the same ratio as that of the United States, i.e. additional 28.2 cases per 10,000 persons, the world would see, or is probably already facing, an additional 18.34 million cases of untreatable cancer per year, or 1.52 million cases per month. Do they know it?
"In the 20th century, approximately 100 million people died world-wide from tobacco-associated diseases (cancer, chronic lung disease, cardiovascular disease and stroke)," says a WHO report. [6] This means about one million deaths per year, although it is understandable that there were fewer cases early on in the 20th century as compared to later when the numbers reached nearly 1.5 million. In 2001, there were 1.5 million lung cancer deaths worldwide, or 125,000 per month.[7]
Now, if the US data shows 172,000 new cases in January-February 2006, an average of 86,000 cases per month, something terrible has happened. Nuclear radiation induced cancers are peculiar: with right facility and correct testing protocol, the murderers can't hide. With care, all the 91radiation induced illnesses, identified by Leuren, can be traced to depleted radiation poisoning.
THE MAP SAYS SOMETHING - (Picture in article at Url.:
The worst contamination would of course occur at and around the theatres of war, but region within 1000 mile radius would face serious depleted uranium contamination. [1]
1000-mile radius means a total area of 3.14 million square mile. The two circles in the map represent an area of 6.28 million square miles and, deducting say 20% for the overlapping area, the net affected area is just over 5 million square mile. The total land area of earth is about 57.3 million square mile, which implies that roughly 8% of total land area of the earth is now severely contaminated. And I am not including Bosnia and Kosovo theatres of war, which has seriously affected the Balkans as well as the NATO troops.[8]
(Karl W B Schwarz comment: I wonder if the people of Israel are aware that the desired policy of their government to have the US attacking Arab nations has polluted their nation with DU? Also, you can draw the same such circles around US target ranges, test ranges and military bases where US citizens have been exposed. Additionally, the air flow from Iraq to the UK would have taken the DU contamination across much of Europe. -KS)
Referring to the map, with Afghanistan's capital Kabul as the centre, depleted uranium affected region includes Pakistan, entire northwest India, parts of Nepal, parts of China, major regions of Central Asian Republics, Iran, and the Gulf countries, including Dubai and Abu Dhabi, two major financial and trading centres. Taking Baghdad as the centre, the regions affected includes the entire West Asia, parts of Egypt, parts of Greece, Cyprus, regions around the Caspian Sea and islands in the eastern Mediterranean.
It should be noted that Iran and some littoral states of Caspian Sea have been hit twice (see the overlapping area of the two circles) within two years: in 2001 and again in 2003. Thus the severest effect would be felt in Iran, a few gulf countries, and a few Central Asian states.
The total estimated population within the two circles was about 857 million (See Table) in July 2005. If the US is showing a sharp six-fold rise in incidence of lung cancer alone, what will be the fate of these 857 million+ people in the core zones? Washington is exactly 6193.94 miles from radioactive Baghdad; and Kabul is just a bit further, about 6922.93 miles away, also highly radioactive.[9] The capitals of 19 countries are within 1000 mile radius and include New Delhi (621 miles), Islamabad (232), Bishkek (651), Beirut (515), Cairo (806), Ankara (785), Jerusalem (546), Damascus (468), Kuwait City (347), Nikosia (643), Teheran (429), Abu Dabi (856), Aman (503), Riyadh (615), Ashqabat (645) and so on. And Americans are catching lung cancer by the thousands?
Countries like India, Pakistan, Nepal, Afghanistan, Iraq, and some Central Asian States do not even have well established, dependable cancer screening facilities, let alone determining whether the illness is due to depleted uranium contamination or careless handling of toxic pesticides in the farms.
* Further information concerning this malignant global holocaust by the PNAC group is available from the American Gulf War Veterans Association - Url.:
* UN report on DU poisoning - Url.:
* A death sentence here and abroad - Url.:
* Deutsche Welle - US war is cancer article/English - Url.:
* Iraq / DU-disaster Url.:
* Professor, Dr. K. Yagasaki report - Url.:
* Bush interview. ABC: No WMD's but many killed: "It was worth it". - Url.:
* Former Secr. of State Madeleine Albright in her comment on the at least half a million dead children in Iraq: "We think it's worth it" On CBS 60' Minutes - Url.:
* A crime against humanity is an act of persecution against a group, so heinous as to warrant punishment under international law: Please scroll - Url.:
* FPF - The US: Making Dead Friends? - Url.:
* "People do not forget. They do not forget the death of their fellows, they do not forget torture and mutilation, they do not forget injustice, they do not forget oppression, they do not forget the terrorism of mighty powers. They not only don't forget: they also strike back." - 2005 Nobel Literature Prize winner Harold Pinter - Url.:
* Who's financing? - The 'Federal Reserve' and it's usurers is the absolute biggest crime against all humanity ever. - Url.:
* 'Freedom of the press is guaranteed only to those who own one' — A.J. Liebling - The merciless engine of propaganda has been turned on: The infamous US 'Lie Factory' - Url.:
* Independent & FREE press in Kansas - Pls. read the 'Fightin' Cock Flyer' - Url.:
* THE ONLY SOLUTION? - Help all the troops - of whatever nationality - to come back from abroad! - AND WITH ALL THEIR WEAPONS, WHICH WE ARE FORCED TO PAY FOR BY TAXES - [] - We need them badly at home in many countries to fight with us against our so called 'governments' and their malignant managers - Url.:
* FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.:
Not with a bang but your whimper...
FPF: The nuclear war with it's radioactive radiation Holocaust of the whole world by the US - with deadly fall-out from the use of depleted uranium - goes on. Logically the radioactive fall-out reaching Alderston in England has poisoned many other countries too. Countries where all collaborators and cowards - including all scientists - shut up and let the people get cancer and die.* - Url.:
Some of you may some time ago have seen the movie 'On the Beach' based on the book by Nevil Shute, and will remember the ending: ''The first important film treatment of nuclear holocaust, it premiered all around the world just thirteen years ago last November. I sat through it to the bitter end—everyone dead and a banner flying across the screen: THERE'S STILL TIME, BROTHER.* - Alas: Time's up! Reason: the group behind most wars.*
Depleted Uranium In India, Spreading Worldwide
The following was sent to me by one of the email list members and the author of the article below granted me (and you) permission to spread this far and wide. They are working in India to document the extent of DU pollution that has come out of Afghanistan and fallen upon the people of India. They are working along the same lines we are here in the United States to first prove it, and then put a stop to it and get medical care for the abandoned and neglected.
This recent - Urgent Deal - between Bush and India might be a Pre-emptive Strike to shut down the efforts in India to prove that DU has bit them in the butt, too.
We are still waiting to see if any of the nations in Europe wake up to the fact that they got "peppered" with DU too, since the Aldermaston DU would have to have come across them to have made it to the UK.
This is the article from India and then I'll return at the end with comments and additional information. It is interesting to see how people of other nations view the United States and the Bush-Cheney cabal's use of DU weapons. - Begin article:
They Kill Us For Sport - By Arun Shrivastava CMC
Depleted uranium is a deadly toy in the hands of the ruling bloodlines. A particle of DU ingested or inhaled can cause one or more of the 90+ seriously debilitating diseases, fatal or temporarily non-fatal.[1] [see list of 91 diseases, Annex 1] The half life of DU is 4.5 billion years, and it can destroy living things and the environment; most importantly it can destroy perfectly healthy lives. [2]
Depleted uranium has been used in at least the last four wars by the United States and its allies: Gulf War 1, Bosnia and Kosovo in the Balkans, Afghanistan and Gulf War 2. The last two of the four wars, all illegal, took place in 2001 (Afghanistan) and 2003 (Iraq). Effects of the contamination can manifest from within a few hours to five years.
Evidences clearly indicate that depleted uranium is blowing in the wind all over the world. [3] Its effects on health are showing up in distant lands. Earlier, gulf war veterans and local civilians were affected; now, of all the places, the US is showing six-fold increase in just lung cancer cases.[4]
The population of the USA was 298, 298,906 on March 14, 2006, say 298 million.[5] The recorded 172,000 lung cancer cases for January and February 2006 equates to 34 cases per 10,000 persons-men, women and children- up from the previously normal trend line of 5.8 per 10,000 persons per annum, implying that additional 28.2 cases per 10,000 persons have been added and recorded in a short time. It certainly can't be due to more Americans smoking cigarettes and certainly not due to "other unexplained factors" such as lifestyle changes, which do change but over decades, not a few years. The most plausible one is that the air we breathe is contaminated with depleted uranium and it is killing healthy people all over the world.
If the population of the United States of America shows such an explosive growth of lung cancer what does it imply for the rest of the world? The world population on the same day and time was 6,503,376,192. Assuming the same ratio as that of the United States, i.e. additional 28.2 cases per 10,000 persons, the world would see, or is probably already facing, an additional 18.34 million cases of untreatable cancer per year, or 1.52 million cases per month. Do they know it?
"In the 20th century, approximately 100 million people died world-wide from tobacco-associated diseases (cancer, chronic lung disease, cardiovascular disease and stroke)," says a WHO report. [6] This means about one million deaths per year, although it is understandable that there were fewer cases early on in the 20th century as compared to later when the numbers reached nearly 1.5 million. In 2001, there were 1.5 million lung cancer deaths worldwide, or 125,000 per month.[7]
Now, if the US data shows 172,000 new cases in January-February 2006, an average of 86,000 cases per month, something terrible has happened. Nuclear radiation induced cancers are peculiar: with right facility and correct testing protocol, the murderers can't hide. With care, all the 91radiation induced illnesses, identified by Leuren, can be traced to depleted radiation poisoning.
THE MAP SAYS SOMETHING - (Picture in article at Url.:
The worst contamination would of course occur at and around the theatres of war, but region within 1000 mile radius would face serious depleted uranium contamination. [1]
1000-mile radius means a total area of 3.14 million square mile. The two circles in the map represent an area of 6.28 million square miles and, deducting say 20% for the overlapping area, the net affected area is just over 5 million square mile. The total land area of earth is about 57.3 million square mile, which implies that roughly 8% of total land area of the earth is now severely contaminated. And I am not including Bosnia and Kosovo theatres of war, which has seriously affected the Balkans as well as the NATO troops.[8]
(Karl W B Schwarz comment: I wonder if the people of Israel are aware that the desired policy of their government to have the US attacking Arab nations has polluted their nation with DU? Also, you can draw the same such circles around US target ranges, test ranges and military bases where US citizens have been exposed. Additionally, the air flow from Iraq to the UK would have taken the DU contamination across much of Europe. -KS)
Referring to the map, with Afghanistan's capital Kabul as the centre, depleted uranium affected region includes Pakistan, entire northwest India, parts of Nepal, parts of China, major regions of Central Asian Republics, Iran, and the Gulf countries, including Dubai and Abu Dhabi, two major financial and trading centres. Taking Baghdad as the centre, the regions affected includes the entire West Asia, parts of Egypt, parts of Greece, Cyprus, regions around the Caspian Sea and islands in the eastern Mediterranean.
It should be noted that Iran and some littoral states of Caspian Sea have been hit twice (see the overlapping area of the two circles) within two years: in 2001 and again in 2003. Thus the severest effect would be felt in Iran, a few gulf countries, and a few Central Asian states.
The total estimated population within the two circles was about 857 million (See Table) in July 2005. If the US is showing a sharp six-fold rise in incidence of lung cancer alone, what will be the fate of these 857 million+ people in the core zones? Washington is exactly 6193.94 miles from radioactive Baghdad; and Kabul is just a bit further, about 6922.93 miles away, also highly radioactive.[9] The capitals of 19 countries are within 1000 mile radius and include New Delhi (621 miles), Islamabad (232), Bishkek (651), Beirut (515), Cairo (806), Ankara (785), Jerusalem (546), Damascus (468), Kuwait City (347), Nikosia (643), Teheran (429), Abu Dabi (856), Aman (503), Riyadh (615), Ashqabat (645) and so on. And Americans are catching lung cancer by the thousands?
Countries like India, Pakistan, Nepal, Afghanistan, Iraq, and some Central Asian States do not even have well established, dependable cancer screening facilities, let alone determining whether the illness is due to depleted uranium contamination or careless handling of toxic pesticides in the farms.
* Further information concerning this malignant global holocaust by the PNAC group is available from the American Gulf War Veterans Association - Url.:
* UN report on DU poisoning - Url.:
* A death sentence here and abroad - Url.:
* Deutsche Welle - US war is cancer article/English - Url.:
* Iraq / DU-disaster Url.:
* Professor, Dr. K. Yagasaki report - Url.:
* Bush interview. ABC: No WMD's but many killed: "It was worth it". - Url.:
* Former Secr. of State Madeleine Albright in her comment on the at least half a million dead children in Iraq: "We think it's worth it" On CBS 60' Minutes - Url.:
* A crime against humanity is an act of persecution against a group, so heinous as to warrant punishment under international law: Please scroll - Url.:
* FPF - The US: Making Dead Friends? - Url.:
* "People do not forget. They do not forget the death of their fellows, they do not forget torture and mutilation, they do not forget injustice, they do not forget oppression, they do not forget the terrorism of mighty powers. They not only don't forget: they also strike back." - 2005 Nobel Literature Prize winner Harold Pinter - Url.:
* Who's financing? - The 'Federal Reserve' and it's usurers is the absolute biggest crime against all humanity ever. - Url.:
* 'Freedom of the press is guaranteed only to those who own one' — A.J. Liebling - The merciless engine of propaganda has been turned on: The infamous US 'Lie Factory' - Url.:
* Independent & FREE press in Kansas - Pls. read the 'Fightin' Cock Flyer' - Url.:
* THE ONLY SOLUTION? - Help all the troops - of whatever nationality - to come back from abroad! - AND WITH ALL THEIR WEAPONS, WHICH WE ARE FORCED TO PAY FOR BY TAXES - [] - We need them badly at home in many countries to fight with us against our so called 'governments' and their malignant managers - Url.:
* FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.: