Like Iraq: US Spy agency faked key Vietnam War data
THE NEW WORLD ORDER & CIA FAKES DU JOUR: Lockerbie & the Tonkin Incident
by Henk Ruyssenaars
Amsterdam - Nov. 1st - 2005 - Most of us will without any hesitation agree with what ninety-four percent of the people voting in an MSNBC poll* say: that George Bush and his 'advisers' via their disinforming - and thus likewise guilty - media, misled the US and 't's collaborating nations - like The Netherlands - to go to war with Iraq.
And most of us know as well about the CIA's twist given to the tragic Lockerbie crash in 1988, which was turned into a false accusation and used by the US to bomb Libya and blackmail them into paying, to avoid further sanctions and get back in the international fold of trade criminals.*
And again the falsification of facts by the CIA/NSA for political reasons [like in Iraq] in the story on the Vietnam 'Tonkin Gulf incident' below,* starting the inhumane ruthless killing for politics and profit of millions of people - with also biological and chemical weapons like Agent Orange - in South East Asia, is confirming again what many know too: "One of America's spy agencies faked key intelligence used to justify its intervention in the Vietnam War, it was disclosed yesterday. But the revelation was kept secret by the National Security Agency, partly because of fears that it would boost criticism of the intelligence services over the war in Iraq."
But: aren't we paying all those 'civil servants' and the myriad of spooks with our taxes? And then they do things like this to us: their bosses, whom they should work for? The people we pay, lying to us again and again? Time to fire all criminals! Not only the NYTimes 'Judas' Miller.
Not only has the English police started confirming the fake by the CIA and other crooks and spooks*- the families of some of the victims of the disaster now say they think the whole Lockerbie process with Scottish judges held in Kamp Zeist in shamelessly collaborating The Netherlands - was wrong and is ''a miscarriage of justice''.
Important is that the victims families in this case use the same phrase as in this earlier quote: "This has been a political court case, where the verdict already was decided upon in advance", a shocked Professor Köchler - UN-Observer at the Scottish Lockerbie Court in the Netherlands - stated: "A spectacular miscarriage of justice."* Megrahi was the only person convicted by the fraudulent Scottish judges in their 'Soviet style Cold War Show-process', as professor Köchler rightly called it.*
But here's announced in the article on Lockerbie how the spooky magicians in the US, Israel, England and Germany in the Lockerbie case are wrangling to hide the fakes, lies and by them enlarged tragedy, as is shown in the item: on condition that the appeal is dropped, where evidence of many of the blatant secret service fakes and blunders would be tabled, the innocently accused and jailed Megrahi may go home to Tripoli. Blair's law-slaves just made a law making this possible.
And all the lying, cheating and blackmailing criminal creeps involved can keep their salaries? Why did nobody - like the official prosecutors supposedly knowing about jurisdiction - ever react and protest this Kangoroo Court, this global shame in The Netherlands, where the 'show process' took place? Now, and according to the law, they are all guilty by association, obstruction of justice, and should be punished by law.
In the Lockerbie article the poison is like with scorpions in the tail: 'New evidence is due to be presented in an appeal to the Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commission next year. However, there are now also unconfirmed reports that discussions involving officials from Britain, the US and Libya have been held over the possibility of returning Megrahi to Libya on condition that the appeal is dropped.''
News consumers today can enjoy the latest revelations concerning policy and lies like in the Telegraph: "Spy agency faked key Vietnam War data" it says, and: "One of America's spy agencies faked key intelligence used to justify its intervention in the Vietnam War, it was disclosed yesterday.
But the revelation was kept secret by the National Security Agency, partly because of fears that it would boost criticism of the intelligence services over the war in Iraq. According to material uncovered by the NSA's own historian, Robert Hanyok, middle-ranking officers altered material relating to the Gulf of Tonkin incident. Two US destroyers, Maddox and Turner Joy, were attacked by North Vietnamese craft in the gulf on Aug. 2 1964.
Two days later, amid bad weather and considerable confusion in the US chain of command, Maddox reported that she had been fired on a second time. Although its commander soon cast doubt on the reports, signals intelligence reported that the North Vietnamese admitted "we sacrificed two ships".
In revenge President Lyndon Johnson ordered air raids against North Vietnamese naval facilities and Congress authorised "all necessary steps including the use of armed force" to defend South Vietnam. But Mr. Hanyok found that timings on key intelligence intercepts had been changed and the "two ships" probably referred to the loss of two sailors in the first attack.
Fabricated & Covered up
He blamed middle-ranking staff who realised the NSA's mistakes almost immediately but covered them up, not for political reasons, but to hide the original mistakes. At the time, senior administration officials cited the faked paperwork in testimony before Congress.
It has even been suggested that President Johnson was so keen to deploy troops that he fabricated the whole episode.
More than 58,000 Americans and a million Vietnamese died in the ensuing conflict.
[end item] - CIA/NSA Vietnam story at - Url.:
MSNBC - Poll: Ninety-four (94) percent believes that George Bush and the neocon media mislead the nation to go to war with Iraq - Url.:
English police confirming the fake by the CIA - Url.:
'The Scotsman' - some articles on the Lockerbie scandal - Url.:
''Lockerbie families query judgment'' story - Url.:
Google News on the subject - Url.:
FPF: 'Lockerbie : $2.7 billion Sham and Shame' - "A spectacular miscarriage of justice" - Amsterdam - Aug. 17th - 2003 - Url.:
In the US 'caring for the poor people' is fake too: The Washington Post - a pro Bush neocon paper has to print it: "In what may turn out to be one of the biggest free-falls in the history of presidential polling, President Bush's job approval rating among African Americans has dropped to 2 percent, according to a new NBC/Wall Street Journal poll. - Url.:
Editor : Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands
FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.:
by Henk Ruyssenaars
Amsterdam - Nov. 1st - 2005 - Most of us will without any hesitation agree with what ninety-four percent of the people voting in an MSNBC poll* say: that George Bush and his 'advisers' via their disinforming - and thus likewise guilty - media, misled the US and 't's collaborating nations - like The Netherlands - to go to war with Iraq.
And most of us know as well about the CIA's twist given to the tragic Lockerbie crash in 1988, which was turned into a false accusation and used by the US to bomb Libya and blackmail them into paying, to avoid further sanctions and get back in the international fold of trade criminals.*
And again the falsification of facts by the CIA/NSA for political reasons [like in Iraq] in the story on the Vietnam 'Tonkin Gulf incident' below,* starting the inhumane ruthless killing for politics and profit of millions of people - with also biological and chemical weapons like Agent Orange - in South East Asia, is confirming again what many know too: "One of America's spy agencies faked key intelligence used to justify its intervention in the Vietnam War, it was disclosed yesterday. But the revelation was kept secret by the National Security Agency, partly because of fears that it would boost criticism of the intelligence services over the war in Iraq."
But: aren't we paying all those 'civil servants' and the myriad of spooks with our taxes? And then they do things like this to us: their bosses, whom they should work for? The people we pay, lying to us again and again? Time to fire all criminals! Not only the NYTimes 'Judas' Miller.
Not only has the English police started confirming the fake by the CIA and other crooks and spooks*- the families of some of the victims of the disaster now say they think the whole Lockerbie process with Scottish judges held in Kamp Zeist in shamelessly collaborating The Netherlands - was wrong and is ''a miscarriage of justice''.
Important is that the victims families in this case use the same phrase as in this earlier quote: "This has been a political court case, where the verdict already was decided upon in advance", a shocked Professor Köchler - UN-Observer at the Scottish Lockerbie Court in the Netherlands - stated: "A spectacular miscarriage of justice."* Megrahi was the only person convicted by the fraudulent Scottish judges in their 'Soviet style Cold War Show-process', as professor Köchler rightly called it.*
But here's announced in the article on Lockerbie how the spooky magicians in the US, Israel, England and Germany in the Lockerbie case are wrangling to hide the fakes, lies and by them enlarged tragedy, as is shown in the item: on condition that the appeal is dropped, where evidence of many of the blatant secret service fakes and blunders would be tabled, the innocently accused and jailed Megrahi may go home to Tripoli. Blair's law-slaves just made a law making this possible.
And all the lying, cheating and blackmailing criminal creeps involved can keep their salaries? Why did nobody - like the official prosecutors supposedly knowing about jurisdiction - ever react and protest this Kangoroo Court, this global shame in The Netherlands, where the 'show process' took place? Now, and according to the law, they are all guilty by association, obstruction of justice, and should be punished by law.
In the Lockerbie article the poison is like with scorpions in the tail: 'New evidence is due to be presented in an appeal to the Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commission next year. However, there are now also unconfirmed reports that discussions involving officials from Britain, the US and Libya have been held over the possibility of returning Megrahi to Libya on condition that the appeal is dropped.''
News consumers today can enjoy the latest revelations concerning policy and lies like in the Telegraph: "Spy agency faked key Vietnam War data" it says, and: "One of America's spy agencies faked key intelligence used to justify its intervention in the Vietnam War, it was disclosed yesterday.
But the revelation was kept secret by the National Security Agency, partly because of fears that it would boost criticism of the intelligence services over the war in Iraq. According to material uncovered by the NSA's own historian, Robert Hanyok, middle-ranking officers altered material relating to the Gulf of Tonkin incident. Two US destroyers, Maddox and Turner Joy, were attacked by North Vietnamese craft in the gulf on Aug. 2 1964.
Two days later, amid bad weather and considerable confusion in the US chain of command, Maddox reported that she had been fired on a second time. Although its commander soon cast doubt on the reports, signals intelligence reported that the North Vietnamese admitted "we sacrificed two ships".
In revenge President Lyndon Johnson ordered air raids against North Vietnamese naval facilities and Congress authorised "all necessary steps including the use of armed force" to defend South Vietnam. But Mr. Hanyok found that timings on key intelligence intercepts had been changed and the "two ships" probably referred to the loss of two sailors in the first attack.
Fabricated & Covered up
He blamed middle-ranking staff who realised the NSA's mistakes almost immediately but covered them up, not for political reasons, but to hide the original mistakes. At the time, senior administration officials cited the faked paperwork in testimony before Congress.
It has even been suggested that President Johnson was so keen to deploy troops that he fabricated the whole episode.
More than 58,000 Americans and a million Vietnamese died in the ensuing conflict.
[end item] - CIA/NSA Vietnam story at - Url.:
MSNBC - Poll: Ninety-four (94) percent believes that George Bush and the neocon media mislead the nation to go to war with Iraq - Url.:
English police confirming the fake by the CIA - Url.:
'The Scotsman' - some articles on the Lockerbie scandal - Url.:
''Lockerbie families query judgment'' story - Url.:
Google News on the subject - Url.:
FPF: 'Lockerbie : $2.7 billion Sham and Shame' - "A spectacular miscarriage of justice" - Amsterdam - Aug. 17th - 2003 - Url.:
In the US 'caring for the poor people' is fake too: The Washington Post - a pro Bush neocon paper has to print it: "In what may turn out to be one of the biggest free-falls in the history of presidential polling, President Bush's job approval rating among African Americans has dropped to 2 percent, according to a new NBC/Wall Street Journal poll. - Url.:
Editor : Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands
FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.: