Real journalists are an endangered species...
Bush's Jihad against Journalism Exposed.
by Henk Ruyssenaars
FPF - Feb. 22 - 2005 - Last Friday night, former UNSCOM weapons inspector - Scott Ritter - appeared with Baghdad journalist Dahr Jamail in Washington State, dropping two shocking bombshells in a talk he delivered to a packed house in Olympia's Capitol Theater.
The ex-Marine turned UNSCOM weapons inspector said that George W. Bush has "signed off" on plans to bomb Iran in June 2005, and claimed the U.S. manipulated the results of the recent Jan. 30 elections in Iraq.
Dahr Jamail* was, until recently, one of the few unembedded journalists in Iraq and one of the only independent ones: "U.S. mainstream media sources are complicit in the war and help sustain support for it by deliberately downplaying the truth about the devastation and death it is causing."
But to find out - or once more get it confirmed - who the traitors in journalism are that serve all those 'Newspeak' lies for people's breakfast, one can read Dave Zweifel's very good article about this which he wrote 'Capital Times' under the heading "Bush's Journalism Jihad Exposed:
"If you're into reading political columnists, you've no doubt heard of Maureen Dowd, the prominent liberal columnist for the New York Times.
You may not have heard of a fellow named Jeff Gannon, but he, too, is somewhat of a political columnist. He has worked as a conservative correspondent for two political Web sites owned and operated by one of George W. Bush's pals in Texas.
Dowd has won the Pulitzer Prize and numerous other awards and appears on the editorial pages of hundreds of newspapers across the country. Gannon, however, hasn't won any journalism prizes.
In fact, Jeff Gannon isn't even his real name.
He's actually James Guckert, who, it turns out, is also a reporter and contributor to several Web sites, among them, Hotmilitarystud.com, Militaryescorts.com and Meetlocalmen.com. According to the Washington Post, a California Web designer created a gay escort site for him and, at his request, posted naked pictures of Gannon on it. Further, the Wilmington News Journal in Delaware has reported that he's delinquent in his state income taxes to the tune of $20,700.
Gannon, however, has had credentials to get into the White House press briefing room for the past two years.
Maureen Dowd does not. In fact, although she had credentials since 1986, the Bush people turned down her request to have her pass renewed when they took office in 2001. Dowd doesn't often write nice things about Bush. Gannon does.
In fact, all this information about his double life was exposed after some began to wonder about the questions he was asking at the briefings. The most recent one was, "Mr. President, how can you work with Democrats who seem to have divorced themselves from reality?"
Several Webloggers suspected he was a plant. An investigation revealed that he has been shilling for Bush for quite some time. During the campaign last fall, he mocked John Kerry's "pro-homosexual platform" and a headline on one of his stories claimed that Kerry would become the nation's first gay president. This from a guy who it turns out was running his own gay Web sites.
Ironically, getting a White House press pass isn't easy. They are usually reserved for the bigger papers, national TV networks, wire services and national commentators. Because those who hold them often sit in the same room as the president himself, they are subjected to an intense security investigation.
The fact that a tax dodger who appears on Web sites for a lifestyle that the Bush people themselves have vilified in their four-plus years in office doesn't say much for that security. The poor guy wouldn't have been able to get in the Army, much less meet face-to-face with the president.
But, as Dowd said in a recent column, "With the Bushies, if you're their friend, anything goes. If you're their critic, nothing goes.
They're waging a jihad against journalists - buying them off so they'll promote administration programs, trying to put them in jail for doing their jobs, and replacing them with ringers." - [enditem]
Dave Zweifel has been editor of The Capital Times since 1983.
Published on Monday, February 21, 2005 by the Capital Times - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/49l7q
P.S. : More on the truth massacring mainstream media and some real news on Bush and Iraq:
Scott Ritter made two shocking claims: George W. Bush has "signed off" on plans to bomb Iran in June 2005, and the U.S. manipulated the results of the Jan. 30 elections in Iraq....
Footnotes/links to the above:
HR: Dahr Jamail's reports are very good and available
online at - Url.: http://dahrjamailiraq.com./
Annan: 'The war in Iraq is illegal' -BBC - Url.:
Hollow Election Held on Bloody Day - Inter Press Service* Dahr Jamail in Baghdad -
Url.: http://dahrjamailiraq.com/weblog/
Former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark Calls For
Bush Impeachment - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/6rcwc
''The Lancet'' and the ''Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health'' report:
''Over 100.000 killed in the illegal Iraq war'' - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/5gys7
Bush interv. ABC: No WMD's but many killed: "It was worth it". - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/6bal9
Former Secr. of State Madeleine Albright in her comment on half a million dead children in Iraq:
"We think it's worth it" On CBS 60' Minutes - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/2vmc8
Iraq Body Count - Url.: http://www.iraqbodycount.net/
A crime against humanity is an act of persecution against a group, so heinous as to warrant punishment under international law: Please scroll - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/6rphj
Gore Vidal on the bleak future - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/4ydyz
Latest international 'Google News' on the fake election and the violence in Iraq - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/42krg
Former PM Kok - and other Dutch Government's war criminals - heard in Court - Url: http://tinyurl.com/662pp - It can be done!
Fwd. by:
Editor : Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands
The Dutch author this far has worked abroad 4 decades for international media as a foreign correspondent, of which 10 years - also during Gulf War I - in the Arab World and the Middle East. At present 'Persona non Grata' in Holland :-)
Seeing worldwide that every bullet and every bomb breeds more terrorism! - What Bush stands for? Graves! - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/689ko - US Senator Hollings agrees: 'We have caused more terrorism than we have gotten rid of.' - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/2bqza
Colin Powell: 'It is not anti-Semitic to criticize the policies of the state of Israel' - as 'US Secretary of State' in a speech at the 'Conference on Anti-Semitism of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe' - German Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Berlin - April 28th - 2004 - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/22p6c
Former PM Wim Kok and other Dutch Govt's war criminals in Court - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/662pp - It can and must be done!
Help the troops come home! Url.: http://www.bringemhome.org - We need them badly to fight our so called 'governments' - Url.: http://www.bringthemhomenow.org/
Bush's Jihad against Journalism Exposed.
by Henk Ruyssenaars
FPF - Feb. 22 - 2005 - Last Friday night, former UNSCOM weapons inspector - Scott Ritter - appeared with Baghdad journalist Dahr Jamail in Washington State, dropping two shocking bombshells in a talk he delivered to a packed house in Olympia's Capitol Theater.
The ex-Marine turned UNSCOM weapons inspector said that George W. Bush has "signed off" on plans to bomb Iran in June 2005, and claimed the U.S. manipulated the results of the recent Jan. 30 elections in Iraq.
Dahr Jamail* was, until recently, one of the few unembedded journalists in Iraq and one of the only independent ones: "U.S. mainstream media sources are complicit in the war and help sustain support for it by deliberately downplaying the truth about the devastation and death it is causing."
But to find out - or once more get it confirmed - who the traitors in journalism are that serve all those 'Newspeak' lies for people's breakfast, one can read Dave Zweifel's very good article about this which he wrote 'Capital Times' under the heading "Bush's Journalism Jihad Exposed:
"If you're into reading political columnists, you've no doubt heard of Maureen Dowd, the prominent liberal columnist for the New York Times.
You may not have heard of a fellow named Jeff Gannon, but he, too, is somewhat of a political columnist. He has worked as a conservative correspondent for two political Web sites owned and operated by one of George W. Bush's pals in Texas.
Dowd has won the Pulitzer Prize and numerous other awards and appears on the editorial pages of hundreds of newspapers across the country. Gannon, however, hasn't won any journalism prizes.
In fact, Jeff Gannon isn't even his real name.
He's actually James Guckert, who, it turns out, is also a reporter and contributor to several Web sites, among them, Hotmilitarystud.com, Militaryescorts.com and Meetlocalmen.com. According to the Washington Post, a California Web designer created a gay escort site for him and, at his request, posted naked pictures of Gannon on it. Further, the Wilmington News Journal in Delaware has reported that he's delinquent in his state income taxes to the tune of $20,700.
Gannon, however, has had credentials to get into the White House press briefing room for the past two years.
Maureen Dowd does not. In fact, although she had credentials since 1986, the Bush people turned down her request to have her pass renewed when they took office in 2001. Dowd doesn't often write nice things about Bush. Gannon does.
In fact, all this information about his double life was exposed after some began to wonder about the questions he was asking at the briefings. The most recent one was, "Mr. President, how can you work with Democrats who seem to have divorced themselves from reality?"
Several Webloggers suspected he was a plant. An investigation revealed that he has been shilling for Bush for quite some time. During the campaign last fall, he mocked John Kerry's "pro-homosexual platform" and a headline on one of his stories claimed that Kerry would become the nation's first gay president. This from a guy who it turns out was running his own gay Web sites.
Ironically, getting a White House press pass isn't easy. They are usually reserved for the bigger papers, national TV networks, wire services and national commentators. Because those who hold them often sit in the same room as the president himself, they are subjected to an intense security investigation.
The fact that a tax dodger who appears on Web sites for a lifestyle that the Bush people themselves have vilified in their four-plus years in office doesn't say much for that security. The poor guy wouldn't have been able to get in the Army, much less meet face-to-face with the president.
But, as Dowd said in a recent column, "With the Bushies, if you're their friend, anything goes. If you're their critic, nothing goes.
They're waging a jihad against journalists - buying them off so they'll promote administration programs, trying to put them in jail for doing their jobs, and replacing them with ringers." - [enditem]
Dave Zweifel has been editor of The Capital Times since 1983.
Published on Monday, February 21, 2005 by the Capital Times - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/49l7q
P.S. : More on the truth massacring mainstream media and some real news on Bush and Iraq:
Scott Ritter made two shocking claims: George W. Bush has "signed off" on plans to bomb Iran in June 2005, and the U.S. manipulated the results of the Jan. 30 elections in Iraq....
Footnotes/links to the above:
HR: Dahr Jamail's reports are very good and available
online at - Url.: http://dahrjamailiraq.com./
Annan: 'The war in Iraq is illegal' -BBC - Url.:
Hollow Election Held on Bloody Day - Inter Press Service* Dahr Jamail in Baghdad -
Url.: http://dahrjamailiraq.com/weblog/
Former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark Calls For
Bush Impeachment - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/6rcwc
''The Lancet'' and the ''Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health'' report:
''Over 100.000 killed in the illegal Iraq war'' - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/5gys7
Bush interv. ABC: No WMD's but many killed: "It was worth it". - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/6bal9
Former Secr. of State Madeleine Albright in her comment on half a million dead children in Iraq:
"We think it's worth it" On CBS 60' Minutes - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/2vmc8
Iraq Body Count - Url.: http://www.iraqbodycount.net/
A crime against humanity is an act of persecution against a group, so heinous as to warrant punishment under international law: Please scroll - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/6rphj
Gore Vidal on the bleak future - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/4ydyz
Latest international 'Google News' on the fake election and the violence in Iraq - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/42krg
Former PM Kok - and other Dutch Government's war criminals - heard in Court - Url: http://tinyurl.com/662pp - It can be done!
Fwd. by:
Editor : Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands
The Dutch author this far has worked abroad 4 decades for international media as a foreign correspondent, of which 10 years - also during Gulf War I - in the Arab World and the Middle East. At present 'Persona non Grata' in Holland :-)
Seeing worldwide that every bullet and every bomb breeds more terrorism! - What Bush stands for? Graves! - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/689ko - US Senator Hollings agrees: 'We have caused more terrorism than we have gotten rid of.' - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/2bqza
Colin Powell: 'It is not anti-Semitic to criticize the policies of the state of Israel' - as 'US Secretary of State' in a speech at the 'Conference on Anti-Semitism of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe' - German Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Berlin - April 28th - 2004 - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/22p6c
Former PM Wim Kok and other Dutch Govt's war criminals in Court - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/662pp - It can and must be done!
Help the troops come home! Url.: http://www.bringemhome.org - We need them badly to fight our so called 'governments' - Url.: http://www.bringthemhomenow.org/