His Excellency the war criminal...
by Henk Ruyssenaars
FPF - April 16 - 2005 - Dutch state secretary of Defense Van der Knaap wants people in government in the Netherlands to be treated with more respect. And he wants people - in what he calls 'higher positions" like him - to be adressed as "Your Excellency", as he explains in an interview published in dutch State paper 'de Volkskrant'.
A long time ago a friend at Wesleyan University (US) showed me Webster's 'Slang Dictionary', where under the term 'Dutch' a lot of negative things still are to be found: Dutch gold, Dutch, uncle, Dutch treat, doing the Dutch act, and the disgusting 'Dutch oven' among other things.* There's a new one for Websters: a war criminal can be called 'Dutch Excellency'.
"We must be treated with more respect", the 'secretary of defense' said, showing malplaced arrogant superiority to - and disdain of - those he apparently views as lower/unworthy. He must be feeling the heat of criticism in the Netherlands concerning the governments illegally taking part in the american warfare in Iraq, and the sending of special killer forces to Afghanistan.*
"It has more style if people must adress you with: Your Excellency" the illegally operating van der Knaap said: " It's fantastic, and creates some more distance to the people". It's known that the title - which officially was abolished in the sixties - is still used in the US trained Dutch military and within the ministry of defense. Confirming the old proverb that 'the bigger the crook, the fancier the title'.
Calling each other by first names is something the dutch defense secretary dislikes too. A good thing he wasn't at the US State Dept. last november, when Colin Powell introduced the disgusting Dutch NATO-US-stooge 'Secretary General' Jaap de Hoop Scheffer. Powell exclaiming at the start of the press conference: "So, Jaap, welcome. I invite you to say a few words." De Hoop Scheffer, this despicable two legged piece of shame for the Netherlands, didn't mind at all being called by his first name: Jaap.
As the top collaborator he is - like 'Your Excellency' above - NATO's 'Jaap der Schiffer' again licked all the beblooded boots and - as the incurably servile US housekeeper in NATO - had his say: " Mr. Secretary, Colin, thank you very much. It's a pleasure and a privilege for me to be back at the State Department to meet my former colleague and old friend. It's also, of course, a very important sign that I was the first foreign visitor, indeed, to meet President Bush in the Oval Office, showing the full and total commitment of the United States to the Transatlantic Alliance to NATO." [US State Dept. - Colin and Jaap - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/csrbz]
No wonder this NATO minion was first to see Bush: the US neocons want the NATO sheeple to share the responsibility for all war crimes, but also to pay still much more of the costs of all the illegal wars, in promise for help in future energy (oil/gas) needs. Sharing the illegally seized and by brutal force held cake, after the 'cakewalk' in Iraq? The reality being that - as a bad example - the 16 million people in the Netherlands for 95% are not aware of the total collaboration within the US/Israeli warmachine of the people running the country.
The Netherlands is de facto and de jure already for years taking part in many illegal US/Israeli actions, and will next monday (18-04-2005) again send more Special Forces to Afghanistan; all with a 'License to Kill'. To assist - as is planned, and for at least a year - in the inhumane and illegal American 'Destroy and Kill' actions, as dutch member of parliament Koenders confirmed.* Meaning that people like 'Your Excellency' van der Knaap and his colleague 'Excellency': the likewise criminal and brain dead minister of War 'Henk van der Kamp' - have signed their warrant for a one way ticket to the International Criminal Court in the Hague, the city where they daily do their misdeeds.
The Netherlands may be a small country on the map, but with it's colonies it is a very rich tax haven for all fraudulent big multinationals, and as such one of the the best partners of both the warmongering United States and Israel. The hypocritical 'christian' government and the real managers of Holland have already and for many decades taken part in the illegal operations* - keeping the tax paying populace as ignorant and brainwashed as is possible.
It can however be seen as a sign of mental health, that many people reacted negatively towards 'His Excellency' the state secretary. Who according to the law is a war criminal, and who doesn't see nor understand why he and his fellow warmongers have strangled any attitude of admiration or esteem people by mistake may ever have had for the lot. It's a clear case that the thinking part of the population has lost all respect for criminals like them a long time ago. Parliament party leader Dittrich (Lib) in a comment: "The man's making a fool of himself".
The US-Israeli neocons, their criminal fellow travelers and malignant media everywhere; advocating, fomenting and taking part in the present and fake 'War on Terror' - have forgotten what respect is.
Respect namely, is the objective, unbiased consideration and regard
for the rights, values, beliefs and property of all people.
Which the US-Israeli neocon warmongers globally rape...
Henk Ruyssenaars
Holland - an American 'Lapdog of War'
Url.: http://tinyurl.com/4dx6x
WHY KIDNAP AND KILL FRIENDS? Dutch also claim and use their ''License to Kill'' - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/9boh3
Dutch participation : secret deals and "nasty undertones"... - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/dk5ce
Van der Knaap - NU.nl - Story - in Dutch: Url.: http://tinyurl.com/8y8js
The NL ambassador, Iraq and the Washington Post - Published a month before the Iraq war started on March 19th 2003 on 22 Feb. 2003 - The link to the WP went dead immediately, but the reprint is at the above link, just scroll down for the Wash Post text - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/dk5ce
NATO Stooge Jaap, supported by World Bank War criminal Wolfowitz, Urges Europe
to Kill and Destroy in their War OF terror - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/8wlr8
important video too! - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/bqmx5
* Dutch 'Special Forces' Kill and Destroy for the US - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/6mpw2
* Afghanistan - Torturing and killing for 'Freedom'? - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/4nf2b
* AP - English - - Dutch F-16's at the Baghram base Url.: http://tinyurl.com/47zvr
* Dutch Air Force web site confirming F-16 arrival in Kabul (in Dutch) - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/4wc52
* Dutch in US slang - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/9yvym
Editor : Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands
*The Dutch author this far has worked abroad 4 decades for international media as a fully independent foreign correspondent, of which 10 years - also during Gulf War I - in the Arab World and the Middle East. Seeing worldwide that every bullet and every bomb breeds more terrorism !
*At present 'Persona non Grata' in Holland :-) - because:
He who travels far will often see things
Far removed from what he believed was the Truth.
When he talks about it in the fields at home,
He is often accused of lying,
For the obdurate people will not believe
Inexperience, I believe,
Will give little credence to my song.
'Journey to the East' - Hermann Hesse
*' The war in Iraq is illegal' says United Nation's Secretary General Kofi Annan in a BBC interview: txt+video - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/5pl2v
*England's legal advise by the Foreign Office: the Iraq war is a 'crime of aggression' - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/44nhn
*A 55' seconds 'sound bite' concerning the US-Israeli 'Dogs of War' - 'bringing democracy' everywhere. Url.: http://tinyurl.com/5u98v
*Imagine the good which could have been done with so much money - 'The $Cost of War' to the US - Url.: http://www.costofwar.com/
* Colin Powell: ''It is not anti-Semitic to criticize the policies of the state of Israel' - Said as 'US Secretary of State' in a speech at the 'Conference on Anti-Semitism of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe' German Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Berlin - April 28th - 2004 - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/22p6c
*Former PM Wim Kok and other Dutch Govt's War criminals in Court - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/662pp
*Sued: Defense Secretary Rumsfeld Over U.S. Torture Policies - Url. http://tinyurl.com/3tgo3
*It can and must be done !
*Help the troops come home! Url.: http://www.bringemhome.org - We need them badly to fight our so called 'governments'- Url.: http://www.bringthemhomenow.org/
FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.: http://liimirror.warwick.ac.uk/uscode/17/107.html
FPF - April 16 - 2005 - Dutch state secretary of Defense Van der Knaap wants people in government in the Netherlands to be treated with more respect. And he wants people - in what he calls 'higher positions" like him - to be adressed as "Your Excellency", as he explains in an interview published in dutch State paper 'de Volkskrant'.
A long time ago a friend at Wesleyan University (US) showed me Webster's 'Slang Dictionary', where under the term 'Dutch' a lot of negative things still are to be found: Dutch gold, Dutch, uncle, Dutch treat, doing the Dutch act, and the disgusting 'Dutch oven' among other things.* There's a new one for Websters: a war criminal can be called 'Dutch Excellency'.
"We must be treated with more respect", the 'secretary of defense' said, showing malplaced arrogant superiority to - and disdain of - those he apparently views as lower/unworthy. He must be feeling the heat of criticism in the Netherlands concerning the governments illegally taking part in the american warfare in Iraq, and the sending of special killer forces to Afghanistan.*
"It has more style if people must adress you with: Your Excellency" the illegally operating van der Knaap said: " It's fantastic, and creates some more distance to the people". It's known that the title - which officially was abolished in the sixties - is still used in the US trained Dutch military and within the ministry of defense. Confirming the old proverb that 'the bigger the crook, the fancier the title'.
Calling each other by first names is something the dutch defense secretary dislikes too. A good thing he wasn't at the US State Dept. last november, when Colin Powell introduced the disgusting Dutch NATO-US-stooge 'Secretary General' Jaap de Hoop Scheffer. Powell exclaiming at the start of the press conference: "So, Jaap, welcome. I invite you to say a few words." De Hoop Scheffer, this despicable two legged piece of shame for the Netherlands, didn't mind at all being called by his first name: Jaap.
As the top collaborator he is - like 'Your Excellency' above - NATO's 'Jaap der Schiffer' again licked all the beblooded boots and - as the incurably servile US housekeeper in NATO - had his say: " Mr. Secretary, Colin, thank you very much. It's a pleasure and a privilege for me to be back at the State Department to meet my former colleague and old friend. It's also, of course, a very important sign that I was the first foreign visitor, indeed, to meet President Bush in the Oval Office, showing the full and total commitment of the United States to the Transatlantic Alliance to NATO." [US State Dept. - Colin and Jaap - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/csrbz]
No wonder this NATO minion was first to see Bush: the US neocons want the NATO sheeple to share the responsibility for all war crimes, but also to pay still much more of the costs of all the illegal wars, in promise for help in future energy (oil/gas) needs. Sharing the illegally seized and by brutal force held cake, after the 'cakewalk' in Iraq? The reality being that - as a bad example - the 16 million people in the Netherlands for 95% are not aware of the total collaboration within the US/Israeli warmachine of the people running the country.
The Netherlands is de facto and de jure already for years taking part in many illegal US/Israeli actions, and will next monday (18-04-2005) again send more Special Forces to Afghanistan; all with a 'License to Kill'. To assist - as is planned, and for at least a year - in the inhumane and illegal American 'Destroy and Kill' actions, as dutch member of parliament Koenders confirmed.* Meaning that people like 'Your Excellency' van der Knaap and his colleague 'Excellency': the likewise criminal and brain dead minister of War 'Henk van der Kamp' - have signed their warrant for a one way ticket to the International Criminal Court in the Hague, the city where they daily do their misdeeds.
The Netherlands may be a small country on the map, but with it's colonies it is a very rich tax haven for all fraudulent big multinationals, and as such one of the the best partners of both the warmongering United States and Israel. The hypocritical 'christian' government and the real managers of Holland have already and for many decades taken part in the illegal operations* - keeping the tax paying populace as ignorant and brainwashed as is possible.
It can however be seen as a sign of mental health, that many people reacted negatively towards 'His Excellency' the state secretary. Who according to the law is a war criminal, and who doesn't see nor understand why he and his fellow warmongers have strangled any attitude of admiration or esteem people by mistake may ever have had for the lot. It's a clear case that the thinking part of the population has lost all respect for criminals like them a long time ago. Parliament party leader Dittrich (Lib) in a comment: "The man's making a fool of himself".
The US-Israeli neocons, their criminal fellow travelers and malignant media everywhere; advocating, fomenting and taking part in the present and fake 'War on Terror' - have forgotten what respect is.
Respect namely, is the objective, unbiased consideration and regard
for the rights, values, beliefs and property of all people.
Which the US-Israeli neocon warmongers globally rape...
Henk Ruyssenaars
Holland - an American 'Lapdog of War'
Url.: http://tinyurl.com/4dx6x
WHY KIDNAP AND KILL FRIENDS? Dutch also claim and use their ''License to Kill'' - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/9boh3
Dutch participation : secret deals and "nasty undertones"... - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/dk5ce
Van der Knaap - NU.nl - Story - in Dutch: Url.: http://tinyurl.com/8y8js
The NL ambassador, Iraq and the Washington Post - Published a month before the Iraq war started on March 19th 2003 on 22 Feb. 2003 - The link to the WP went dead immediately, but the reprint is at the above link, just scroll down for the Wash Post text - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/dk5ce
NATO Stooge Jaap, supported by World Bank War criminal Wolfowitz, Urges Europe
to Kill and Destroy in their War OF terror - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/8wlr8
important video too! - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/bqmx5
* Dutch 'Special Forces' Kill and Destroy for the US - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/6mpw2
* Afghanistan - Torturing and killing for 'Freedom'? - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/4nf2b
* AP - English - - Dutch F-16's at the Baghram base Url.: http://tinyurl.com/47zvr
* Dutch Air Force web site confirming F-16 arrival in Kabul (in Dutch) - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/4wc52
* Dutch in US slang - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/9yvym
Editor : Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands
*The Dutch author this far has worked abroad 4 decades for international media as a fully independent foreign correspondent, of which 10 years - also during Gulf War I - in the Arab World and the Middle East. Seeing worldwide that every bullet and every bomb breeds more terrorism !
*At present 'Persona non Grata' in Holland :-) - because:
He who travels far will often see things
Far removed from what he believed was the Truth.
When he talks about it in the fields at home,
He is often accused of lying,
For the obdurate people will not believe
Inexperience, I believe,
Will give little credence to my song.
'Journey to the East' - Hermann Hesse
*' The war in Iraq is illegal' says United Nation's Secretary General Kofi Annan in a BBC interview: txt+video - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/5pl2v
*England's legal advise by the Foreign Office: the Iraq war is a 'crime of aggression' - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/44nhn
*A 55' seconds 'sound bite' concerning the US-Israeli 'Dogs of War' - 'bringing democracy' everywhere. Url.: http://tinyurl.com/5u98v
*Imagine the good which could have been done with so much money - 'The $Cost of War' to the US - Url.: http://www.costofwar.com/
* Colin Powell: ''It is not anti-Semitic to criticize the policies of the state of Israel' - Said as 'US Secretary of State' in a speech at the 'Conference on Anti-Semitism of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe' German Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Berlin - April 28th - 2004 - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/22p6c
*Former PM Wim Kok and other Dutch Govt's War criminals in Court - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/662pp
*Sued: Defense Secretary Rumsfeld Over U.S. Torture Policies - Url. http://tinyurl.com/3tgo3
*It can and must be done !
*Help the troops come home! Url.: http://www.bringemhome.org - We need them badly to fight our so called 'governments'- Url.: http://www.bringthemhomenow.org/
FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.: http://liimirror.warwick.ac.uk/uscode/17/107.html