Blaming Internet for Jihad, bombings & resistance
by Henk Ruyssenaars
FPF - July 12th -2005 - The US's - and globally similar main$tream media - proceed advocating 'regulation' of Internet more and more, which is a bad omen. In an article*- today in the formerly respected American neocon paper 'The Christian Science Monitor', it is even referred to as a fact that 'Iraq and Internet fuel the growth of the 'global jihad', as the resistance against the present wars of occupation is called. The regulation/censorship will be justified by menacingly asking: "Or do you want small children to see porno, or to support the terrorists?"
The media preparing the people for the idea that Internet must be closed soon, 'being a part of the global jihad' - against the US, Israel, and their collaborators in their 'War Of Terror'. And that's why, they'll explain: 'the Pentagon's Net' has to take over. Of course it will get a Newspeak name, euphamisms like 'The Inter Peace Net' or 'Liberators Forum'...
Step #1 in the government take over will be the 'international identification card' - which among many other things - also must be used to start any computer, identifying the user. The respective governments literally 'deal the cards' by 'chipping' and licensing all ID cards.
The danger of all information which is spread on millions of web sites by 'Bloggers' and other cyberwriters who are specialized in many amazing fields, is a growing danger to the lies and deceptions fabricated by 'The Lie Factory', which globally tries to further 'wash' the brains of good willing people. []
President Bush has signed an $82 billion military spending bill, that will, in part, create electronically readable, federally approved ID cards for all Americans. The House of Representatives overwhelmingly approved the package - which includes the Real ID Act - one can read on this site*, followed by the question: What does the new ID mean for me?
Quote: "Starting three years from now, if you live or work in the United States, you'll need a federally
approved ID card to travel on an airplane, open a bank account, collect Social Security payments, or take
advantage of nearly any government service. Practically speaking, your driver's license likely will have to
be re-issued to meet federal standards."
And, you know what? 'They' hold the key to your life and movements: from home to hospital and from bureau to bank. Because they can program the card the way they want; and what they think 'you should or should not do', and that should make a hell lot of people think. Think what you can use a chip-card like that for: it's a hundred times more than you do with a credit card now: and very easily blocked or not renewed by the issuers. Who may not be your friends.
The ID card will also be the 'driving license' for Internet, and as some kind of proof/statement that Internet in it's uncontrolled present form is dangerous, this is presented: "The world is just starting to understand the real influence of the Internet as an open university of jihad,'' says Reuven Paz, the head of the Project for the Research of Islamic Movements in Israel. That's the same country - Israel - which has been tapping globally, not only in the US, all telephone and Internet connections for their own intelligence and business benefits.
Under the title "Dutch tapping room not Kosher" the Israeli's dark activities have been many times and well described: ''The discussion focusses on the tapping installations for telephony and internet delivered to the government in the last few years by the Israeli company Verint.'' Like in the US was done - Url.:
In November 19, 2004 an interesting story appeared on the US information spreader UPI, about the
Pentagon's Internet was published by Gene Koprowski under the caption: "Pentagon's Private Internet''
datelined Chicago Nov. 17th: (UPI) -- The Pentagon has begun a massive program -- whose budget
dwarfs the Manhattan Project to build the first atomic bomb - to install its own encrypted, private
computer network designed to connect every HumVee, helicopter and human in the military.
Called the Global Information Grid, or GIG, the Pentagon is budgeting approximately $200 billion on the network-centric warfare project over the coming decade, which is intended to give soldiers and sailors bandwidth on the battlefield powerful enough to download three full-length motion pictures in a few seconds. "The old way of making war does not work anymore," said Wolfgang Gentzsch, managing director for grid computing at MCNC, a computer research firm in Research Triangle Park, N.C. [end quote] - Url.:
So now the blame also rests on the shoulders of all those intelligent Bloggers, Internet writers and surfers as the neocon christians in their Science Monitor see it: "America and its allies are now facing a multifront war: In Iraq, which is turning out a new generation of Arab jihadis; in Europe, where Muslim admirers of Al Qaeda are embracing the cause because of anger over the Iraq war; and on the Internet, which has become a megaphone for radical jihadi ideologies."
To silence the 'megaphone' as critical voices are called by the 'powers that be', they use repression: "Last 27th of June the police raided a residential property in Bristol and seized an Indymedia* server and other computer equipment. They also arrested one person for incitement to criminal damage under common law. That person has since been released on bail. We see this police action as an attack on the freedom of speech and journalistic
This is the second time that law enforcement authorities have attacked Indymedia servers in the UK in the run up to a major event. Last October, just prior to the European Social Forum, Indymedia servers in London were seized in an international law enforcement operation - prompting a wave of protests and solidarity statements from a wide range of organizations [report]. This time, events were unfolding one week before the G8." Or before the circus around the 'Blasts in London' started. That's why we must keep Internet as free as is possible, and have alternative 'servers' at the ready...
Because, any real cyber publicist or journalist willing to inform the people, of course remembers Arthur Wellesley, the Duke of Wellington. When his favorite courtesan Harriette Wilson threatened to publish her memoirs and his letters, he spoke the for every writer and journalist - on Internet or elsewhere - sacred words:
Publish and be damned!
Henk Ruyssenaars
[end item] - Story - Url.:
What does the new ID mean for me? - Url.:
Bristol Indymedia computers seized - Url.:
Problems with 'Indymedia Japan and 'Ronin' journalists' - Url.:
Example of an Islamic web site - Url.:
FPF + Horrible Newspeak agencies - Url.:
Editor : Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands
* is mobilizing a massive impeachment contingent at the huge
September 24, 2005 anti-war March on Washington. Assemble at 12 noon at
the White House. Sign up here to learn about the plans of the impeachment
movement in the next month - Url.:
*Colin Powell: ''It is not anti-Semitic to criticize the policies of the
state of Israel' - Said as 'US Secretary of State' in a speech at the
'Conference on Anti-Semitism of the Organization for Security and
Cooperation in Europe' German Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Berlin
- April 28th - 2004 - Url.:
*Help the troops come home! Url.:
- We need them badly to fight our so called 'governments' - Url.:
FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.:
FPF - July 12th -2005 - The US's - and globally similar main$tream media - proceed advocating 'regulation' of Internet more and more, which is a bad omen. In an article*- today in the formerly respected American neocon paper 'The Christian Science Monitor', it is even referred to as a fact that 'Iraq and Internet fuel the growth of the 'global jihad', as the resistance against the present wars of occupation is called. The regulation/censorship will be justified by menacingly asking: "Or do you want small children to see porno, or to support the terrorists?"
The media preparing the people for the idea that Internet must be closed soon, 'being a part of the global jihad' - against the US, Israel, and their collaborators in their 'War Of Terror'. And that's why, they'll explain: 'the Pentagon's Net' has to take over. Of course it will get a Newspeak name, euphamisms like 'The Inter Peace Net' or 'Liberators Forum'...
Step #1 in the government take over will be the 'international identification card' - which among many other things - also must be used to start any computer, identifying the user. The respective governments literally 'deal the cards' by 'chipping' and licensing all ID cards.
The danger of all information which is spread on millions of web sites by 'Bloggers' and other cyberwriters who are specialized in many amazing fields, is a growing danger to the lies and deceptions fabricated by 'The Lie Factory', which globally tries to further 'wash' the brains of good willing people. []
President Bush has signed an $82 billion military spending bill, that will, in part, create electronically readable, federally approved ID cards for all Americans. The House of Representatives overwhelmingly approved the package - which includes the Real ID Act - one can read on this site*, followed by the question: What does the new ID mean for me?
Quote: "Starting three years from now, if you live or work in the United States, you'll need a federally
approved ID card to travel on an airplane, open a bank account, collect Social Security payments, or take
advantage of nearly any government service. Practically speaking, your driver's license likely will have to
be re-issued to meet federal standards."
And, you know what? 'They' hold the key to your life and movements: from home to hospital and from bureau to bank. Because they can program the card the way they want; and what they think 'you should or should not do', and that should make a hell lot of people think. Think what you can use a chip-card like that for: it's a hundred times more than you do with a credit card now: and very easily blocked or not renewed by the issuers. Who may not be your friends.
The ID card will also be the 'driving license' for Internet, and as some kind of proof/statement that Internet in it's uncontrolled present form is dangerous, this is presented: "The world is just starting to understand the real influence of the Internet as an open university of jihad,'' says Reuven Paz, the head of the Project for the Research of Islamic Movements in Israel. That's the same country - Israel - which has been tapping globally, not only in the US, all telephone and Internet connections for their own intelligence and business benefits.
Under the title "Dutch tapping room not Kosher" the Israeli's dark activities have been many times and well described: ''The discussion focusses on the tapping installations for telephony and internet delivered to the government in the last few years by the Israeli company Verint.'' Like in the US was done - Url.:
In November 19, 2004 an interesting story appeared on the US information spreader UPI, about the
Pentagon's Internet was published by Gene Koprowski under the caption: "Pentagon's Private Internet''
datelined Chicago Nov. 17th: (UPI) -- The Pentagon has begun a massive program -- whose budget
dwarfs the Manhattan Project to build the first atomic bomb - to install its own encrypted, private
computer network designed to connect every HumVee, helicopter and human in the military.
Called the Global Information Grid, or GIG, the Pentagon is budgeting approximately $200 billion on the network-centric warfare project over the coming decade, which is intended to give soldiers and sailors bandwidth on the battlefield powerful enough to download three full-length motion pictures in a few seconds. "The old way of making war does not work anymore," said Wolfgang Gentzsch, managing director for grid computing at MCNC, a computer research firm in Research Triangle Park, N.C. [end quote] - Url.:
So now the blame also rests on the shoulders of all those intelligent Bloggers, Internet writers and surfers as the neocon christians in their Science Monitor see it: "America and its allies are now facing a multifront war: In Iraq, which is turning out a new generation of Arab jihadis; in Europe, where Muslim admirers of Al Qaeda are embracing the cause because of anger over the Iraq war; and on the Internet, which has become a megaphone for radical jihadi ideologies."
To silence the 'megaphone' as critical voices are called by the 'powers that be', they use repression: "Last 27th of June the police raided a residential property in Bristol and seized an Indymedia* server and other computer equipment. They also arrested one person for incitement to criminal damage under common law. That person has since been released on bail. We see this police action as an attack on the freedom of speech and journalistic
This is the second time that law enforcement authorities have attacked Indymedia servers in the UK in the run up to a major event. Last October, just prior to the European Social Forum, Indymedia servers in London were seized in an international law enforcement operation - prompting a wave of protests and solidarity statements from a wide range of organizations [report]. This time, events were unfolding one week before the G8." Or before the circus around the 'Blasts in London' started. That's why we must keep Internet as free as is possible, and have alternative 'servers' at the ready...
Because, any real cyber publicist or journalist willing to inform the people, of course remembers Arthur Wellesley, the Duke of Wellington. When his favorite courtesan Harriette Wilson threatened to publish her memoirs and his letters, he spoke the for every writer and journalist - on Internet or elsewhere - sacred words:
Publish and be damned!
Henk Ruyssenaars
[end item] - Story - Url.:
What does the new ID mean for me? - Url.:
Bristol Indymedia computers seized - Url.:
Problems with 'Indymedia Japan and 'Ronin' journalists' - Url.:
Example of an Islamic web site - Url.:
FPF + Horrible Newspeak agencies - Url.:
Editor : Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands
* is mobilizing a massive impeachment contingent at the huge
September 24, 2005 anti-war March on Washington. Assemble at 12 noon at
the White House. Sign up here to learn about the plans of the impeachment
movement in the next month - Url.:
*Colin Powell: ''It is not anti-Semitic to criticize the policies of the
state of Israel' - Said as 'US Secretary of State' in a speech at the
'Conference on Anti-Semitism of the Organization for Security and
Cooperation in Europe' German Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Berlin
- April 28th - 2004 - Url.:
*Help the troops come home! Url.:
- We need them badly to fight our so called 'governments' - Url.:
FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.: